Chapter 7

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I walked around aimlessly looking for a house, a bridge, anything that I could find for shelter. I swear I walked all night, avoiding streetlights and using every stealth trick I could to STAY HIDEN. I didn't want my uncle to discover me wandering around and attack me in the middle of a street. That would be bad because A.) people would see us and discover that there really may be another ninja "clan" in New York other than the pack and B.) I don't want to be attacked period!

Finally, as dawn was breaking on the horizon, I managed to find an old abandoned warehouse. "Perfect!" I thought to myself. I could totally work with this warehouse. I began to work with the warehouse by making it somewhat my own from what I could find in the trash. Luckily, I found enough of everything I needed in the trash. I even found a jackknife. I could create a makeshift training dojo. I had also been lucky enough to find a box of perfectly good, unused bandages to put on my cheek.

I needed to practice what I had been taught about martial arts AND I needed to train my own followers...I knew just the people for the job...Ria, Karly,and Sophia.

That night I slunk through the city like some sly fox on the loose. I looked at every shadow, every moving object in the darkness. I had to be extremely careful. I couldn't risk leading my uncle to their houses by accident. I knew that the girls would be at Karly's was Friday night after all.

I knocked on the door and heard Karly yell, "I'll get it!"

When she opened the door her face lit up. "Nicky! Come on in." I knew she was happy to see me but I could also tell she was eyeing my bandaged cheek with suspicion.

She led me upstairs where the other girls were whispering. When they looked up and saw me I could tell that they were talking about me. No doubt Ria was probably telling Sophia about my plan to free I wasn't going to think about that. "Stay strong...don't cry..." I thought to myself.

Ria immediately piped up, her face clouding over. "Nicky...did your plan work?" She asked.

My eyes welled with tears and they dripped in little streams down my face. I couldn't hold it. My body immediately became racked with sobs. I cried and cried. The girls huddled around me, trying to comfort me. I gasped and gulped for air, while I cried. I wept until I had no tears left.

When I finally calmed down, the girls all hugged me, not saying a word, knowing that words would only make me cry again. They sat back waiting for me to explain. My breathing was jagged. Taking a deep breath I told them what had happened, including what had happened to my face. They all clapped their hands over their mouths as I told them that my parents had been murdered.

"I'm sorry, if I would have know I wouldn't have asked." She breathed her hands shaking as she set them on her knees, clutching the dark, denim fabric of her jeans as if her life depended on holding onto it.

After I had fully regained my composure I brought up a question that shocked them all, "Girls I can't do this alone. I'm going to need backup if my uncle attacks me. Can I train you in martial arts?"

TADA!!!! Until the next update my peeps!!!

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