Chapter 4

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Kuri having finished the paper test, walks down the hall of the flight school to Angel Master Amber's Halo room. She opens the large doors and walks in to see Onami and Mangey sitting on clouds next to the angel master, talking to her. Kuri raises a hand, "Hey guys. I was wondering where you went."
Mangey throws up her arms, "Sup, mutha flippa!"
Amber chuckles, "These two are certainly interesting. I'm surprised they were able to hide in the flight academy for so long without being caught."
Onami smiles. "We can be the stealthiest pair of tacos when we need to be." she says, pointing matter-of-factly.
Kuri walks over to them and smiles, "So, you wanted to talk to me?"
Amber nods, "You've completed an amazing feat. Not only did you save me but you saved all of Angel's Domain. Now I will give you the ability to go to earth like your grandmother." She stands, walks over and pulls out a small chain necklace with three pieces on the chain. One is a silver horse, another is a golden pegasus and the third is a silver carriage, "These charms have special properties. These two have explained what they wish to do with you on earth so I'm giving you these to help you."
Mangey smiles, "Now there's just one thing to take care of. Kurisutaru, will you be our meister at the DWMA?"
Onami tilts her head. "Will you?"
Kuri's eyes widen and she is slightly taken aback, "R-really? Me?"
Mangey chuckles, "Well duh. We didn't go through 863 angels just to turn around after finding one that actually matches us. Plus did you see how you were fighting? Not only have you got skill but you've got power!"
The angel's cheeks turn red a bit and she puts her hand to her face almost embarrassed, "Thank you. I'd be honored to go with you."
"Happiness!" Onami throws her arms up into the air.
Mangey opens her arms, "Come give hugs, ladeh!" She says smiling as she stands next to Onami for a group hug.
Kuri walks over and opens her arms for the hug.
Onami smiles, spreading her arms before she transforms into a werewolf and bear- erm, wolf hugs the both of them, crushing them a bit.
The angel lets out a squeak and speaks in a breathless voice, "She's very fuzzy.."
Mangey speaks in a similar voice, "She does this a lot."
Onami lets go and changes back. "I like hugging."
Kuri straightens her sweater, "I noticed. You're very nice." She says smiling before turning to Amber, "May we head off on our way?"
The angel master clasps her hands, "Oh yes, of course! You don't have any belongings in the dorm you'll need right?"
Kuri shakes her head, "None at all. So how do I get to earth?"
Amber lifts the necklace she hasn't yet handed over, "With this of course."
Kuri puts out her hands and takes it gently, "With one of the charms?"
The angel master nods, "Yes. Just pull off the golden pegasus, and let it fly."
Kuri puts the necklace on gently, "Alright. Thank you."
Mangey smiles, "Alright let's go! I wanna do that flying thing again!"
"Huh. The both of you can fly, and I can't. Weird." Onami shrugs.
Mangey grins, "Well I'm kind of a shapeshifter so I could be a bird or a dragon or anything!!"
Kuri waves to the angel master, "We're gonna leave okay? We'll see you soon!"
Amber puts up a hand, "Oh wait! Kuri I forgot to put one other charm on the necklace!" She reaches into the bubble at the center of the room and pulls out a small golden charm. She walks to Kuri and hands it over.
"A bubble wand?" Kuri asks with a confused look, tilting her head.
Amber nods, "Blow a bubble with it and it'll call me."
Kuri unhooks the necklace and puts the charm on the silver chain.
Mangey tilts her head, "Oh cool. So bubbles are how angels contact you? That's kinda like how Lord Death talks to people except he uses mirrors."
"I wanna pop all of the bubbles." Onami whispers, sticking her tongue out.
Kuri smiles, "Of course you do. You guys ready to go?"
Mangey smiles, "Yep!" She throws a fist in the air.
"Onward to the land of various things of a particular sort!" Onami throws a fist in the air as well.
Kuri smiles and starts walking towards the door, waving back at the angel master who waves back, "Goodbye, Angel Master Amber. Hope to see you soon." She says leading the two weapons out.
Amber smiles, "See you."
Mangey smiles and waves two, "See ya, m'lady-face!"
"Farewell, malady!" Onami bows in an almost gentlemanly manner before hitting the wall next to the door and correcting herself, and following the other two.
Kuri walks out to the front of the flight academy and looks out over the small angel city, "Turn into swords and I'll carry you."
Mangey smiles, "Alright." She uses the same purple transition as Onami to become the dual swords. Kuri swings them for a test, "You guys are so light it's like holding tooth picks! But you do have weight so it's a good thing there are two of you or I wouldn't be able to fly straight."
Mangey smiles inside the blade, "That's one advantage you have over that guy. You were balanced so that made your tight turns and swift movements better than his."
Kuri flaps into the air and starts flying towards the edge of the city.
Onami Iooks down at everything from within the blade as Kuri flies.
The angel flies off the edge and grabs the golden pegasus, letting it fly. The charm flies in a circle and a black portal opens. She dives through and looks around at the sunlight that shines on her face from the creepy laughing sun. She looks over the city she had never fully seen yet in awe, "D-Death City... This... This is amazing..."
Mangey grins, "Oh it feels great to be home!"
Onami giggles madly inside the blade.
"I wonder if our room in the dorms will still be open still..." the shapeshifter thinks aloud.
Kuri tilts her head, "There are dorms? Uh... I think I'll just stay with my grandmother actually."
Mangey nods, "Then we'll have to live with you. No meister should go anywhere without their weapon or weapons. It's a rule in case of emergencies."
"Yep! We shall stalk you!" Onami says in a spooky voice.
Kuri flies over the city until she sees a familiar blue rooftop. She lands in front of the house and walks inside, setting the swords down as they transform, "Hello?" She pokes her head in and looks around, "Grandma?"
The woman in question rushes around the corner excitedly, "Oh, Kuri! You're here! I heard the news. I am so proud!"
The young female scratches the back of her head, "Well it was nothing really."
The woman cups her granddaughter's cheeks, "My my you haven't changed a bit! And I'm sure you won't!"
Kuri tilts her head, "You mean... I don't age?"
Mangey pokes her head in and smiles, "Oh hey we don't age either! And if we do it's very slowly so this should work out!"
"Yeah! Just like trees!" Onami stops. "Trees..."
Kuri looks at the werewolf, "What's your deal?"
Mangey uses a low tone, "She has a... Tree fetish..."
A spaced out look appears on Onami's face. "All those leaves..."
The grandmother tilts her head, "Ahem... So... Why don't you come in? Aren't you hungry?"
Mangey freezes, "I just realized we haven't eaten for three years... I guess we really are immortal beings..." Her stomach growls loudly at the thought of food, "I'll take mac n cheese please."
Onami snaps out of her daze, her eyes a subtle red. "Oh! I'd like mac and trees- I mean, cheese, too, please." Onami chuckles awkwardly.
Kuri smiles, "It is about lunch time isn't it? I'll eat anything just set me up."
The grandma smiles sweetly, "Of course dears. Come along you must be tired from the fight and the trip!" She says leading them to the kitchen where she sets to work with a family size box of mac n cheese.
Kuri sits down at the table and looks at her two new partners, "So tell me a little about yourselves. How did you two meet and how long have you been a match pair?"
Onami tilts her head to think. "Well, as you already know, she's a shapeshifter and I'm a werewolf. We met on accident, really."
Mangey sighs, "It was a long time ago. So the details aren't exactly fresh in our memories."
Kuri nods, "Alright. Onami, what kind of werewolf bit you to make you what you are now?"
"A pure blood, which ment it could control its transformations. I know that because of the books I was reading after I was bitten. It explained that anyone bitten by a pure blood could control their transformations as well, but there's a bit of a downside..." Onami pauses, looking off to the side.
Kuri tilts her head, "What's that?"
"Because I'm a werewolf and a weapon, it's hard to alternate between the two, which leaves me a bit sick."
Mangey looks away, "The same goes for me only worse. She has four forms to alternate between, one being a wolf, another a human, a mix in between a wolf and human and a sword. I could literally be any living creature on the planet so it's a little bit hard to not get dizzy."
"Wow. That must be tough." Kuri says with soft eyes, "It must be hard to handle."
Onami shrugs. "Trust me, there's are worse things to be..." Onami looks down.
Kuri tilts her head, "Like what?"
Onami looks up, a glimpse of fear in her eyes. "Uhh... Poop?..."
Kuri smiles, "Haha. Okay yeah that's true!"
The angel's grandmother pipes up from her spot at the stove, "I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Barbara, Kuri's grandma. I've been an angel for about 8 years."
Mangey smiles, "Very nice to meet you I'm Mangey."
"And I'm Onami! The pleasure is mine, Madame." Onami stands and bows in a gentlemanly way.
Mangey grins, "You seem to be doing that a lot today aren't you?"
Kuri smiles, "Oh hey is there a forest near here?"
The shapeshifter nods, "Yeah. It's really nice to go to every once in a while."
The young angel sighs, "Hmm... I'd like to go there. How bout this evening?"
Mangey grins, "Sure. Should be peaceful and maybe Onami will catch a rabbit or two."
"They're my friends. Until I try to eat their faces." Onami grins, sitting back down.
Barbara walks over with the mac n cheese in three bowls, "Would anyone want any drinks?"
Kuri pipes up, "I'll take some water please."
Mangey smiles, "Death Dew sounds good to me thank you."
"Do you make Graveyards?" Onami inquires.
The elderly woman tilts her head, "What? I'm sorry I don't think I've heard the term."
Onami gasps dramatically. "Its when you mix all of the sodas together. Mixing some of them together is called a Suicide."
"Oh... Well there are many sodas in the fridge if you want to make one."
Kuri has already started eating and she eats hungrily but keeps herself lady like in a way, "Mmm. You guys should really get eating this stuff is good!" She says, pausing.
Mangey picks up her spoon and starts eating too, "Mm! This is good! Thank you Mrs. Mara!"
The woman smiles, "Anything to help you, dear."
Onami looks at her mac and cheese and begins eating.
Barbara brings them some drinks and smiles, "You must be in need of a shower after such a long time."
Kuri yawns and stretches, "Nah. Angels stay magically clean remember?"
The elderly woman sighs, "Sadly, that only works in Angel's Domain."
The young angel freezes, "Wha? Y-you're kidding right?" She asks but facepalms when her grandmother shakes her head.
Onami starts to laugh, the fork in her mouth.
Mangey chuckles, "That's not a problem right, Kuri?"
The angel sniffs herself, "Not at the moment but it's been so long since I've showered! I wonder if I still remember how.."
Onami sniffs the air. "You don't smell that bad. Just like death."
"You haven't sniffed him have you?" Kuri asks raising a brow.
Onami looks off to the side before chugging down the cheesy pasta.
Mangey nods, "Yes, actually she has."
Kuri tilts her head, ".... Whyyy??"
"Have you ever felt the need to smell something?" Onami tilts her head.
The angel nods, "Now I see it. Neat." She gets up and takes care of the empty dishes, "You guys need a shower?"
Onami leans over and sniffs Mangey to check. The shapeshifter smells like something the cat dragged in that the dog wouldn't eat although it doesn't seem to have impacted her appearance.
The werewolf gags and covers her nose. "Mangey. Big time."
Mangey sniffs the other sword, "Oh yeah? Well you smell like a dog that's been rolling in horse manure!"
"I told you that I slipped! It's not my fault!" Onami's eyes flash an ominous red, which Kuri takes into notice.
She tilts her head, "Hmm. Why don't we just get showers already. Arguing won't get us anywhere."
Onami looks over, her eyes fading back to their original color. "You're right."
Mangey smiles, "How many showers are in this house?"
The angel taps her chin, "The last time I was here it had two showers. I doubt that's changed."
Onami nods. "Alright."
Kuri smiles, "I'll wait downstairs till you're done."

After the shower, Onami walks out of the bathroom, but she has the same clothes on as before, and they are soaked. She still has a towel around herself. The only thing she does not have on is her steeled boots, but she promptly covers her feet with the towel as well.
Mangey walks downstairs in her usual clothes that look brighter and cleaner, "Hey, Kuri your grandma is awesome she washed my clothes and everything."
"You didn't make her give you a sponge bath right? Because that would just be creepy.."
The shapeshifter rolls her eyes a bit, "Naaah. I'm a big girl I can clean myself." She looks over to see a set of baby toys that have been collected as the first toys by Kuri's grandmother, "Omg toys! I wanna play with em!" The blonde says running over.
Kuri laughs a bit, "You were saying?"
Onami walks over to the both of them. "She's like that. A lot."
Mangey blushes and puffs her cheeks, "Whatever..."
Onami chuckles, walking over to her boots and slipping them on without letting anyone see her feet.
Kuri stands and stretches, "Ready to go?"
"Yep!" Onami says, folding up the towel and setting it the dirty clothes basket.
Mangey stands and smiles, "Sure."
Kuri walks to the door, "Lead the way to the forest then."
Onami smiles widely. "Forest..."
Mangey leads the way out the door and starts walking through the confusing paths of the clumped city until they reach a forest on the other side, "Nice huh?" The shapeshifter asks smiling.
Kuri nods, "I love the forest.."
Onami walks over to one of the trees and starts to caress it. "Mi amore." she says to the tree.
Kuri tilts her head, "What?"
Mangey puts on finger to the angel's face, "Shhh. Just let it happen. Just let it happen.."
Onami begins complimenting the tree. "Your leaves are the finest shade of emerald, very beautiful. And the way they shift in the subtle breeze is very enticing~"
Mangey's finger on Kuri's lips turns to petting her face softly as the shapeshifter shushes her, "It's alright. We're all... We're all friends here. Shhhh...."
Kuri bats at her hand multiple times, "Stop touching my face. Stop. Stop. Quit. Quit it. Quit that."
The blonde finally stops and derps slightly.
Onami kisses the tree, her arms around the trunk. "And you have the most lovely shade of burnt sierra, my dear." Onami stares at the tree lovingly, but stops when she hears something above the tree. She looks up to see a woodpecker pecking into it. "YOU WILL NOT STEAL MY DARLING, YOU FEATHERED INCUBUS!" Onami transforms into a werewolf and leaps up to snatch the bird in her jaws.
Kuri's jaw drops, "Did you just... Kill a bird over a tree?"
Mangey nods, "She loves her trees. She killed a family of beavers once when they were cutting down trees."
"They better back off my trees. Don't even get me started on paper." Onami growls, crushing the bird in her mouth before consuming it. She changes back and stands up to face the tree again. "It's okay, shhhh... I'm here now. I can take the pain away." She kisses the tree.
Kuri looks weirded out, "...... I'm just... Gonna walk around now..." She starts walking and sniffs the air smiling.
Mangey follows her, "We won't have to go into school until Monday. Today is Saturday after all so why don't we get one of the text books from the school and show you the basics?"
Kuri nods, "Oh, alright sure. Sounds good."
Onami turns to them. "Wait for me!" She looks back at the tree. "Until we meet again, my love." She then dashes after them.
Mangey starts telling Kuri the basics like why the academy was made, what they do and what kinds of classes there are. They end up chatting about it until the sun starts setting, growing a sleepy look as it touches the horizon.
Onami blindly follows, knowing Mangey can handle the explaining. She simply adjusts her coat, being self-conscious to not let anyone see her skin.
They start heading back as the street lights flick on as the darkness grows. Mangey leads them to their new home and they walk in and get ready for bed. Mangey crawls into Kuri's queen size bed as she lays in the middle leaving an equally sized space on the other side of her.
Onami crawls in as well, covering as much of herself as possible. In the silence, a few moments pass before Onami pipes up. "Who likes chickens?"
Kuri jumps a bit and looks at the werewolf, "What... Onami... Please stop just sleep."
Onami looks away and covers more of herself as they all fall asleep.

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