Chapter 4

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Sorry! Short chapter!!!!

"Hey mom." I said as I walked in the door, the other girls trailing in behind me. I walked to the kitchen to get us some Dr. Peppers to drink while we watched some TV and talked...the others took their usual places in the living room.

"Hey honey." Said mom, slaving over some sort of sushi.

"The girls are here." I said, "Just to let you know."

"Okay, don't make a mess in the living room."

"K mom." I said over my shoulder having found the pop and walking back to the living room.

We girls talked for about two hours. I laughed the entire time, I swear these girls were the only people who could make me laugh. We were in the middle of a joke that Karly was telling when we heard my mom shriek, "Oh my gosh! Get out of my house!"

We ran to the kitchen just in time to see my mom putting the hurt on some creep in our kitchen who had gained access through an open window. Just as mom finished with the first guy, the door flew open and in burst a bunch of members from the pack, the soldiers my uncle commands. I immediately pushed my friends behind me. I crouched in my ready stance, prepared to do what I had to do to protect my friends.

We fought for what seemed like forever. We had almost beaten the ninja soldiers when a bunch of the soldiers jumped my mother and overpowered her. They began to drag her away.

"Mom!!!" I screamed, actually showing some emotion.

"Run Nikole! RUN!!"  My mom screamed as she was drug out of the house and off to who knows where. My friends cowered in the corner while I regained my focus and fought off the other ninjas. I fought them until they fled from my house.

I walked the other girls home and made sure they were okay and made sure they would keep quiet about what had conspired. I then trekked back to my house. I was fine until I opened the door. The place was a mess and the fact finally sank in that my mom was gone. I let one tear streak from my eye before regaining my composure and deciding not to call the cops, they wouldn't believe me anyway and since we live in a quiet and lonely part of town where no one lives, there were no other witnesses besides me and my friends. Honestly who would believe a bunch of sixteen year old girls...especially when the story was this wild. I resolved to carry on with my normal daily routines and wait for my mom and dad's return. No doubt mom would find dad and they would work out a plan to escape. They are trained for these kind of situations. I'm sure they can escape...right?

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