Chapter 13

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Mangey grins as she, Kuri and Onami walk down the school hallway in the morning. The angel among them yawns tiredly but is cut off by Kid who stops in front of them with his guns. He crosses his arms and glares, "Where have you been?"
Kuri blinks, annoyed and huffs, "Why do you ask?"
"The past few days I've come to get you for the morning escort you've been missing and then I find you at school. What are you hiding?"
The angel's feathers fluff up agitatedly, "I'm fine. It's none of your business."
"Tell me please." The reaper's eye twitches.
The angel sighs, "Fine. We've been going out for missions to feed Runa and Onami."
Mangey raises a brow, "Why do you act like she's yours?" She asks not with a harsh attitude like Kuri but with a more curious tone, "You know... She's not yours. Why do you care so much?"
Onami blinks, silently watching. 'Do you still need more souls, Runa?' she asks in her head. 'Just a few more.' Runa says in her new, distorted voice. Onami has a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. During the last few days, Onami had been 'glitching' out a bit, seeing things she shouldn't be seeing and horrible thoughts racing through her head for a split moment before they would abruptly end.
Onami gets between the feuding meisters. "Calm your various flesh covered extremities. This is not the way-" Onami flinches, her eyes flashing completely black before going back to normal a split second later. "-f-friends behave." she finishes.
Kid eyes the werewolf, "..... What was that about?"
Onami looks confused. "What was what about?"
"Your eyes..."
"What happened to my eyes?" Onami cocks her head.
The reaper huffs, "Nevermind. Just don't be late for class." He turns and walks away.
Liz sighs, "Sorry about him. He can be a brat. I'm sure he'll get over it."
Onami pats her head. "Oh, that's okay. He just needs a banana put in his ear." She starts patting her head.
The Thomson sister looks weirded out, "Uh. Are you petting me?"
Patty grins and giggles, "She's funny!!"
Onami grins. "Iz so soft."
"Liz! Patty! Let's go!" Kid calls back at them and they turn to follow him.
Onami pets the air Liz's head previously was, not fazed by her walking away.
Kuri grabs her hand and walks the other way, "Let's go to the roof. I need time to think."
Onami is dragged away. "Weee!"

Kid stands downstairs at Kuri's home talking to Barbara. He suddenly stops when he hears what sounds like running upstairs. He stands up, "What's Kuri doing?"
"What you didn't know?" Mangey asks, "She's training herself to fight just like you."
The reaper stands and walks to the stairs, walking up steadily to a long hallway with mirrors lined up along the wall, all without frames so there's no break in the reflection. The angel stares into the mirror, using the heaven eyes on herself as she runs up and down the hall. He tilts his head and walks over to her, grabbing her arm gently and breaking her from the trance, "Kuri, what are you doing? I didn't think the heaven eyes would impact you."
Her now blue orbs slide up to his golden ones, "Well they do. Maybe not as much but they still affect me. Same side effects to prolonged exposure."
The nightmares that had haunted Kid during his early time of training flash back to him. The thought of her suffering the same thing makes his heart buckle and he shakes his head, "No. No you can't do that. Your mental state. I saw the documents. You already had nightmares you can't make it worse. Please stop." He almost begs.
"Wait. What documents?" She stares him down with wild eyes.
"I.... I may have done a little research... Into your medical history..." He scratches the back of his head.
"You went though my history without my permission?!"
"With the way you've been acting you wouldn't have let me /have/ your permission!" He says frowning.
She looks away, "Whatever. I just can't let myself be weak. I have to be strong like you."
"No you don't that takes years and years of training. I've got skills that would take you years maybe longer to master. This isn't something to be taken lightly. There's a big difference between us and I'm sorry to say that's our mental states. Your mind isn't as old as mine. It's not as strong as mine. It can't take this. You're going to drive yourself insane."
The angel whips her head up with a hard glare before something makes her soften her gaze, "I'm sorry... I can't let them win." She chokes out, "We can't let them win. Their evil eyes are equal to my heaven eyes and if I can do anything to get the upper hand, I'll do it. There's nothing anyone can do about that." She pulls away from him and almost goes back to her training before a hand on her arm stops her.
"Take a break. Please." Kid pleads, "I'll get on my hands and knees and beg if I have to. You know I would."
The angel sighs, "Alright. A small break. But I only for as long as you have them."
"I want you safe." The reaper demands, "We can't risk your health."
"Stop acting like I'm yours. I don't belong to anyone and I can't." She says as a twinge of pain reaches her chest.
Kid stays quiet, holding his tongue with his teeth.
Mangey peeks around the corner at them but instead of making fun of them and teasing them she just sighs and frowns, "What are those stupid dark angels gonna do next? They're doing more than just physical damage here..."
Madeline and Onami are forced to hear this from where they are. Madeline still has not heard anything about if her parents were looking for her. She sits by Onami and looks up at her. "Onami? Can I ask you something... personal?" Onami blinks, surprised. "Speak away, O Colorful One." she says, but in a serious tone. "Well... when Kuri and Kid were fighting after you woke up, Kuri said something about how no one insane could be loved..." she blushes. "but... I like someone. I was told when I was little that I was going to face some... problems as I got older. I can tell it's going to get worse from here, and that I'll probably lose my mind. But... I was thinking, and I need your opinion on this..." Madeline looks down. "Should I give up? All my friends seem to die no matter what I do to stop it. Cindy would die, Chris would die... I don't want to be hurt like that again if someone I... really liked was suddenly gone because of me. So, should I do what Kuri did? Should I just... Not love anyone like that? So I don't get hurt?" Madeline whispers.
Onami looks shocked. "Is Kuri making you feel that way?" she asks.
Madeline nods. "Yeah. But-" She is interrupted when Onami stands up and leaves the room to find the angel.
Kuri finally pushes Kid off and walks down the hall to her room, closing the door behind her. Just as she does so, she hears an angry, "Kuri!" from down the hall.
Kid watches the werewolf pass him, "Onami... Please don't hurt her..."
Onami turns and pats his face. "I am not going to hurt-" she flinches again, her eyes turn black before going back to normal. "her. I just wanna talk to her. Madeline thinks that because you and Kuri don't really love anyone in a sort of romantical sense that she shouldn't either."
The reaper grows an almost hurt look that turns into a pit of guilt. He looks away, "Sorry..."
Onami pats his face with both of her hands. "It's not your fault. That's just how you are. I just need Kuri to talk to Madeline about that. I'm not good at things that have to do with romance. Madeline is easily influenced. She's still pretty young."
The memory of Kuri's explanation on asexuals rings through his head, «Asexual means that someone doesn't have any interest in sexual activity but that doesn't mean they can't fall in love and have families.» he blinks and swallows, "Right... The way I am..."
Onami smiles derpily. "Good potato llama." she continues walking to the room
Kuri sits on the bed having locked the door, "Don't bug me."
"We need to talk." Onami says with her face against the door.
"About what?" She raises a brow.
"It's about Madeline."
She gets up and walks over, opening the door.
Onami almost falls forward but straightens out. "She heard what you said about... you know... and now she thinks that she shouldn't be in love with anyone because they wouldn't love her or she would get hurt." she says sadly. "I think you should talk to her about that."
"She's not insane like me. And I don't know what I would say." The angel walks back into the room, inviting the werewolf in.
"She said that it would get worse as she got older. You should have seen her when we were in the music room." Onami shakes her head. "If she is that way now, imagine when she's sixteen or something. She looked like she was prepared to rip Patty's face off when she took that book of hers. She's obsessed with that book. If what she said was true, then sooner or later if someone so much as touched that book.... she'd probably kill them. I'm not sure what she has, but a kid like her wouldn't know how to deal with that. Besides, I don't think she cares how you talk to her about it. I just think she'd deal with it better if she heard it from you."
"Yeah but what if I can't convince her?"
Onami sighs. "She's an impressionable kid. If you can't convince her, then I guess she's going to have to learn on her own that she can't stop loving a person just like that." she snaps her fingers.
"I can try."
Onami pats her face comfortingly to give Kuri some confidence, and the angel huffs a nervous sigh, "Alright. Let's do this." She walks out, past Kid with a shifty glance at him, making her way downstairs.
Onami follows for a short while before stopping by Kid. She pats his face again, this time leaving her hand there. "Obey the hand."
Kid backs away and walks down the hall away from her.
Onami blinks before bellowing and chasing after him like a maniac.
Kid breaks into a run and dashes downstairs, tackling Kuri, "SAVE ME.."
The angel squeaks and scrunches up, "What?"
Before anything else can happen Onami runs up and grabs Kid and lifting him up before running off with him. "SACRIFICE THE NONBELIEVER!" she screams before running out of Kuri's sight with the terrified Kid.
She stands up and stares, frozen as Kid is carried away while screaming.
".............. Okay..... Uh....." The angel turns and walks over to Madeline, sitting down next to her, "Okay. So I know you're upset because of something I said but, you really have nothing to worry about. You'll find someone who will love you and treat you well."
Madeline blinks somewhat surprised at her sudden appearance before looking down. "But what if I don't?"
Mangey slides over and leans against Kuri, "Alright here's a deal. If you take her word for it, I'll buy you some tacos. Deal?" The whites of her eyes are pink and she has a smokey scent to her.
The angel looks at her, "Are you...." She sniffs the blonde, "Yep you're high. ONAMI!!!"
"I gots da munchies." Mangey chuckles.
Onami suddenly bursts out of the blue and tackles Mangey while screaming. "SACRIFICE THE WEED-SMOKER!" she lifts her up and carries her away, most likely to where she took Kid. Madeline blinks, somewhat terrified.
Kid sneaks out of the room and hides in Kuri's closet. He finds a hairbrush and eyes it, "Eh?" The reaper picks it up to find it rather sticky. He sniffs it and drops it, pressing against the wall disgusted. He creeps out and locks the bedroom door.

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