Chapter 12

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I was walking home from an extra training session with Nicky on Friday night. She had said I needed to work on my form, my moves were solid and effective but they would be even more so if I worked on my form. So I had set up an extra session with her to work on them.

I was thinking about all the things we had worked on tonight. I was getting pretty good. I ran through the moves in my head, trying to remember every move, every tip.

I didn't hear any noises, nothing. Even when I felt hands wrap around my neck and shove me into a nearby building did I hear anything. The hands were icy cold, they gave me chills.

"Speak." Said the shadow holding me captive.

I kept my mouth shut. The voice sounded familiar.

The hands around my neck squeezed tighter and tighter. I couldn't breathe! I tried to breathe in, but it was no use. I thought I was going to pass out, I was getting light headed. Just as I thought I was going to black out, the hands released my throat.

"Speak Ria!" The voice said as its grinning master stepped from the shadows and watched as I gasped to regain my breath.

The Black Wolf! Of course the voice sounded familiar. Nicky had shown us girls pictures of him and a recording of his voice, but how does he know who I am?

Shoving a little box thingy into my face he once more commanded me to speak. I glared at him and said the first thing that came to mind, "You're a sick monster." I growled, curling back my lips and baring my teeth in anger.

"That's all." He said looking at me and lifting me off the ground by my neck again. Then turning to another man in the shadows he said, "Make sure she will be silent." At that command the man stepped out of the shadows and tied my hands and feet with duct tape while his master held me, powerless. The man then slapped some duct tape over my mouth.

I was carried to a black van parked about a block away. They threw me in the back like I was a sack of potatoes or a heavy trash bag...none too gently. Looking up from where I was thrown I saw something that made my eyes grow wide. Sophia?

There she sat looking into my eyes. Tears spilled over her bottom eyelids and the expression on her face said: what's going to happen to us. Of course she couldn't speak, she was like me...silenced by duct tape.

"Where is he taking us?" I thought in despair as the van began to move, leaving the scene behind without leaving a speck of evidence.

The Black Wolf then came into the back of the van. "Thank you for donating your voice to me." He smirked. He then dialed a number into his phone and held the box up to his mouth.

"Hello?" I heard as his call was answered.

"Wait that's my mom's voice!" I thought to myself in horror.

The Black Wolf spoke into the box and his voice came out sounding my like mine. "Mom this is Ria I'm going to Nicky's house tonight." He said, his eyes glued on me the entire time with an expression that said: you're toast girl.

"Well...I don't know." Said mom.

My hopes rose when she said that, but dropped off almost as suddenly when The Black Wolf answered, "But mom! Sophia's gonna be there! We wanted to hang out!"

"I suppose you can go then...have fun!" Mom said.

Had I not been silenced I would have screamed one single word: NO!!!!! What was going to happen to us now?

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