Chapter 20

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Ok so I'm just gonna warn you all my opinion the rest of this story is crap...there's only 24 chapters but from here on out I think they're awful. Just giving you a fair warning so y'all can't be like: "Chick, what kinda crap is this?! I expected better from you..." Or something. In my defense...I had no idea how to end the I made an effort...*screams at the sky* "Well look where that got me!!!" Lol. Anyway here's the next chapter...savor it cause it's probably the last decent chapter you'll get.


Today was the day...the day I found out what sentence would be carried out upon me in the near future. I was nervous but also relieved to be able to tell the court my side of the story. I was also relieved because I would be able to see my three friends once again, even if it was but for a few brief moments.

"Goodbye ladies." I said glancing over my shoulder at Barb, Abby, and Kye which are the women I had fought with a week earlier.

"Goodbye and be brave!" Called Kye, teary-eyed.

"I wish you the best of luck." Said Abby, head in her hands with her back turned...I could tell she was crying.

"I will miss friend." Said Barb solemnly as she stood and placed a hand over her heart in sadness.

"Until we meet friends." I answered emotionlessly as I was lead through the cafeteria doors and disappeared from their lines of sight around a bend in the corridor.

What looms in my future rests upon the jury's verdict...I can only hope that their verdict is in my favor.

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