The Crystal Wings Halloween Special

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Kid stands in his room ironing a long black cape with a high collar about 5 inches high. Kuri appears in the doorway, bangs still messy while wearing pajamas. Her wings are completely missing which doesn't seem to faze her as she yawns, "Good morning. Why are you up so early?"
The reaper smiles but doesn't look at her, "Today is Halloween, remember? I'm preparing my costume!"
Kuri smiles sleepily, "Oh yeah... Today should be a good day..." she yawns again, "Mangey's trying to make me be a playboy bunny for Halloween but I wanna be Drawing Drew."
"Who is Drawing Drew again?"
"She's a character from a scary story. She went crazy with her talking book, Blue that can summon or create anything drawn in it and kills people by stabbing them in the neck with her pencil." she steps in and walks over to stand next to him, "And you're going to be a vampire."
"Yes. I've been preparing this all month so those two swords of yours better not ruin it." his eyes slide over to her and back before going back to her at a faster speed and he turns to her, "Kuri, your wings?! What happened to them?!"
The angel blinks, "Hmm? Oh my wings? Don't worry. On Halloween, Christmas and Easter the angels of Angel's Domain are disguised as humans, meaning their wings are taken and their souls are disguised as human souls and they are allowed to roam earth all day so they can join in the festivities." she smiles, "I know I already stay on earth as an angel but it kinda has to be fair for all angels."
Kid steps behind her and runs his fingers over the spot where her wings were, "There's not even a bump or anything."
The young angel master closes her eyes and purrs as his light back strokes are very soothing, "Well of course not. The Angel Master's work is flawless."
"You're talking about Amber. She must have been doing this for a long time. When will she have you start doing stuff like this?"
Kuri scrunches up, "Eh. I'd rather not talk about that.."
"Nervous?" the reaper steps back to where he was and picks up the iron again, "You shouldn't be. Just think like this. If she can do it, and you're of the same caliber, then you can too. Also do you even have the things you need for your costume?"
Kuri sighs, "Sadly, no. It completely flew over my head." she hangs her head in shame of herself.
"I have a few costumes in the closet if you'd like to look for a different one."
Kuri walks to the large closet and walks in, looking around, "Hmm." she pulls out a couple and looks at them. Before she has a chance to notice, the reaper stands next to her looking over the costumes.
His voice makes her jump a bit with a squeak as he pulls out a costume being a full-length white satin dress with a finely printed gold fabric belt and a padded gold collar with floral gold and turquoise embroidery. Hanging around the top of the plastic hanger are gold cuffs and arm bands with attached sheer capes, and a gold sequin headdress with jewel accent and trailing silver beads, "I think you'd make a great Cleopatra."
Kuri sighs and relaxes again, "You only like that costume because the Egyptians were as obsessed with symmetry as you are."
"Precisely why I think it would suit a symmetrical gem like you, Kuri." he turns and has the angel put her arms at her sides, putting the dress over her, "Now we just need to figure out how to turn your hair black. You've already got the bangs for this."
Kuri smiles, "Haven't you realized I can do anything with bubbles by now?" she lifts the bubble wand charm on her necklace and blows a bubble, concentrating so it envelopes her head. In seconds, her hair, including the blue highlights turn as black as coal, every strand turning into straight hair instead of the normal wavy.
Kid smiles, "You look good already. Come on let's go get some breakfast before the others tear up my kitchen in search of food."

//timeskip to later that night brought to you by Sour Gummy Worm.//

Kid stands at the door wearing a Transylvanian inspired polyester pull on shirt with faux button/chain closure detail and attached vest. around his neck is a sinister crimson scarf, while he wears black pants. Over his shoulders and hanging to halfway down his calf is a black velvet cape with a bright red inside and a high collar that goes up to the tops of his ears.
Mangey walks down in a Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword Link costume, a bright yellowish blonde wig poking out from under her green hat. She looks up at the reaper and stops, shoulders going limp and she tilts her head with an expression of 'really, are you serious?' She huffs, "Dude, I like the costume, vampires are respectable but you did nothing to your hair and you're not even wearing makeup. I mean your skin is already pale enough but I just don't see you as an actual vampire."
Kid crosses his arms and as he talks the plastic fangs in his mouth show, "I worked all month on this costume! I even went to the dentist to have plastic retainers with fangs made to perfectly fit my mouth!"
Mangey points up the stairs, "Come on, bro, let's go."
Kid sighs, "Fine," he walks past her and up the stairs just as Kuri walks down past him. He tries to stop and look at her but Mangey pushes him up the stairs with both hands, ushering him up and into the bathroom. Kani jumps out of his room as a miniature zombie and Madeline follows him having altered her form just enough to have wolf ears and a tail. Randal walks out of his room in a mummy costume, only his eyes showing. Madeline walks out wearing a Jeff the Killer outfit which consists of a white hoodie jacket, splattered in fake blood, makeup making her pale with a really good makeup effects to make her mouth appear to be cut open in a smile. Her hair is black and she wears black jeans while holding a kitchen knife.
Kuri looks out the window downstairs, the dress fitting her nicely as the others walk down, "It's still early so I think I'll go out and walk around.
Kani smiles and runs into the living room where Liz and Patty stand in angel costumes with small wings, "Auntie! Auntie! Come on!" the small boy chirps and pulls on their hands leading them to the others.
The sisters walk in and smile, "Oh wow you all look great!" Liz says while Patty adjusts her wings.
Kuri looks over and sighs frowning, "Those wings are offensively small! With all those fluffy downy barbs and the thin stronger at the bottom you look like you're in a mix of speed vane and new vane, like you're not even done molting! And there's no way an angel can wear a gown that short without it going up and getting in the way during flight!" she crosses her arms, "Stupid stereotypes..."
Liz sighs, "Don't get mad at us, these were the only costumes we could pull together at the last minute."
Randal chuckles, "You'll be able to tell who the angels at the Halloween Festival are because they'll be the one's glaring at you!"
Kuri opens the door, "You all stay here and don't separate from Kid. I think I'll go down to the coffee shop to relax a bit." she steps out and closes the door, walking down to the coffee shop downtown. She walks in and orders a medium size chocolate caramel mocha with whipped cream. She takes her drink and sits down in a booth looking up at the decorations of orange and black bats, Jack-o'-Lanterns and ghosts, "This place looks great today."
"You're not kidding." a male in a firefighter costume grabs her attention. he has short brown hair and deep blue eyes with pupils shaped like four petaled flowers, "Mind if I sit?"
Kuri sits staring at him as her cheeks turn red before she blinks and snaps out of it, "Uh, no not at all. Go ahead."
The male puts the yellow firefighter hat down and sits across from her, taking off his gloves before pulling out a pair of rectangle lensed glasses and slipping them on. He blinks a couple times as Kuri comes into view more clearly. He scans her smiles, "You must be Kurisutaru Mara. I've seen your pictures more than a few times and, despite the good costume I can still tell it's you by your eyes. You're the young angel master I've heard so much about."
Kuri blushes and chuckles, "Yeah that's me, but you can call me Kuri and I'm not really a big fan of being in the position."
"I can tell you must be nervous."
"Yeah. It's a big job. Thankfully I haven't been given the job just yet." she smiles uncontrollably and looks up at him, making him grin as his cheeks flush a crimson red, "I haven't even heard your name yet."
The male blinks, "Oh that's right, well I'm Charles Freeman."
"Nice to meet you, Charles. That firefighter suit looks pretty authentic so I have to ask, is it real?"
Charles smiles warmly, "No it's just a costume for tonight. You wouldn't believe how long it's been since I've been to earth."
Kuri tilts her head, "Oh so you're an angel?"
He nods, "Yeah, but like you I can't quite fly for tonight."
She chuckles, "It sucks having to walk. How long have you been in Angel's Domain?"
Charles looks out the window, "I'm freshly dead as of late August."
"Ah. Sounds good. So I assume you're still in the flight school?"
"Yes I am but I've pretty much got the whole flying thing down."

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