The Crystal Wings Christmas Special

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Kid sits talking with Liz and Patty. He puts a hand to his head and sighs, "I don't know why but lately I've been thinking about... things.. They're like..."
Liz tilts her head, "Go on, you can tell us. Just make sure Mangey doesn't hear in case it's something she'd tease you about."
The reaper nods and puts his face between the sisters' ears as they lean in to listen. He whispers something and Liz's eyebrows raise in surprise while Patty starts giggling and kicking her feet. Kid sighs, cheeks turning red, "There's nothing wrong with me right?"
Liz shrugs, "Well it sounds to me like you're just growing up. Maybe you were just too young to feel those things and we mislabeled you as asexual at the time. Young human guys that are like, what, in elementary school? Yeah they don't start thinking about those things because they're young and think it's gross, but somewhere in middle school, bam. Next thing you know they're in the bathroom 'taking care' of themselves because the girl in chemistry class bent over to pick up her pencil. I know things don't just pop up like this out of nowhere. You don't just start thinking 'I wonder what it'd be like to bang a chick' because that's not normally how things work."
Patty shrugs, "Well we're girls, sis, something like that could be different for guys, couldn't it?"
Liz taps her chin, "Yeah, but when i hear about things concerning sexuality I hear about how people find out they're bisexual or gay because they get crushes on both or the same gender. So I just have to ask," she looks at Kid, "Who did you start thinking about doing those things with?"
Kid rubs his arm, "Well, it was actually-" He cuts off as the sound of footsteps come from the stairs.
Kuri walks downstairs with a towel barely covering her front. Her hair seems to be nice and dry with its usual wavy thickness, looking like it was very well blow dried and clean since she took a shower. She looks rather embarrassed to be down there as she tries to hold the towel over her, clearly not able to wrap it around her with her wings in the way, "H-hey guys, do you know where my clothes went? I can't find them anywhere and I think something's wrong..." she says, obviously trembling since it's rather cold in the manor.
Kid stares at her for a moment, somehow maintaining a perfect poker face, despite his cheeks warming and flushing a bit on the reddish side. He gets up, grabbing a soft warm fuzzy blanket as he makes his way over to her and opens it, wrapping it around her once before making her drop the towel while she's covered. He wraps it around a few more times, making her like a blanket burrito before he picks her up bridal style and walks to the fireplace, "Please don't just come downstairs when you're like that. You could get a chill and I know how bad that feels." He sets her down near the fire, just close enough that the flames give her warmth but not too close so she doesn't feel uncomfortable.
Kuri hugs the blanket around her and sits up purring, "Thank you, Kid. You didn't have to do that though..."
He sighs, "You are way too easy to please. You haven't asked for new clothes since you came to live- er, spend your afterlife with me. It's probably why your clothes went missing so easily."
Kuri smiles, "I didn't come here to be a burden."
"Yes, but you didn't even ask for one new sweater! And you love sweaters! I'm going to make your first Christmas here perfect for you. I'm going to get the perfect gift for everyone."
"You work too hard, y'know that? Do you ever take a break?"
"Never. Now wait here. I'm going to head upstairs and see if I can't find your clothes." The reaper walks off, heading upstairs.
Liz tilts her head, "Something tells me he likes Kuri. Either that or he's just so comfortable with her as a friend that he treats her like she's his."
Kid walks upstairs and into Kuri's room. He opens her closet and looks in to see it empty, "Even her expensive Alaskan coat her aunt gave her is gone..." he sighs.
He looks around to see Onami standing in her room, staring out the window with a blank expression.
"Onami. Have you seen Kuri's clothing?"
Onami shakes her head, "No. Maybe the three-headed platypus king kidnapped it so it would reveal the secrets to the underground fish city?"
The reaper blinks, "Oh... Uh.... Where's Mangey? She's done this before maybe she didn't take my warning seriously last time."
Onami contemplates this, "I think she went..." she looks around, "that way." She points southeast from where they are.
Kid looks out into the hall, "Towards the library?" No one knows how they fit a library into the manor without making it small but with the long halls and large rooms it makes for a good workout of the legs and heart just getting from one room to the other. There'll be no getting sluggish in this home. Kid blinks, "Isn't Madeline staying in there to study for the exam?"
Onami thinks, "Yeah, I think so. That, or she's being held for ransom by the library overlords before being turned into a book... Either way, she's in there..."
Kid nods, "Alright. I'll check there. And why were you staring out the window like that?"
Onami looks suspicious, "Like... what?"
"You were just standing there, staring out the window..."
Onami blinks, "Birds..."
Kid sighs, "Right. Well I'll go ask Mangey where Kuri's clothes are. Dinner will be ready and while at the table we'll discuss what needs to be done in order to set up for the Christmas party. Also I got you a neat present to keep in your room. Until it gets too big that is.."
Onami's eyes widen, "Is it a potato farmer?!"
"Heh no. It's much different. I think you'll enjoy it. I've got Mangey, Liz and Patty's presents picked out and I've got a bunch of gifts and toys for Kani and a new journal for Madeline. But I still don't know what to get Kuri. Do you have an idea?"
"Something blue. Like an acorn. Or something fluffy, like a bag of chips."
"Maybe not...." He sighs, "Maybe I should get her a new blue sweater or maybe a new charm for her necklace? But what could be useful?"
"A blue rocket ship."
"Hmm.... I'll walk to the jeweler's and look at the charms. Kid nods and gives a small smile, "You may be a bit odd at times but you're definitely better than talking to a wall. Thank you, you've somehow given me ideas."
"Hooray! I did a thing!" Onami cheers before frolicking in a circle
Kid strides down the hall and back down the stairs. He walks into the library and looks around.
Madeline sits among multiple books, her glasses tilted on the tip of her nose while she reads intently.
Randal sits next to her reading comics while Shelly sits in a corner studying birds. The machete with ice blue hair and a neon green highlight sits reading about canaries. The readers probably never got a grasp on Randal's cousin/weapon partner until now.
//SGW: she was absent for the Halloween Special because she was sick with feather fever. Totally good explanation.//
Madeline suddenly closes the book, blinks repeatedly as though she had not looked up from that book in hours, before going back on key information.
Kid walks around before seeing Mangey nestled in the corner drawing in her little book of porn. He strides over to her, "Mangey, what have you done with Kuri's clothes?"
The blonde looks up, "Uh... I dunno..."
"Don't you lie to me."
Shelly looks over, "Her clothes?"
Mangey grins, "I dunno what you mean but hey, check it. I drew some more porn of you and Kuri." She turns the book around and Kid cringes.
"Mangey, please. Don't do that. It's.... Its...."
Mangey blinks, "Wow you're not puking? That's a shocker. What's the deal?"
Kid freezes up, "Eh... Nothing I've simply gotten a stronger stomach..."
"You're looking for her clothes?" Madeline says, gazing up from the book in the right angle so her glasses gleam with light and shield her eyes. "Inside says they're in the bathroom under the sink and to the left, folded promptly and placed out of view."
"Are you sure?"
"Inside doesn't lie."
"Alright. I'll go get them. Thank you. Be ready for dinner soon."
Madeline nods, then returns to studying
Kid walks out and finds the clothing before taking them to Kuri. The angel goes upstairs and slips on some fuzzy pajamas before coming down and hugging him, "Thank you for finding my clothes."
Kid pats her back just below the golden wings and smiles, "Yeah alright no problem. Now if you don't mind I need to make some dinner."
Kuri chuckles, "You're shorter than me. It's kind of adorable."
Kid sighs and smiles, "Is that why you've nicknamed me 'Lil Munchkin'?"
"It might be, you're shorter than everyone here except for Madeline and Kani."
"Don't I get to nickname you anything?"
Kuri taps her chin, "Well what friends I did have when I was alive nicknamed me 'Cray Cray' and it grew on me."
Kid chuckles, "Alright I'll keep that in mind." he turns and heads off towards the kitchen, "I'll trust you to set the table."
Kuri nods, "I'll take care of it, just reward us with something good to eat." she walks to a cabinet once he walks out of sight and she pulls out a stack of plates, walking over to set them out with the silverware and napkins.
Mangey walks down and looks around, "When's dinner?"
Kuri sighs, "Soon, Mangey, don't worry. As long as Kid doesn't try to make something with the slow-cooker at the last minute like last time, we won't have to wait till three AM."
Kid's voice sounds from the other room, "You should have told me a stew would take all day to cook!"
"You didn't ask! It was a last minute thing you threw together since you got that silly cookbook from the Book Fair."
"It tasted perfectly fine!"
"Yeah, but you forgot to check how long it would take!" the angel chuckles, "Silly lil munchkin."
"Quiet, cray cray."
Mangey tilts her head, "Uh... 'Cray cray'?"
Kuri smiles, "Yeah, he nicknamed me since I nicknamed him."
"Oh okay, cool. So what about that dress you drew a month ago?"
The angel covers Mangey's mouth and whispers, "Shh. Kid's got ears like a bat! Grandma made it and sent it to me via bubble yesterday. I'll wear it as a surprise."
Mangey gives a thumbs up and walks off to the living room.
Kani steps down the stairs carefully in orange footie pajamas. He smiles and walks over to Kuri, hugging her leg, "Mama when will I be big like you?"
Kuri kneels to him and pets his head, "You don't age, sweetie. You're kinda stuck like that..."
Kani frowns, "Oh.... Is there any way to fix it?"
"Hmm...." The angel taps her chin, "Maybe Margret has something that would let you age into an adult?"
Kani smiles, "Really?!" He bounces up and down.
Kuri picks him up and hugs him, nuzzling into his curly orange hair, "But, I would really miss having my little boy around!"
The small boy giggles and hugs her around the neck, snugging up to her like a teddy bear.
The angel walks off into the living room and sits down on the soft couch, picking up a soft fuzzy blanket and wrapping it around herself and the small child as Liz walks down.
The pistol groans, "I'm hungry!! When can we eat?"
Kid calls from the kitchen, "I'm making steak, don't worry it won't take long!"
Liz sighs and picks up an apple from the fruit bowl.
The reaper pokes his head in from the kitchen with a dark glare, "Don't. you. dare...." He growls as the blonde puts it up to her mouth.
Liz freezes and turns to look at him, "......" She puts the apple back and shuffles into the living room to sit next to Kuri and listen as the angel tells little stories to Kani.

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