Chapter 6

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated lately...there's a lot going on. Especially with school going and volleyball practice! So I'm going to do a double update!!! Thanks for waiting!!!

I followed the liquid over to the couch...until it made a puddle. With shaking hands I looked up.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed in horror. A high pitched, shrill, bloodcurdling scream.

There on the couch lay my parents...dead. Their throats had been cut in a vehement nature from ear to ear.

At this point I was shaking from alarm...then from anger. Hot tears streamed down my face. My uncle! This was his doing. I was in the middle of thinking when an icy voice cut through the horrific silence.


My uncle...his voice sent chills up my spine like the icy breath of winter. "You did this....!" I growled through my teeth not turning to face him, but rather glancing over my shoulder and shooting him a glare as icy and hard as his voice.

"Aren't you a smart one? If you're so smart then why am I here?"

"You're here to torment me over my parents' deaths..." I answered hesitantly, my words dripped with poison as I spat them from my mouth...vile, cruel words.

"Wrong." My uncle sighed as he leaned against the wall grinning maliciously. "I'm here to finish what I started...I'm here to kill you..." He spat, his grin widening. All of a sudden he leapt nimbly from his position against the wall. Attacking me with all his force, he pushed down on me and forced me to drop to one knee.

I held my ground and fought back as best as I could. He was an excellent fighter as was I,  although he was better and more experienced in planning his moves, but I had something he didn't, I had quick thinking and reflexes and cunning. He may be good at planning things out but I was good at creating ideas on the spot...going with the flow.

I continued to fight until I found an opening to escape. I charged my uncle, who was standing in front of a doorway. As I came within an arm's length from him, I dropped to my knees and slid on them, leaning my body backwards as I slid so I could fit between his legs. I slid under him and out the doorway, then I jumped up and ran, not looking back. I sped to my room and slid open the window so I could jump out.

I wasn't sure if I could make it to the streetlight two stories below me in one jump, if I could make it I could get to the street below without hurting myself. My room was on the third level of our magnificent house. My father was a very successful doctor, this allowed us to have such a beautiful house and be in a quiet area of the community.

I was in the middle of deciding whether I could make it or not when my uncle burst into the room, his sword drawn. I looked back and as I did I felt a cold sensation sweep across my cheek, then a hot liquid poured from my face. My uncle had swung his sword at me, slicing my cheek. He had missed my neck when I turned to look behind me.

It was now or never. I crouched and jumped out the window, hoping and praying I would make it. My heart beat wildly as I neared the streetlight. "Will I make it?" I thought to myself.

I fell through the air closer and closer to the streetlight. Just then my hands touched metal. I gripped hard with my hands as a wave of relief hit me. I had grabbed the streetlight's curved upper bar.

I swung around the bar in a full circle to use some of the momentum I had acquired before leaping from the bar. I hit the ground, did a handspring, and ran. I looked over my shoulder, as I ran, in time to see my house being devoured by flames. I ran and ran, ran as far as I could until my lungs begged me to stop and rest.

So here I am walking down an alley in the dark; cold, wet, and alone. I must be careful. I must be on the lookout for the pack. Now what am I going to do? Shelter, yes shelter, I must find shelter.

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