Chapter 9 1/3

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Part 1
Mangey Onami and Kuri stand in their room getting ready for something.
Kuri smiles as she packs a bathing suit and sunblock into a beach bag with some towels while Mangey folds her swim suit and ties her light blonde hair back into a ponytail for once.
Onami is still in her heat inducing trench coat, kicking her legs up.
Kuri smiles at the werewolf, "I would ask if you wanted to go in a bathing suit but I know better because of Runa. How are you feeling?"
"I've been better. It's gonna suck that I won't have as much fun as you guys unless I want Runa going around molesting everything."
'Oh, come on, Onami. I won't have any fun either if you don't let me out every once in a while...' Runa sounds sad, but Onami knows it is just an act.
Mangey smiles, "Oh come on. We'll still have plenty of fun!"
"I wonder if Kid will come.." Kuri says slipping on some blue flip flops.
Onami laughs.
"What?" The angel tilts her head, "What's got you laughing, giggles?"
Onami looks up. "I find it hilarious that you anticipate on Kid showing up everywhere. Runa thinks you're getting the woohoos for him."
The angel crosses her arms and puffs her cheeks, "He's just a good friend and Runa is a pervert."
Runa chuckles. 'I know what color underwear she's wearing...' she says.
Onami's cheeks turn red as Runa tells her in excruciating detail about what color it is, and what it's made of.
Kuri picks up the bag as the sun rises, "Saturday mornings are always the best." She comments as the doorbell rings.
"Heh. Guess who that is." Mangey says grinning.
Onami tilts her head. "Is it the bagel man? Has he finally come back for the ponies in the freezer?"
Kuri chuckles, "You know who's at our door every morning right?"
Onami slowly goes cross-eyed. ". . ."
Mangey laughs, "Jeez fine I'll go answer the door then."
"No I got it!" Kuri says, pulling Mangey back by the arm and racing down the stairs.
"Alright Runa. Let's make a deal." Onami says to Runa.
'What did you have in mind, hon?' Runa purrs.
"If you be nice to my friends today, I'll let you spend some time outside."
Runa chuckles. 'Can I get that strawberry sunrise with that offer?'
"No alcohol."
'I'll get it virgin, then.'
"If that's the case, then fine. But by the end of the day, you give me my body back, or I'll forcibly take it."
Runa rolls her eyes. 'Fine, joykill. You have a deal.' She smiles evilly.
Kuri opens the door to see Kid looking around before his eyes redirect back to her.
"Kuri! You look wonderfully symmetrical today! Just as always."
"Hey, Kid. Mangey, Onami and I were just about to go out to the beach for some fun in the water and sun." The angel says with a smile.
Patty's eyes grow large and she gasps, "Can we come?!"
"Of course, Patty. Either we join them or they can't go at all as per the surveillance rules." Kid says straightening his suit.
Kuri scratches the back of her head, "Sure. Just go get some bathing suits on and we'll get going."
"You can come with us to Gallows Mannor." The reaper says smiling, "Wouldn't want you to feel alone."
The angel chuckles nervously, "Oh right. Sure. Onami! Mangey! Come on let's go!"
Mangey pokes her head from around the corner, "Heeeeeey."
Onami sighs and stands up, heading downstairs.
Kid turns and starts leading towards his home, "Come along. I don't want you to be left behind."
Kuri stands at the door until both of her swords stand next to her. She nods and runs to catch up with him.
Runa laughs excitedly. 'After all this time, I'll finally get to feel the sunlight again.'
"Yeah, don't get your hopes up. You're time out is limited, so don't screw it up." Onami murmurs.
'I assure you, I won't~' Runa says.

Kuri walks into Gallows Manor and looks around as Kid and his weapons walk upstairs to change.
Mangey walks over and leans against a wall.
Onami twiddles her thumbs nervously, standing next to Mangey.
After a few minutes Liz and Patty walk down the stairs and look around in pink bikinis and shorts.
Mangey gives a thumbs up, "You two look great!"
Kuri smiles at them and looks to see Kid walk down behind them in black trunks with white skulls on either leg. A purr rises in the angel's throat as she swallows and turns away to look at her swords, "L-looks like we're all ready."
Onami smiles oddly at Kuri, but doesn't say anything.
The angel sticks her tongue out almost pouting with narrowed eyes.
Onami mouths out, "Don't blame me, it's Runa assuming this."
Kid smiles, "Let's get moving. The beach is pretty far, since Death City is in a desert. Better start flying."
Kuri turns her head a bit to look at him out of the corner of her eye, "Oh yeah that's true. C'mon guys lets go." She opens her hands as the swords leap into them, hardening into blades from their transition.
Onami now sees Runa smiling evilly at her. "I'm not sure if you can see it, but I'm happy."
"I know you are, Runa. I know..." Onami gets a bad feeling about the deal they made.
Kid and Kuri walk outside with their weapons in hand as they take off into the air, one on elegant wings and the other on powerful jets under his board.

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