Chapter 14

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It was Friday night. Ria had just left the warehouse after having a special session with me to work on her form. I was sitting in a corner of the warehouse trying to read a book I found in the garbage. It was hard to read the words on the page. The warehouse had only one light and it was dim. Plus with the light on I couldn't hope to get sleepy enough to go to bed so I had turned the light off and attempted to read by the light of the moon.

I was getting to a good part in the book when my phone started vibrating. I pulled it from my back pocket to see who it was. It wasn't a number I recognized. It wasn't an 800 number and its area code was from here. Maybe I should might be important.

I answered the phone warily, "Hello?"
"Hello..." I heard a gruff voice answer on the other end "...niece."

"Black Wolf..." I said menacingly identifying the speaker.

"The one and only..." He sang out in his gruff baritone voice. "You are good at hiding I see, as you have evaded capture. Congratulations." He paused before continuing, "There is a small matter I must discuss with you."

"Oh? What would that be?" I asked sarcastically.

"Your friends..."

"What about them?" I ventured to ask getting on my defense.

I heard a sword being unsheathed and a small gasp as he said, "I have Karly would you be so kind as to tell your dear friend Nikole what I'm doing right now?" I felt sick as I heard Karly's voice waver in fear as she answered, "You''re holding a sword against my throat."

There was a sickening pause after that and then a gasp. My heart began to race. Who gasped? What happened?
Black Wolf spoke into the phone, his words dripping with hatred as he said, "I'm letting them live, I have taken the sword from Karly's throat...for now. You have until tomorrow night at this time to arrive at my lair and finish this or your friends will expire...that is IF you can find my lair." Black Wolf laughed and hung up, leaving me to listen to the dial tone and stare at the opposite wall in horror. What am I going to do now?

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