Chapter 3

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Kuri and Kayci walk down the busy hall of the flight academy to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. Kuri looks to her right at a supply closet when what looks like a wolf's tail slipping inside catches her eye and she stops, looking at the door's opening for several moments.
"What's wrong, Kuri?" Kayci asks, walking back to her friend.
The brunette just stands there before turning to the blonde, "I just thought I saw something."
"Well we'd better go get some breakfast. C'mon."
Kuri follows her, speed walking to keep up, "You sure seem hungry!"
Kayci laughs, "Oh, I'm always hungry, the only thing keeping me skinny like this is how picky I am, at least I'm not too picky that I can't eat here." She says as they make their way into the cafeteria.
Onami sits in the dark closet with the fox, "That was close. Mangey, where are we going to stay?" She says as her wolf eyes glint in the faint light seeping under the door.
Mangetsu ears twitch, "We'll find a place. Hey. Are those... Swords?" The fox questions, looking at a cart loaded with various kinds of swords.
"Looks like emergency swords made of natural metal. Our living metal blades should fit in perfectly."
"Then it's settled, we'll pose as emergency swords during the day and search for a suitable meister at night." Mangey says, transforming into a purple aura that becomes a sword on the cart next to Onami who has the same purple energy transition. They sit as dual swords, looking exactly alike, waiting for their time to come alive.
Kuri sits with Kayci having eaten their food, they throw their trays away and leave the large room clouded with the mouthwatering smells of food, to go outside where what looks like a runway made of clouds sets, empty. Angels from the class yesterday stand, lined up in front of a woman with silver wings and blonde hair tied back in a ponytail.

//I'm just gonna timeskip here because I'm out of ideas. School happens. I don't like school so trying to make it fun is probably going to be hard, and me trying to make school fun would just make it ridiculous. My kind of fun and school are two very different things. I'm anti-Maka. My fun is playing video games. Her fun is reading books. My fun is watching tv and eating candy. Her fun is taking tests. My fun is being hyper on that candy and acting like a squirrel on LSD. Her fun is... School... Meh =_= so anyways, Kid and Kuri end up dream linking for like a year while Onami and Mangey go out at night to link soul wavelengths with students in their sleep. Each time they do that takes the whole night while they hide under the beds. For some mysterious reason the dream link between Kid and Kuri ends and they forget about their dreams as great friends, eventually forgetting each other. School(hell) goes on and it's the third year. Deal with it. Mkay here we go.//

A wolf slinks out of the supply closet, moonlight shining on her fur as she and the fox make their way down to the dorms for their nightly search, "I cannot believe we've been searching for nearly 3 years!" Onami's whisper echoes down the hall.
"Well, I'm sure we must be close by now," Mangey says back, sniffing around as they slink down the familiar halls.
"We've been through 863 students. We'd better be close..."

Kuri sits up with a text book in front of her and the lamp glowing brightly on it, while Kayci sits in the same position on her bed, "Hey... Kayci... You know a lot about dreams right?"
"Yep! Fire away, whadya need?"
"I used to have these fun fun dreams, but... all of a them stopped a long time ago so I can't even be sure whether or not they were even dreams..."
"You probably did have dreams. They're pretty common."

"But why would they just stop all of a sudden?" Kid asks Liz, unknowingly on the same page as his forgotten friend.
"I don't know but I remember you used to go to bed so early, you were like an old woman." Liz says, painting her nails while Kid sits on the couch, head lain back to stare at the ceiling.
He sighs, "And the worst part is I can't even remember the dreams or who was in them."
"You should really get over it, Kid, they were just dreams."
"Are you serious? 'Just dreams'? 'Just dreams'?!" he sits up,"Liz, dreams are what link us to different realms. Dreams show us our true desires when we are unsure of ourselves. Dreams are what make living beings special. Dreams have even gone so far as to tell the future and the fact that I was having them is not something to brush off so easily, especially at my age."
The blonde sighs, "Whatever, wacko, you still shouldn't worry about it."

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