Chapter 18

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Kuri gets up groggily the next morning, the dread of the day ahead begging her to stay in bed. She slides out of bed and goes to the dressing room, putting on a long, strapless dark blue dress with a light blue stripe and light blue sandals. She fixes her hair as well as she can before fixing some makeup for a touch up. The angel sits on her bed with a special brush with small stiff bristles and sits brushing her feathers so that they shine. The sound of voices come from the hallway as the mansion springs to life, everyone dressing the best they can.
Madeline, who barely seemed to sleep last night, tries to find the most formal thing to wear without having to put on a dress. She smiles at the thought of how amazing this train wreck is going to be.
Randal puts on a suit and pokes his head into her room, "Ding dong!" He smiles derpily.
Madeline jumps, leaping around to face him. She now wears a white shirt that frills towards the sleeves and a colorful skirt like pants that has a skirt exterior and pant legs on its interior. She does not have her scarf on at this point, so all that is there is the crystal around her neck.
"You looks nice." The angel boy says, smiling.
Madeline smiles. "Thanks. You do too." she rubs her arm embarrassedly.
Randal walks over, straightening Madeline's necklace so the crystal hangs in the middle of her chest.
Madeline tries her best not to blush. Inside, noting her distress, appears beside her.
'What are the plans for this day of festivities?' It asks.
"Well first is the wedding then after party and then Kuri has to spend her first night with the jerk. But today isn't really going to turn out like that." The boy chuckles.
Madeline chuckles as well. "Yeah. Let's just say he's got a few surprises coming his way."
Inside nods before flicking its tail.
'I see. Mischievous deeds are being committed here.' It says with almost a laugh.
Randal pulls a rainbow rose out and hands it to her, "Bride's maid needs a pretty rose to match her pretty looks."
At this, Madeline blushes. She takes the rose. "Bridesmaid?" she says, somewhat astonished.
Randal nods, "Yep. The angel master is the maid of honor while the bride's friends are the bridesmaids."
Madeline smiles. "Well I'm honored."
The angel boy takes her hand, "C'mon. Today is gonna be exciting!!"
Madeline quickly follows him, and Inside floats after them.
Mangey stands in jeans and a shirt, "I don't like dresses." She crosses her legs, resting on one leg before jumping, "Ah something's on my leg!" She looks down to notice her other leg rubbing it, "Oh. It's my leg." She laughs to herself and Patty giggles in her own dress.
Onami is in a white dresslike attire with metal buckles around the shoulders, arms and waist. Most of her body is still covered, however, including her legs and arms. She keeps her gloves on. "Today, We. BECOME. MEN!!!" Onami declares.
"I don't think that's how it works, Onami...." Liz says a bit weirded out.
The werewolf derps. "It can if you just believe in yourself."
Patty sits behind Maka, fixing her hair for her, "Yay!"
Maka smiles, "Today is gonna be great! I feel almost feel naughty for this prank but it seems like a better plan then letting Kuri and all the angels be unhappy."
Tsubaki walks out in tan dress with a star on one side of it, "I don't know if I'll be able to stop laughing!"
Madeline listens to their conversation with her heightened hearing and grins.
Mangey walks out into the hall, "Imma go squeeze Kuri boobs real quick."
Maka and Tsubaki grow blank faces, "What..." They both say.
Madeline hears this part and cringes.
Mangey walks past Madeline and goes into Kuri's room. Minutes later a squeal is heard from Kuri and the door opens again as hands push the shapeshifter out. Kid glares at her from inside of the room with Kuri, "Don't. do. that..."
Madeline shakes her head and the two join the others.
Mangey shrugs, "It was for good luck!"
The reaper narrows his eyes, unamused as he closes the door again.
Madeline smiles at everyone. "You all ready for this?" she winks.
They all nod, "Yeah!"
Madeline chuckles. "Awesome." Madeline then makes sure that she has the green potion with her.
It glistens in the bottle and shimmers like an emerald.
Madeline smiles. "Kinda pretty for something that turns someone into a horrible creature."
(A creature we can torture?) Mockery says weakly.
Madeline rolls her eyes.
Kuri and Kid step out of the angel's room, both of them walking down the hall with the grim silence of a funeral.
Mangey's eyes widen, "Oh frack!" She runs over, "Guys, quit smiling. Act sad an stuff!"
Madeline quickly hides the bottle and immediately holds the rose sadly with her head low.
The two pass and shuffle down and around the corner before Black☆Star runs past them and to Madeline, holding a gold tinted can of soda labeled Halo Fizz, "YAHOO! Hey! I saw that jerk chugging this soda this morning. He said not to let anyone take one but him so when he left I took it!! It must be his favorite drink or something!! I'm awesome aren't I?!" He says grinning.
Madeline grins again. "Yeah you are! This'll be perfect!" She brings the potion back from behind her.
Mangey shakes Black☆Star by his shoulders excitedly, "YOU ARE AMAZING!!!"
The male juts a thumb to himself and grins, "I'm the star! Of course I'm number one!"
Superior emerges and hisses. *If I weren't so weak right now I would show this fool who is number one.*
Madeline rolls her eyes with a smile.
Randal chuckles, "Aww."
Mangey fist pumps, "Let's hurry and get his show on the road!!"
"Indeed! Let's-" Madeline is interrupted as she is grabbed by Onami and dragged down the hall, urging the others to follow.
And they all stand and follow quickly at a fast pace.
Madeline feels her shoes scuffing the floor, but doesn't really do anything about it because fighting against Onami's grip is like shaking hands with a bear trap.
Pawa stands at the alter tapping his foot. He yawns boredly as music starts playing and everyone sits with sad looks on their faces. The angel feels peculiarly hot and wipes his forehead, sweat dripping from his chin.
Angel Master Amber stands at the alter in the priest's position at the center. Hermes steps out with a frown, Kuri hanging onto his hand as he forces a smile and walks her down the isle to the alter. He looks around at the grim faces and sighs, "I'm sorry to do this to you but. We need someone strong enough to handle Angel's Domain with you and Pawa came out on top of them all." He mutters only loud enough for the young angel to hear.
Kuri sighs, "I understand. It's for the best I suppose." She looks up and raises a brow, "Wait... Is he sweating? He doesn't look nervous..."
Hermes glances up at Pawa and tilts his head, "Hmm... Looks like he's sweating up a storm..."
Pawa stretches the collar of his suit out in front of him and huffs for air, "Damn it's hot out here..." He complains quietly.
Madeline, with her head down, quietly smirks, then hides it.
After Kuri reaches the alter she sighs and looks down at the bouquet of blue roses in her hands. She looks up and eyes the forced fiancé with a raised brow, "What's your deal?"
Pawa growls, "My deal? My deal is that it's hot as Demon's Domain out here."
Maka takes the potion Madeline had handed her and pours a bit into the open can of soda, letting it mix as she hides it in the crowd. She stands and raises the beverage, "Mister Pawa, I have a drink that might cool you down."
The male huffs, "Finally someone who's a little bit tolerable!" He breaks into a run and swipes the drink. As he runs, the water bag in his pants bursts, along with his attire beginning to fall apart to reveal a few letters.
The male chugs the drink until it's gone and looks down at himself, "What the hell?"
Kuri looks at him and chuckles, "Heh... He looks ridiculous!"
Madeline giggles along, watching as the rest of his suit falls apart to reveal the words, "I FRICK PUPPIES", after which his pants fall down.
The others chuckle and Kid throws his head back and laughs loudly. Kuri holds her stomach, hardly able to breathe as she laughs.
Hermes smiles and chuckles under his breath, "Heh. Maybe he's not cut out for the job!"
Amber points, "His skin is turning purple!"
Madeline raises an eyebrow and chuckles darkly, wondering what he will turn into.
Pawa's face shifts with a few other joints until he lays on four legs as a giant purple lizard with wings, "What the hell?!" He looks around, "What's going on here?!"
As he looks around he finds Madeline who, unlike the others, laughs with an evil smile, giving away that this was her plan.
The lizard growls, "YOU!!! He starts shuffling his way over to the werewolf before Randal growls, running up and delivering a kick to Pawa's jaw, sending him back a couple feet to land on his back, "You will NOT touch her!!"
Madeline stops laughing and her eyes widen with shock. 'Uh oh.' she thinks.
Randal opens a hand, "Shelly. A little help please?"
The cousin in question nods and jumps forward, turning into a machete in Randal's hand.
Kid gets up, "Liz, Patty. We're going to help too..."
The sisters nod and leap into their pistol forms.
Madeline steps back, knowing that it's best to avoid this as much as possible. She decides to run off to the side, but not before Pawa spots her attempting to get away.
The lizard lunges before a high kick from Kid sends him sprawling. The reaper aims his guns and shoots Pawa several times, his shots shocking the scaly beast as Hermes pulls Madeline over to hide her behind him protectively.
Kid runs over while the lizard is paralyzed by the shots and kicks him up in the air as Randal runs over, machete handle in his left hand while pressing the flat surfaced side of the blade with his fingers to act as a bat and knock Pawa far away to where he can't be seen.
Madeline's eyes widen at this. "Better not get on his bad side." she mutters to herself.
Randal grins, "Game set match." He puts his cousin down and walks to Madeline, handing the rose she had dropped to her, "M'lady?"
Madeline looks up at him before moving to him and taking the rose. "Thanks, Randal. That was awesome." she smiles. Onami bellows. "That jerk won't be comin' back anytime soon!"
Hermes nods, "I won't let him. I recognize those effects. The potion reveals what's in a person's heart. He won't be Duke anytime soon."
Kuri looks up, "But then who'll be Duke?"
"Who says you need to get married now?" Onami objects. "You got your whole afterlife for that. And besides, there doesn't have to be a Duke all the time, does there? I mean, look at Queen Elizabeth, she ruled an entire kingdom without a true king. Besides, even if she HAD to marry..." she chuckles. "I think Mangey would know just who to pair you with."
Mangey grabs Kid and drags him over, swiveling him around to face Kuri. She puts her hands to the back of their heads, "Kiiiiiiiiiissssssss...." She says creepily like a obsessed shipper.
The two resist going towards each other before everyone freezes as Angel Master Amber's bubble wand suddenly blows a large bubble. Lord Death appears in it, eye hole dented in concern, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything by saying this but the demon is on its way to attack Death City..."
Kid's eyes widen, "What?!"
Madeline shudders at the word, "Demon."
Onami looks concerned. "Why would it go there?"
Liz pipes up, "Maybe because that's where the DWMA and Lord Death are."
"We gotta go stop that demon." Onami says.
"Yeah. Who knows what it'll do if it gets to Death City." Madeline adds.
Kid looks to the other meisters and weapons then back to Kuri, "Stay here with Kani and Madeline. I don't want you or them hurt."
The angel frowns, "Hell no. I'm coming."
Madeline is about to object and demand to go with them, but thinks of Kani's safety and holds back.
Amber nods as the bubble pops. She picks up the wand as Onami, Mangey, Kid with his weapons, Maka, Soul, Black Star and Tsubaki all bunch up together. The angel master blows a bubble to envelop them. The area changes around them as they teleport and when the bubble pops, they find them selves staring at the large demon, Akuma which is now the size of a skyscraper.
Maka takes Soul when he turns into a death scythe and dashes forward, ready for battle and Black Star takes Tsubaki in her enchanted sword mode.
Kid pulls the guns out of his pockets and summons Beelzebub, taking off to do damage from the air. He concentrates and uses soul resonance to gain the death canons as he starts firing multiple times.
Mangey takes Onami, wielding her and shapeshifting just enough to gain wings and takes to the air.
As Onami watches the battle beginning to unfold, she feels a cold hand on her shoulder. Onami whips around to see Runa. Her expression is blank and her eyes are pure black. Runa appears to be almost in a shadowy form. Onami gasps.
"Runa? What are you-"
"I can't wait anymore, Onami. Hane will have to wait. I'm sick of sitting in this har you call a head. It's time I called the shots." Runa hisses in her demonic voice before kicking Onami in the chest and knocking her down.
Onami quickly recovers, but before she can stand, Runa gives her a swift kick to the temple, stunning her.
Runa then grabs her by the hair and delivers another kick to her temple.
Onami is cast off to the shadows, and as she stands, she finds that she cannot move. The shadows seem to be gluing her in place.
"What are you doing, Runa?" Onami shouts angrily. Runa smiles widely.
"Something I should have done long ago. This body is no longer your's."
Onami is forced onto her knees by the weight of the invisible hands around her. Runa then looks out at the scenery outside and smirks before her hands and arms fade to bleached white and her hands become claws.
By doing so, she begins to unleash a power that overwhelms the sword and Mangey, who is holding it.
The shapeshifter suddenly feels electricity surge through her as she is forced into her sword form, "What are you.... Doing.... Onami??" She chokes and coughs up a bit of blood once inside the blade.
Runa chuckles as she turns the blonde into her blade form, and turning herself back into her human form. She grabs the sword and smiles into it before murmuring, "Onami isn't here anymore."
Runa manages to stay floating in the sky with her abilities before she soars off with Mangey.
"Now, to ditch these morons." she hisses.
A loud sound like a sonic boom sounds as Randal flies in at top speed, machete in hand. He uses the same flat blade trick to send Runa flying backwards, "You're not going anywhere..."
Runa flies back, before stopping a few meters away. Her hair covers her face.
"It's always something." she growls. Runa then looks up at him to reveal her black eyes and a twisted grin that could rip muscles off her face.
"Well if it isn't Madeline's little puppy love? How the Hell did you get here?" Runa frowns.
"I used the rubber tree in the garden as a catapult. Those trees really are rubber and the rebound is amazing..." He grins, "But enough chat. I'm not going to let you escape me and hurt others." He lifts the machete higher, "You'll have to eat me first..."
Runa smirks and raises Mangey up slightly. "I was saving room for Kuri, but you'll work as an appetizer." she smiles, floating closer to him. Onami objects to this, pulling at her restraints and cursing Runa.
Randal raises the blade and blocks her attacks, using physical attacks and swipes of the blade to damage her.
Runa smiles all the while, letting the boy do his attacks first before she swipes Mangey at his face, nicking his nose as he barely managed to dodge the attack.

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