Chapter 19

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A grim silence lays over Gallows manor as everyone stays in their room mourning. Kid lays on his bed staring at the ceiling with red eyes from crying. He hugs the long fuzzy pillow that used to be Kuri's over him and he listens to the birds chirp outside his window.
Lord Death makes his way to the young male's door and taps lightly with a large finger for a knock, "Kiddo, I thought I should let you know, the townspeople have brought you some gifts for saving the city. I know you're upset but... This isn't the first time you've dealt with death. You've outlived friends before and I thought by now it wouldn't have a big impact."
Kid huffs a sigh, "You don't understand, dad... I never thought she'd leave us... Ever... When I found out she couldn't die I thought 'how wonderful. Someone to spend eternity with.' I believed she'd be here forever and set my hopes on that. I... I just..." His head turns to look out the window, "Thought I'd finally found someone I'd get to keep..."
Death taps his fingers together, "Well you've still got Liz, Patty, Kani, Onami and Mangey right? They're immortal."
"Yeah but if they die, I'll be able to visit in Angel's Domain... But Kuri.... She's gone forever...." The young male's eyes tear up as he chokes with shaky lips and he pulls up an arm to cover his eyes gritting his teeth. His voice drops to a low whisper and he sniffs before rolling onto his side and curling up like a shrimp, burying his face in the pillow.
Lord Death sighs, "I'm sorry... Listen, I've been through something like that too... It was tough. I know how you feel." He opens the door hesitantly and pokes his head in, "Kiddo... You're gonna mess up your hair." He says hoping the boy would fall victim to his usual obsession and try to fix his hair but the young reaper doesn't respond and he closes the door, "I'll let you have some more time to yourself."
Mangey lays in her bed and sighs, looking up at the ceiling, "Two days and none of us have recovered."
By now, Onami is back in control, but has not said a single word since the battle. She barely moved as well and had not eaten anything. She hasn't even responded in any sort of way at all.
Liz knocks on the werewolf's door, "Hey. Onami. You okay? You hungry at all?"
Onami lies on her bed, staring off at nothing in particular. She slowly blinks, but otherwise does not acknowledge that Liz is there. She is terribly hungry and a bit thirsty, but can't find it in her heart to eat when Madeline is dead and Kuri is gone.
Patty pokes her head in, frowning for once, "Sis I think she's still mourning..."
Liz sighs, "Yeah and so is Kid. Does that mean everyone gets to stop eating? No. I'm going to keep asking them until they eat. I need to check on Kani." She closes the door and walks to the small boy's room, poking her head in to see Kani sobbing into his pillow. An empty glass sits on his night stand, "Looks like he drank that water I gave him. With all this crying he's been doing it's not hard for him to get dehydrated." The older sister says half relieved.
Patty shuffles down the hall sadly and peeks into Kid's room, "Your food from last night is still in the fridge if you want it."
Kid's shoulders shake as he cries quietly and Patty sighs, backing back out.
Runa sighs. 'You can't keep doing this forever.' she says quietly.
'Yes I can. I can lay here for the rest of my existence.' Onami retorts.
Runa frowns. 'Onami, I know that you're not the most mature person in the world, but this is a new low. You can't act like this. Is that what Madeline would have wanted? What Kuri would have wanted?'
'. . .' Onami closes her eyes. 'They forgot about Madeline. They're mourning Kuri, not Madeline. They don't even know she's dead.'
'You don't know that. They care for Madeline just as much as they care for Kuri. Kuri's just more close to them than she is.' Runa explains. Onami sighs through her nose before she opens her eyes again.
A knock brings Lord Death to the front door. He pinches the handle and opens the door to reveal Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Soul and Maka, "Hmm? What are you all doing here?" He tilts his head.
Tsubaki steps forward from behind Soul, cupping something in her hand hidden by her other hand, "We've finished cleaning the kishin eggs from the site of the battle and we found this little soul. It didn't look like a normal soul so we thought we'd bring it here." She opens her hands to reveal a golden soul that floats in place.
Lord Death leans down and pokes it, "Hmm... Oh my this is wonderful! I must call Amber at once! Come in! Come in!" He opens the door inviting them in. The reaper dashes to a mirror and pulls Maka over, "Breathe on this and write the number seven quickly! I can't breathe on the mirror through the mask."
The young woman does as she is told and smiles as the normal ring sounds until Amber appears in the mirror.
"Yes, hello?" The angel master asks titling her head, "Do you need something, Lord Death?"
The reaper takes the golden soul gently and lifts it to show and Amber's eyes widen as she steps through the mirror in a bubble before it pops and drops her in front of them all. The woman holds the soul gently, "K-Kuri?" She trembles and concentrates, the soul growing and taking shape again as the recognizable angel.
Kuri stands up and looks around before a tight hug from the angel master surprises her, "Uh... How long was I out?"
Lord Death pats her head, "Long enough to depress Kid and everyone in the manor." The reaper faces the stairs, "HEY EVERYONE!! KURI'S BACK!!" The sounds of doors opening, slamming and feet trumping around upstairs booms as Mangey, Liz, Patti and Kid race to the stairs, but trip over each other, ending up as a giant pile of people.
Kani jumps up, climbing over the bunch and landing on his face on the other side.
The pile of people suddenly seems to explode as a large furry blur runs through them. The next thing Kuri sees is a giant wad of fur plowing into her at sixty miles an hour.
Amber steps back to let Onami tackle the angel.
Kuri gets the wind knocked out of her as she gasps, "Can't breathe..."
Onami hugs her tighter, tears flowing from her eyes as she starts to silently cry on her shoulder. The feeling is joyous, though not for long as it becomes bittersweet very quickly. The others finally get up and run over joining the hug. This virtually crushes Kuri until her face seems to turn an array of colors. The angel squeaks in pain and Kid pulls Onami off or tries at least, "You're hurting her!"
Onami finally lets go, the bear trap releasing its hold on the hand shaker's hand. Onami turns back into her human form and gasps, "Sorry!"
Kuri smiles, "It's okay. Now I want a real hug."
Onami hugs her correctly this time. Before she realizes. "We gotta go to Angel's Domain." she murmurs forlornly.
"Why what's wrong?"
Amber clasps her hands, "Oh yes I actually was about to call you."
Kuri tilts her head, "Why?"
Randal pokes his head into view of the mirror, "Peekaboo!" He pulls Madeline into view with him, her new white wings shinning.
Onami turns to the mirror to face Madeline. "Madeline!" Onami gasps, fresh tears in her eyes. Madeline looks at her and gives a small smile.
"I'm glad to see you're all okay." she says.
Onami shakes her head. "But you... you're..."
Mangey grins, "Yo at least she's not gone gone."
Onami looks down. "I know... but I still feel like it's my fault that she died in the first place..."
Madeline frowns. "It's okay, Onami. I'm sure it wasn't your fault."
Kuri nods, "It was the succubus. And she's been destroyed."
Madeline smiles, her wings flexing themselves automatically. Then she frowns. "So does this mean I can't go back to earth?" Madeline asks.
Amber shakes her head, "You and Randal did some heroic things during all this. You Madeline saved Randal from getting eaten and you saved Kuri from a nightmare with the wrong man. Randal stopped Runa from escaping and hurting anyone else. And Kuri, you are free to live here as Angel Master. I'll stay in Angel's Domain until it is my time for Hermes and I to be reincarnated."
Madeline smiles, her wings flap excitedly, ultimately smacking Randal and herself in the back of the head.
Kuri chuckles, "Now you just have to survive three years in flight school."
Madeline slowly frowns. "Feck. I forgot about school." she groans.
Randal pats her back,"It's okay, I'll be here for ya."
Madeline smiles and hugs him. Onami smiles softly at this. "This is gonna make quite the story for your friends, huh?" Onami derps.
Madeline gasps. "Cindy! Oh my gosh, I forgot all about them!"
Kuri scratches the back of her head, "I'm not so sure they know you're gone..."
Mangey checks her phone, "There still are no flyers or police searches out to find you, girly. I'm sorry."
Madeline is devastated, but manages to smile. "That's alright you guys. I've met all of you and that's what counts. If they ever notice me gone, I can tell them what happened." She smiles.
Kid smiles, "You have us for as long as you need us. We'll be here for you."
Black☆Star yawns obnoxiously, "Well this was fun and all but now I'm bored. Cmon let's go."
Soul sighs, "You really can't wait for five minutes in one place can you?" He turns and walks to the door.
Maka rolls her eyes and follows, "Only if there's food."
Tsubaki follows them and waves, "Well it was nice seeing you. Bye, everyone!" She says politely walking out and shutting the doors gently.
Runa laughs before suddenly piping. 'Hey, Onami.'
"Yeah?" answers the werewolf.
'Didn't you say you were going to make pot pies for everyone?'
Onami gasps. "OH YEAH! POT PIES FOR EVERYONE!" Onami screeches.
'Heheh. Make sure you actually use real ingredients this time. Wood isn't really that edible.'
Onami giggles, running off into the kitchen. "Only if you help me!"
Runa smiles softly at her counterpart.
'It's a deal.'


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