Chapter 9

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Black. That is what I saw. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. What was that noise? Are those footsteps? Where am I? What happened to the warehouse? What...?

"Ouch!!!" I yelped as I felt something cold slice through my arm. The icy sensation was soon replaced by a burning and hot feeling as blood gushed down my arm.

I jumped up, recognizing the voice of a villain: my uncle. His chuckle gave him one else on the face of the earth could laugh as maniacally and menacing as he.

The lights flickered on and went out almost as instantaneously. Yet in that brief span of time I managed to see that I was in my uncle's lair and there he was standing but ten feet in front of me.

I made as to run and hope to find my way out, but before I could lift a foot, I heard him laugh and say, "Don't even try it niece...for you are bound to the wall." I looked down and noticed two metal cuffs on my wrists as the lights flickered on and this time stayed that way. Both cuffs were attached to different chains that were then attached to the wall behind me. He laughed again, longer and louder than before.

By now I was seething with anger. "You heartless monster!" I growled through locked teeth.

As he heard what I had said, he turned his beady and bloodshot eyes on me. He stared at me for a second before he parted his lips slowly into a grin. I felt the chains on my wrists grow tight. They pulled at me until I stumbled back, eventually pulling me into the wall. I couldn't move. Still smiling at me he hissed, "Die." As soon as that word had escaped his lips, he charged me.

He pulled out his sword as he ran toward me. He got closer and closer. I tried to move but I couldn't do it. He pointed the sword toward my stomach, still charging me.
I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the blade jab my stomach and pierce my skin, sliding farther into my body and...

I woke up screaming, drenched in sweat and still perspiring profusely. A dream? It was just a dream? But it was so real. I thought, trying to catch my breath and calm my frayed nerves.

There was no way I could sleep after that. I got up and peeked out the was already sense in going back to sleep now. Besides, it was Saturday morning and the girls would be here any minute to begin their training.

Shuddering at the memory of the dream, I closed the door and started my morning meditation.

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