Chapter 1

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In another universe, parallel to the original Soul Eater universe based off of the anime because that's all i fricken had access to so shut up.
A young lady of around 17 sits listening to the doctor talk about her to her mother. Her wavy brown hair with many wavy streaks of sky blue in the side bang that hangs to the left. The rest of her hair is pulled back into a ponytail and hang like curled streamers. Her crystal blue eyes flinch as she hears the labels fly from the psychiatrist next to her, each symptom from his lips hitting her like a sledgehammer. She finally stops picking out the painful words as the rest of the words bubble in her ears, "She will not be able to attend normal school with her 'problems.' She will definitely not be a meister with how her mood and aura bounces around in her rapid cycle bipolar disorder, being her wavelengths could never be matched. She will need to be kept home for schooling. She will be anything but normal I'm afraid... Kurisutaru," he uses her full first name and turns towards her, his plaid tie catching her eye in a striking rose red. Her eyes leave the fabric to his scruffy face with a clean cut look and short black hair.
Her eyes glare mercilessly with rage into the face that has pointed out her mistakes and ruined every hope of happiness she could ever have, "Yes?" The question trickles off her tongue coldly.
Her mother catches her tone, "Kuri....." She quietly warns.
The doctor looks Kuri in the eyes, "What do you hear? Are the voices still there?"
She looks at her feet and listens to the voices she had been blocking out. They mock her and pull at her. She looks at herself in the mirror at the shirt she has on of sky blue with a dark blue stripe horizontal on her chest and down the middle vertically. Her blue jeans hang loosely around her ankles, covering her black tennis shoes.
She finally looks back up, reality rushing back to knock her back a couple feet in her mind, "They're still there. Still mocking me...."
The professional finally turns to the mother and eyes her emotionless features, "She will be sent to an asylum. She has 5 days to pack clothes and hygiene products." He walks out of the room with his head low as Kuri jumps down from the paper covered seat/bed followed by her mother of the same brown hair and body features. Both of them are almost like sisters rather than mother and daughter with the same long smooth legs, arm, and beautiful features that would never be admired by the idiotic boys and men in town. Blind. All of them. She is not quite insane, she's lonely...

At home she finishes stuffing her blue suitcase with her stuff before standing up, turning to the door to go for her last dinner in the house there. She heads downstairs and sits down, her headache growing stronger from hunger and the young lady eats with speed and cleans her plate to escape upstairs once more. She has different plans as she waits till nightfall to see the moon with that same creepy bloody mouthed smile and deep black eyes that seem to stare into the souls of all who reside there. She liked the moon as it looked crazy, sleep ridden, yet happy. Kuri smiles as she hears silence, her grin nearly putting the moon's to shame, a clear 30 minutes passing in absolute quiet. She sits up and grabs a smaller satchel from under her bed, hanging it on her shoulder and neck as she stands and makes her way to the door in a black hooded jacket with cotton on the inside. She gains a cheery look as she steps out of the front door, excitement grasping her heart and nearly clouding her thoughts of her future destination. Death City. To prove the doctor wrong and to escape the hell she will soon be in. She hops on her scooter and pushes of, smirking in the cold breeze as she turns the curb leaving her old 'nightmares' behind her. Kuri travels for a few hours taking occasional breaks to collect her thoughts and have conversations with the moon despite it giving no reply although she could swear it heard her. Oh well, she's insane, and who cares? That's what the kids at her old school told her and forced homeschooling. An animalistic growl escapes a bush next to her and she jumps back as a humanoid creature crawls out. It looks horrifying as it eyes her, licking it's lips. She jumps on her scooter and dashes off, panicked, as she hears the 'tmp tmp tmp' of the creature. A shadow appears above her and she looks back for only a moment seeing a skateboard on small rocket jets, closing in on the creature hunting Kuri and she only gets a glimpse of three white horizontal stripes against black hair before turning forward again to steer. Gunshots ring in her ears as the horrific animal dashes to dodge the amo. Kuri sharply turns left to go into an alley way and make another turn in the narrow area. 'Too sharp!' The words wrack her mind as the two wheeled device slips under her, throwing her into the ground with a thud that shocks her before she can scramble to her feet. The fall paralyses her for but a couple seconds which was sadly all the time needed for the gruesome creature chasing her to loom over her and pin her down, before raising a claw high that dives down and claws her neck. Kuri sees nothing but white and hears nothing but silence as her eyes grow dull and her vitals go limp with only final gunshots to ring in her ears before she is plunged into darkness. It seems as though a few hours pass before she finally climbs towards light and finds herself in a bed laying on her stomach. Kuri's blue orbs scan the room before she realizes something. She feels... Odd.... Like there's something on her back... Getting up to go to the mirror on the door, she feels the things on her back more clearly. The young lady's eyes widen when she sees the pure white feathered wings sprouted from her back that stretch down to below her knees. The white gown has holes for the wings that twitch as she moves them slowly. Once she gets a full flap out of them she fist pumps excitedly before the feathered limbs gain a mind of their own and start flapping crazily until the new owner's head slams into the ceiling and falls. The wings return to their limp state and she stands back up, and heads down carpet covered stairs, after wandering a bit, and looks around. This place.... It's so familiar. She stands in place, knowing better than to call out, 'hello?' like an idiot from a horror movie. They always die first. She inspects further, quietly shuffling along the wooden floor before stepping into a kitchen where an elderly woman with grey curly hair, cut short to her ears stands wearing a white T-shirt and jeans. She wipes down the counters with a rag and disinfectant spray. The woman turns to face Kuri with a smile, "Kuri dear! You're finally awake! I was worried about when you'd come to."
"G-Grandma? But you.... You're-"
"Dead? Oh well maybe a little bit but I became an angel as those with kind, pure hearts become. Now I live here with my wings."
Kuri looks around with wide eyes, wow really?! Then where's uncle Bank? Aunt Sue?!" She semi calls throughout the house but her grandmother simply puts up a hand, a small chuckle escaping her, "Oh no, dear. They won't be here. They're still in the city among the sky known as Angel's Domain! They didn't want to come back. Nor are they allowed really...."
"But then... What about yo-"
"Oh well I pulled off the feat of saving the flight commanders and I wanted so dearly to live here. To spend my afterlife here so I may never lose my feeling of the land."
Kurisutaru looks at her feet, "Then," she looks back up, "why am I on land with you?"
"They had feared that waking up in an unfamiliar place would scare you. Oh my that's right! You need to go back up!"
"Back..... Up?" She parrots her relative with a tilted head, "But..... Why?"
The woman chuckles again, "Why, to learn how to use your wings of course! You will be staying in Angel's Domain for a maximum of 3 years, most likely more."
Kuri's jaw drops and her eyes widen as she contemplates what she just heard, "Th-three years?" She stutters out, shock painting her face.
"Yes but there is a prize for winning the top rank in the final test of the flight academy only available for the next 5 years. You will be allowed to live on land with me." The woman explains with a smile.
Kuri looks down contemplating what she said then looks back up, "You lived in Death City... This is your old house... So.... If I win... I'll... be allowed to come back here to live with you?"
Her grandmother nods, "Yes. But you have to go now. Hopefully if you are at the top of your class they'll give you the test early, but enough of that for now, I'll send you to the flight academy now," she stands and walks to her granddaughter, "close your eyes and breathe," she commands, putting both hands on Kuri's shoulders. The girl obeys her and closes her eyes. She suddenly feels weightless and the sensation of wind hits her, and makes her open her eyes to a blue sky. Kuri looks around, noticing her weight rests on a cloud that travels up towards a bright gleaming city that many figures, flying on white wings, all around on which more detail appears as the girl floats closer and closer. She looks down to see a black round portal that closes moments later and looks back up to the shining city in awe at its golden gleam, "Angel's Domain.." She whispers, taken slightly aback. She steps onto silver bricks once the cloud stops at the edge. Kuri starts walking around, looking at small shops and restaurants before making it to a large group of buildings in a specific order to look like a school with the words 'Amber's School of Flight and Feathers' engraved in the gate overhead. Kuri walks through gates and into the main door of the center building. The hallways are silent with the faintest echoes of voices throughout the wide, high ceilinged corridors. The young angel wanders the place for a long time before a bell rings loudly and doors everywhere swing open, letting out stampedes of other angels. They all stop and stare at her and she shrinks in place a bit, remembering the attire she's stuck with before a woman, with silver wings wearing a teacher's outfit, walks up and looks at her with slight surprise that turns to understanding as she walks up and grabs Kuri lightly by the arm, leading her down the hall and to a pair of white doors with golden designs. It has a grand look to it as the woman knocks on it, "Angel master Amber! It's Lily! We have a new student here, well she's also a new angel...."
A voice sounds from the other side, "Bring her in." Amber says, with a kind gentle voice and Lily pulls Kuri into the room. The doors open to a white room with pink walls and fluffy golden clouds floating here and there. A young woman of around 30 with large golden wings and long, wavy golden hair sits on a cloud looking at a large rainbow tinted bubble. She looks up with silver and golden eyes, the golden halo above her head making her orbs sparkle. She smiles and stands in her white dress with long draping sleeves. The dress hangs to the floor and covers her golden colored shoes, as she extends a hand to Kuri, lifting her hair to look at and lifting her arms as she circles her in examination before coming to a stop back in front of the newcomers, "Welcome, young angel. You must be Kurisutaru. I am glad to see you here with us at the flight academy where you will learn to use those wings of yours. Now then. You should really get some clothes on other than that..." She says gesturing to the white, thigh high gown on the new angel. Amber looks to the teacher, "Clothes, please." and Lily walks over to the wall and opens a pair of hidden drawers, pulling out a blue short sleeved, loose collared sweater and jeans. Lily hands the clothes to Kuri and smiles, "Restrooms are down the hall to the left." She gestures to the door and Kuri walks along.
Amber waves as the young lady exits, "Have a nice time here! Hope to see you soon!"
Lily follows Kuri out and waits outside the restroom as she dresses and comes out in her new outfit.
"Ready?" Lily asks before leading her to a classroom, "Here you are. I know this has all been fast but please understand that we are all very busy here and need to get things done quickly. Just follow everyone in this room to the next class. The class moves from room to room but it never changes." She explains before gesturing Kuri in.
"Thank you and I get it. I'll see you around I guess." She says walking into the room where heads turn and eyes bore into her with curiosity. She looks over at the male teacher standing in front of a chalk board. He has short black hair, a white shirt with a black tie and black pants. His silver wings suit him nicely. He smiles and nods toward the rows of seats, "Well hello there. Welcome and have a seat please."
Kuri shuffles over to a seat nervously and sits among the others. She hears a whisper next to her and turns to see a girl in a blue shirt and black pants with curly blond hair that almost covers her eyes. The girl smiles behind her dark glasses, "Hi. I'm Kayci. You must be new here."
Kuri smiles a bit, "Yep. Freshly dead." She whispers back, "I'm Kuri by the way."
"Nice to meet you. I was wondering when someone was going to sit next to me. Not a lot of people like to be around me...."
"Same. Well, when I was alive I was diagnosed 'insane' and they were gonna send me to an asylum. But I ran away..."
"And that must've been when you died..."
"That sucks. But at least you have a friend now. You're not all alone" Kayci smiles, "You have anywhere to sleep?"
Kuri looks down and thinks, "Hmm. No not that I can think of."
"Well, you can bunk with me! I sleep in the dorms! They're really cozy!"
"Alright. Sounds great, thanks." Kuri smiles.
Later that day in the evening, Kuri and Kayci walk into a small room with two beds on either side with a lamp sitting in the middle against the wall. The beds look comfy and neatly made. Kayci flops onto the bed to the right, her wings spreading a bit as she relaxes with a sigh. Kuri sits on the left bed and lays back, sinking in. She smiles, "It's so comfy!!!! Holy crud!!!"
"I know right! It's so cool!!!"
"Thanks for letting me stay. I don't think I could take a big room. I'm used to small places.... So where's the shower?"
Kayci giggles, "Oh there aren't any showers in Angel's Domain. We all just stay clean. I don't know why though. I think it's just magicalness..."
Kuri looks at the ceiling, "Hmm. Cool... Welp. Imma change into the gown I arrived in..." She gets up and pulls the white gown from her pocket, "it's cool how this little thing fit!"
Kayci stretches, "There's a closet to your right."
"Okay, thanks," Kuri gets up and goes into a small closet, coming back out in the gown and laying down to sleep, "Gnight."

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