Chapter 1

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Ok we start off with chapter 1. Enjoy!!!

It all started 15 years ago, when I was just a baby. My father and my uncle never got along, but they tolerated each other. That is, they tolerated each other until my grandfather died all those 15 years ago.

My grandfather saw potential in my father, but this was not so in my uncle. You see my uncle is a crafty man and not only is he crafty but his heart holds a dark streak within it. My grandfather saw this and so he gave everything to my father when he died. He wanted no part of the bad deeds he saw my uncle capable of committing, even in death.
My uncle was furious. Since then he has become detached from our family and society...from that day on he became known as The Black Wolf. He returned to attack our family with a small army he had forged himself. He trained his men in the martial arts and secrecy.

His attack threw us off guard but in the end when the dust cleared, my father had succeeded and was the victor of this battle. He walked away from my wounded uncle leaving him to live in his dishonor.

As my father walked away from the battleground my uncle vowed his revenge and promised to pay my father back for his betrayal. When I came of age, my father taught me martial arts as well. He taught me everything he knew in hopes that one day I would help him combat the evils that my uncle may commit.

Up until last week his revenge had only consisted of egging our vehicles and Setting a few buildings on fire, but nothing we couldn't handle. This time it was different. This time he has gone too far and in killing my parents, he has waged war on me. It is on my honor that I vowed to end this feud by taking my uncle's life. This is what I was trained for, and purging New York City of this feud is now the purpose for my very existence.

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