Chapter 5

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Kuri walks next to her weapons, a smile growing the angel's face, "Thank god I made it out of the flight academy alive! So this new place. This weapon meister's academy.... This is gonna be fun right?"
Onami doesn't pay much heed to the others. She is staring at a butterfly with huge, dilated eyes. "Iz a butterfly! Iz so cute!" A bird swoops down and clamps its beak onto the butterfly with a crunch. The werewolf looks horrified, and sinks into her coat like a turtle.
"Don't worry, it'll be fun." Mangey replies to Kuri, having good memory of the place.
Kuri walks up the stairs to the building. Her eyes scan the decor from the giant candles to the spikes on either side, "I'm sure it'll be great!"
Onami trips on the way up, her head still in her coat as she covers up what little part of her neck is showing.
Mangey stares at the melting wax of the building "I need that for my room!"
Kuri giggles a bit, "Oh I'm sure you do, Mangey."
"I wonder what classes we'll have?......OH! I hope we get forensics!" Mangey says as she remembers the classes easily from the last time she was there.
"I have no clue what forensics even are..." Kuri says embarrassed at herself.
"Forensics is any of several fields of study involving the collection of physical evidence and its subsequent analysis." Onami points out.
Kuri blinks a few times at her sword, "..... Speak English....."
"Looking at dead people and seeing how they died." Onami says blandly.
Kuri grins and laughs at herself, "Hahahaha. Oh god I'm an idiot! Hahaha!!"
"Yay! We're morons!" Onami squeals before waving her arms around as if they had no bones. One of her gloves falls off her hand and she quickly picks it up, blushing.
Mangey pulls the striped sleeves of her new jacket over her cold hands. "Can we get a soda or something before class?"
Kuri looks over at her, "Sure. If we can find a vender."
"Sodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." Onami drones until she runs out of breath and gasps for air.
They reach the front doors and walk inside to see a zombie with dread locks a T-shirt and jeans, "You all must be Kuri, Onami and Mangetsu." He says with a nod to the shapeshifter and werewolf, remembering them.
Onami sinks into her coat a little, so only her eyes are seen. Her hands clench themselves around the scuff of her collar.
Kuri pats her back, "It's okay. He's not going to hurt us. Let's go guys." She says and leads her weapons to follow the zombie.
"I'm Sid by the way." He says as they walk.
Onami gazes hesitantly around, her eyes switching back and forth rapidly, for fear that if she stared at one spot too long, something bad would happen.
Mangey raises her arm into the air, "Is there a soda box we can stop by first?"
"I wanna carrot..." Onami grins, "Why are there giant wax candles outside?" Onami adds, "What scent are they? How long did it take to make them?"
Sid gets annoyed and puts a hand up, "Please. Save all questions till later"
Mangey groans and looks around and Onami slowly lowers her hand, having it raised for ten minutes with so many flippin' questions in her head.
Kuri wants to bop them on the head playfully but holds back as they walk.
"So....." Mangey grins "About that soda?"
"Can we have some cereal with it?" Onami joins in.
Kuri finally bops the two of them on the head before pulling them in for a family-like side hug on both sides, Mangey laughs bit and Onami pants like a dog, her tongue poking out of her mouth.
Kuri grins until they reach Death's door and they all stop.
Onami bops the zombie on the head lightly.
Sid rubs his head, "I was not a man to tell a lie, I'm starting to get a little annoyed."
Onami's eyes widen, "Or are you?..." Twilight Zone Theme plays out of nowhere, ". . . DING DONG!" Onami squeals.
Kuri raises a brow at her, "Are you in control of your split personality today?"
Onami tilts her head. "Not sure. Probably, as long as I'm not aroused or take off my coat."
Kuri and Sid shudder at the same time before the zombie reaches forward and knocks on the door.
"Knock! Knock!" Onami squeaks. "Who's there?" She imitates a different voice. "Orange! Orange who? Orange-" Mangey covers Onami's mouth before she can finish.
A voice sounds from inside, "Come iiiiiiiin!!!"
Sid stays at the door while they go, making their way under a hallway of guillotines. They approach Lord Death who bounces excitedly, "Hiya! Hiya! Good to see ya! Whassup whassup!! You must be the new student! I must say I see some familiar faces, nice to have you back, you two, and oh my, you brought an angel back with you?! How rare! Nice wings!"
"Of course, people see an angel and they're all like, 'Ermahgerd! It's an angel!' But when they see a werewolf they're like, 'Kill it with fire!!!' Some people get all the love..." Onami groans to herself before sinking into her coat like a turtle.
Kuri looks at her, "Hush."
Lord Death gasps, "Oh that's right! You're a werewolf! Oh my what breed? There are many different breeds of werewolves, some not so flattering to look at. So what family do you rein from, my dear? You never did tell me before."
"Oh. Well, I'm in the category Carnivorous, the seasonal breed where my fur would change color in the matter of seasons, and I am Moon-Independent, meaning my transformations are not linked to the moon's phases, though my transformations are effected by the Blood Moon, Mega Moon, Blue Moon, Solar Eclipse, Autumn Moon, etcetera. But my breed is Northern Woodland."
The reaper stands up straight and rubs the back of his head, "Well then. Er. That's very interesting. I wasn't expecting that much information from a young lady but you have magaged to prove me wrong! Good work! I do love a good bout of knowledge!"
Onami sticks out her tongue and imitates a Derpy face. "Yep!"
Mangey looks at Death with a raised brow, "Do YOU know where the soda is?"
Lord Death tilts his head before snapping the large fingers of his right hand, "Oh yeah! I take it tea wouldn't be to your liking so I'll get you soda! What kind?"
"Death dew would be good" Mangey says smiling.
"The dew of Death! I'm more of a Cream Soda person, myself. Though Runachikku likes a Strawberry Sunrise, even though that's not soda..." Onami murmurs.
Kuri smiles, "And I like water."
Mangey smiles "I'm surprised you never asked my species, not even back then!" She smirks
The reaper looks at her and tilts his head, "Oh? Well what are you then?"
He tilts his head and scratches it, leaning down to look into her eyes. "Hmmmmmmm....... Shapshifter."
Onami cuffs her cheek, "Ermahgerd!"
Kuri smiles at their adorableness and how they're acting, "You two are like puppies!! Friken adorable!"
Lord Death pets Onami and scratches behind her ear, "I believe you must like this?"
Onami had a smug face on and she starts panting and tapping her foot rapidly. "Yus." She smiles.
"Soooooooooodaaaaaa...." Mangey crows.
The soda, water bottle, and cream soda drop in out of nowhere and land on a wooden table with a cup of tea. The reaper dashes over and sits, gesturing, "Would you like to sit and relax before going to your first class?"
Kuri walks over and sits, "Heck ya."
Onami follows. "Soda! The carbonated liquid that erodes at your teeth... YAY!"
Mangey sits down and takes a sip of her soda "Hmmmmm. Yum"
Kuri drink her water and smiles
Onami sips her soda carefully, not wanting to spill any on her coat.
"So.... You do this with all your students?" Mangey asks.
The reaper sips and looks up, "Not all. Just a few. If I did it with all of them I'd have about 50 new students in here once a year. Most don't really come to visit me...."
"Aww. Daz sad. Daz sadness right dere. Makes meh sad." Onami presses her hands on her cheeks, setting her soda next to her. "You know, people don't usually hang out with me either except for Kuri and Mangey, usually because I'll either climb on their backs and demand piggyback rides, or Runachikku shows up." Onami sips her soda.
Lord Death sips his tea and tilts his head, "I've heard that name a few times now, who is Runachikku?"
"Oh... She's... Um... Someone who nobody wants to meet..." Onami nervously sips her drink.
Mangey looks down and drinks her soda and stays silent while Kuri taps her fingers together nervously, "Um... Well she's Onami's other half. Onami has split personalities...."
The werewolf doesn't say a word as she is now chugging her soda anxiously.
Lord Death hands more soda and water to them, hopefully, when they run out.
Kuri looks up, "You like this visit don't you?"
"It's hard to allow others to leave while smiling. Since I don't get many visitors, well... You saw how excited I was a few moments ago when you first came in...."
"I iz glad someone enjoys our companies! Usually I get tossed out of a window for being as giddy as you were. But I like dis enthusiasm." Onami smiles, not aware she is spilling soda on herself.
Kuri tilts her head, "Where are our classes?"
Death looks to her and seems to get an unhappy look at the thought of them leaving him to be in the death room alone, "Well, I'll have someone escort you to your classes. See there are many classes here. Each class has one teacher and one set of students. So like an elementary school."
Kuri raises her eyebrows, "Well, that's different from high school school."
"I got expelled from one of my last schools, before this one..." Onami grumbles.
Mangey laughs "Story time!"
Kuri tilts her head, "Story?"
Onami tilts her head like a puppy.
"Oh. I thought you gonna tell him how you got kicked out." Mangey looks down at her soda can.
Lord Death tilts his head, feeling awkward but straightens up and keeps sipping his tea, "Okay then."
"Things got awkward fast..." Onami groans. She looks down and notices that she spilled soda on her coat. She squeaks loudly, flailing her arms. She begins trying to wipe the soda off.
"Not much of a story..." Mangey groans.
Lord Death hands her a towel and Kuri helps Onami clean herself up.
Onami keeps squeaking, worried that it won't come off and wipes the towel on her coat to soak up the soda.
"Baking soda and vingar takes blood out of clothes. Im sure it'll take that out" the shapeshifting blonde says.
Kuri looks at Mangey weirded out, "How..... How would you know that?"
Onami manages to soak up some of the soda, but some of it is still in her clothes.
"I get really bad nosebleeds in my sleep" Mangey laughs.
Kuri calms down, "Oh okay. Sorry to hear that. What causes your nosebleeds? You dreaming of boys' hot rumps?"
Lord Death spit takes to his left, away from them and clears his throat, "Um, I, eh, oh, ahem. Okaaaay then...." He twiddles his large thumbs trying to brush off the awkward silence but only makes it worse.
Onami imagines what Kuri said and her eyes flash red. "You're not helping!" She shouts.
Mangey rubs her head, "Heh. Not really. Just something that runs in my family" she laughs.
Kuri shrinks at Onami's yowl and pats her head, "Well hello, sunshine."
Onami holds her head to keep herself under control.
After a while of chatting, the school bell rings and Lord Death sighs, getting up to hand them the paper labeled 'Crescent Moon' on it. Kuri takes it and walks to the door to find Sid. She turns back with Onami and Mangey and waves, "Bye, Lord Death! See you later!"
The reaper waves, "Byyyyeeee!! Come again!"
The group follows the undead teacher down a large hall to the room and go inside to see a class full of students. A teacher in a lab coat with gray hair and stitches all over him. He looks over at them with green eyes behind round glasses as he sits backwards in a wheeled office chair, "Oh. Hello, Onami. Mangey. Long time no see."
Mangey smiles, "Same to you, Professor Stein. What're we doin?"
The male smiles, "Well today we're doing a dissection!"
Kuri tilts her head, "I've never done one of these. Are they fun?"
Onami smiles, "You and your crazy dissections."
Stein smiles at Kuri, "They're a lot of fun. Isn't normally the subject of this class but we have to give the students a fun break every once in a while."
Kuri's ear twitches as she hears a low voice in the seats that look like stands, "Doesn't he mean a gross break?" One of the students says quietly.
The professor glides the chair over smoothly, "So if you're new shouldn't you be in the NOT class?"
Mangey pipes up as Kuri grows confused, "Uh, professor, Lord Death knows us pretty well. We were in this class before we left for that short period. He probably doesn't want us to have to be held back. Plus the angel master called him while we were in Angel's Domain and told him about the fight and how Kuri was, and we told her the basics over the weekend."
The teacher's eyebrows raise in slight surprise, "That's interesting. How did she do?"
Onami starts flailing her arms excitedly, "She was so cool! She was all 'nyoom!' And then it was all like 'cling clang, sword fight noises' and then the guys was like 'grawr!' and Kuri was like 'nuh uh mutha flippa!' and then she did the soul thingy and then he did this weird power up thingy and then Kuri was like 'nyoom nyoom nyoom!' and the other guy was like 'aughhh!!' and then he hit her over dat way and we were like 'omg ladeh is you okay?' and then she went into this weird hyper mode thingy and then she was like 'boosh!' and we were like 'bwamp!' and then she killed him and it was awesome." She stands staring off into space until the chuckles of other students catches her attention and she scrunches up hides behind Kuri and Mangey.
Stein rolls his eyes, "Oh yes I see the whole fight so clearly now." He says, sarcasm lacing his words lightly before his tone turns serious, "Go find an empty seat. There's a frog at every two to three seats." He says pointing to the seats. Kuri nods and leads her weapons over to a seat that is basically one big booth. Mangey grabs a scalpel and sets to work as they have fun with it and Kuri shudders at the gore, high distaste in her eyes as she gets up and slips behind Onami to the right, putting the werewolf in the middle so they can work on it without her. The two swords start playing with the frog guts. Professor Stein walks over to them and smiles, "You two are certainly having fun."
Mangey smiles, "I want either the brain or the spleen!!" She says as she starts attempting to cut the skull open.
The male laughs at their enthusiasm, "Heh. You two were always a riot during dissections. You made a mess but you gutted everything and inspected everything as if you enjoyed it! You almost remind me of myself!"
Kuri holds back a gag and looks to her right to see an almost familiar boy with black hair, one side holding white horizontal stripes. He wears a suit while one of his weapons pokes around the inside of the frog appearing to be a young blonde, shorter than him. To her right sits another young woman who looks away from the gore shuddering. The male holds a book open reading it as he appears to be avoiding the lab too.
Kuri smiles a bit, "So hey, I'm Kuri. You look nice, do you always dress so fancy?"
He looks up at her, showing his golden eyes more clearly, "Oh. Erm." He clears his throat, "I'm K-" his eyes move to look past her. The smell of the body preserving chemicals mixed with the sight of gore hits him along with the disorderly way the guts were strewn about. His stomach churns and the nausea slams into him like a sledgehammer as he leaps over the seats, covering his mouth as he makes it to a small trash can where he kneels, gags and vomits into the tin cylinder.
Professor Stein looks over at him, "Keep it in the can, Kid. We don't need more of a mess."
Kuri sighs and looks at her swords, "Dammit guys, look what you did." A pang of guilt crunches her heart as she gets up and walks over to the boy Stein called 'Kid' and she thinks in the back of her head, «I know I've heard that name before. I feel like I've seen this guy before. I just can't place my finger on it..» The angel kneels on her knees and pats his back, "I'm really sorry about my swords. They can be a little odd."
Kid coughs and groans quietly before responding, "Oh. It's alright. It's not your fault." He says pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping off his mouth before sitting up still on his knees. A large stain marks the front of his suit though he doesn't realize it yet.
The angel points to the stain, "Your suit, it's all ruined.."
Bad idea. The male drops the cloth and clutch at his hair, "My suit!!! It's awful absolutely awful!! I did this I can't believe it!! I'm awful! Disgusting!"
Kuri tilts her head, "Hey, it's okay it's not the end of the world."
Professor Stein looks over at them, "Kuri, take him to the bathroom and get him cleaned up. In this state I wouldn't trust him to keep from collapsing by himself."
Kuri nods, "Alright." She helps Kid to his feet where he stumbles wearily before leaning on the angel. He gags again but doesn't throw up again as Kuri leads him down the hall gently, "You seem familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?"
He clears his throat, "As I was saying before, I'm Kid. I don't know if you know this but some friends and I deafeated the Kishin Asura about twelve years ago. I wish I could say eight but that wouldn't be correct."
Kuri tilts her head, "I feel like I've heard that story somewhere before."
"Well you should unless you were living in a cave or something."
Kuri looks around as she walks him down the hall, "Oh. Yeah that must be why I recognize you. You were in the news along with... I can't quite remember their names.."
"Liz, Patti, Black Star, Tsubaki, Maka and Soul." He lists as well as he can with a fuzzy head.
They reach the two restrooms and look at the gender signs.
"I'm not going in the ladies' room." Kid says blandly.
Kuri looks to the men's room, "I guess that leaves one choice." She says starting to lead him in.
"You don't mind?"
"Meh, smells a little funny but that's nothing to fuss about. I'm a tough girl I can handle it." Kuri smiles and walks in having him lean on a sink while she takes a paper towel and starts trying to clean him up, "That dry cloth didn't do much for cleanup. Are you sure you feel alright?"
Kid nods and leans his head on the paper towel dispenser dizzily, "I'll be alright. Just need a little time."
"Cool. You seem like you haven't changed a bit since your photo was taken for the newspaper."
"That's probably because I haven't." He straightens his posture and stands on his own, "The chemical smell is fading. I'm not as dizzy anymore. I think I can take care of myself now." He says turning and taking another paper towel and wetting it to try to clean off his clothes as Kuri stands back, throwing away the used paper towel. "Damn. The stain won't come out. And this was my best suit too!" He sighs.
Kuri thinks for a second and looks down at her charms, "Hmm..." She picks off the golden pegasus. It stays at its charm size and comes to life, flying to kid and hovering in front of him. He stares at it for a moment as it flies in place before it dives to the stain and starts using its hooves to paw at the clothing. About an inch worth of clothing clears up to be clean again as the tiny flying horse paws. It moves around until the stain is completely gone and it flies back onto the chain, returning to its inanimate state.
Kid freezes and looks from the clean clothing to the charm, "How did... How did you do that?"
Kuri looks down at her necklace, "Well Amber gave me this necklace to help me. It's definitely useful."
Kid smiles and shakes her hand happily, "Thank you! Thank you so much an-" a realization hits him and his eyes grow large as he looks at her head on, "You... You're..." He pulls a tape measurer out of his back pocket and starts using it to measure Kuri's hair and and face along with her sweater and jeans. He circles her and opens one of her wings, measuring it before letting it fold back up and he moves on to open the other wing, measuring it to the very feather tip from the base before he measures her arms and legs. Kid walks back around to her front, putting the tape measurer away and he clasps his hands with big eyes and a smile, "Y-you're perfectly symmetrical! Absolutely perfect!"
Kuri furrows her brows with a hardened look as she looks at the floor, "I'm not perfect. I'm anything but perfect." She says with a slight self hatred towards herself.
He tilts his head, "But look at yourself! You're hair, your eyes, that outfit, your eyebrows have a magnificent arc!" He grabs her by the shoulders and smiles.
Kuri shrinks a bit, "Do /not/ kiss me. I hardly know you." She says a little more harshly than intended.
Kid grows a slightly disturbed look, "I don't see why I would..."
Kuri's eyes widen a bit and she crosses her arms, furrowing her brows with a hard stare, "You tryna say I'm unlovable?"
Kid sees his mistake and shakes his head, "I didn't mean it like that. Sorry if I offended you."
Kuri sighs and softens her expression, "It's alright. I've heard worse, but I understand. Why don't we just head back to class?"
Kid nods, "Alright. And thank you again for fixing my suit."
The angel nods and turns to walk out, "C'mon then." She says as he follows.
When they reach class they see that Onami and Mangey are helping clean up the mess they had made. Kid shudders at the chemical smell but, keeping his eyes off the frog gore, he walks over to his seat without a problem and sits next to Patti where he picks the book back up.
Kuri walks to her weapons, "What did you two do? It looks like there was a tornado of frog guts."
Professor Stein stands and laughs a bit, "Haha. They were a real laugh. Hysterical really I couldn't stop laughing!"
Onami smiles widely. "It was fun ripping the tongue out and making it lick its feet."
Kid flinches at that statement but Stein only starts laughing again.
Kuri facepalms, "You guys are nuts.."
Mangey gives a thumbs up, "Yeah!!!"
Onami chuckles darkly. "You should meet Runa." she murmurs to herself.
Kuri looks up with a frightened look, "I... I don't think I want to..."
Onami smiles. "Hopefully you won't have to."
She nods before the bell rings, excusing them for lunch, "Hmm. Wanna go visit Death?"
Mangey smiles, picking up the last of the frog guts, "Yeah!"
"The frog guts command me too!" Onami squeaks.
Kuri smiles as Mangey throws the gore away and walks to the door after everyone else. Kid leads his weapons to them and stops in front of them, "Hello. I believe you're Mangey and Onami. I've seen you before. I think that was about three years ago?"
Mangey smiles, "Yup! Kuri, that's Liz," she points to the taller blonde with one finger, "and that's Patty. They're awesome." She says swishing her finger to the younger sister.
Liz smiles, "Aww. Thanks. Never thought we'd be called awesome."
"You both are a bottle of chicken soup sweaters!... That's a compliment, by the way." Onami says.
Patty throws her arms up, "Yay!"
"So you said something about going to see my father?" Kid asks tilting his head.
Kuri goes crosseyed, "You're his son?" Her eyes return to normal, "That sounds awesome."
Mangey smiles, "Well we knew that! Why didn't you ask?"
The angel's eyelids drop like 'really? Are you serious?' "That isn't a question someone would come up with off the bat. A little too specific really.."
"Conspiracy!" Onami shouts, matter-of-factly.
Kid pauses and looks at Onami for a few moments, "............. You are a strange individual."
Kuri nods, "Trust me we know."
"So what were you going to see my father for?"
Mangey smiles, "We promised to visit him at lunch everyday because he's so lonely in that room of his."
"Like a bagel inside a vacuum cleaner." Onami says sadly.
Kuri smiles, "So we'll be headed off then." She turns and starts walking away with her weapons until Kid calls out to them.
"You're not going to just leave us behind are you?" He says walking after them, "Like my dad says, 'the more the merrier' so why don't we come with you?"
The angel looks back, "Oh alright. Sure. But what about your friends?"
"If he has any..." Mangey mutters sadly at the thought of someone not having friends.
The reaper catches up to them and walks next to Kuri while the four weapons follow behind, "I have friends but they're all busy..."
"Busy how?" Kuri tilts her head.
"Well... It's been twelve years since we've all been the same age. Well. The same age in our lifespans that is. See I'm a shinigami so my lifespan is very large. There are about 13 human years in one of my years so I'm younger than them. Maka is now the school librarian with Tsubaki. Black Star and Soul are PE teachers now, so that leaves Liz, Patty and I still in the same class."
Kuri grows a puzzled look, "You mean you haven't passed the year?"
Mangey sighs, "We've been here and we see what happens during the final exam. They don't exactly pass."
"Why is that?" The angel questions as Kid grows an embarrassed red hue to his cheeks.
"They always fail the final exam." Mangey says. She points to Kid, "He spends the entire time writing his name, Liz, from what I've heard, never studies and Patty makes hers into a paper mâché giraffe. We've been in that class for a while so we've seen the outcome."
Kid looks away as hot embarrassment floods his face with a flushed red and Kuri raises a brow, "Doesn't that mean you've failed the year multiple times too?" She asks.
Mangey leaves her eyelids halfway down in an emotionless look, "Oh no I just don't care so I'll take it as many times as I want."
The angel looks to the werewolf, "And what's your excuse?"
Onami looks away. "Mangey. Not only does she try to distract me, but since I knew most of the answers, I didn't want to leave her behind if I passed." She looks serious for once, hiding her head in her collar.
Mangey scratches the back of her head, "Yeah... Heheh..."
Kuri snickers and looks at Kid, "Writing your name?"
The boy blushes harder at his embarrassment, "It has to be perfect okay? Anything less isn't acceptable."
"Why don't you just get a customized stamp with your name on it so you could just stamp your name on the paper and not spend so much time getting it perfect?" Onami raises an eyebrow.
Kid sighs, "They only let us bring in writing materials, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, etcetera."
Mangey nods, "It's kinda sad. And whatever you bring that isn't writing material has to be put on the teacher's desk until your done and the test is collected. Like books, cell phones stuff that could give off information."
"That explains a lot. You should practice calligraphy, then." Onami looks away.
They reach the door and Kuri opens it, poking her head in, "Hello?"
Mangey pokes hers in too, "Whoop! Whoop!" She walks in with the rest of them walking down the hallway of guillotines.
"We should have watermelons!" Onami squeaks, throwing her hands up in the air.
They reach the end of the hallway and the same reaper waves to them with his cheery voice, "Hiya, hiya! How ya doin? You sure know how to keep a promise!"
Kuri smiles, "Of course. What kind of person would pull a horrible joke and bail on anyone let alone a grim reaper. We wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if we let you down."
Mangey smiles and turns into a ferret. She climbs up Lord Death's base thingy and into his hand, "We wuv you!" The shapeshifter says in a tiny voice.
Death pets her and his masks eye holes gain a happy and touched look, "Aww. You're all so sweet! I love all of my students and you just made my day better!" He says before he finally notices his son, "Oh you got Kid to come! How ya doin, kiddo? Good to see ya!"
Kid gains a small smile, "I'm good dad. Nice to see you too."
Patty waves a hand, "Haaaiiii!!!"
Liz smiles and pets her on the head.
Onami pops up behind all of them, "Ello! I is here!" she waves her arm frantically.
Lord Death glides over on his thin base and scratches behind her ear, "Yes I see you."
Kuri's stomach growls and she puts a hand to it but her thoughts ring in her mind about common courtesy, «Don't ask for food, Kuri, wait for him to offer...» she thinks to herself and smiles again.
Onami overhears the rumble. "The screams of thousands starved boars beckons to me!" Onami says.
'I'm very surprised no one tried to kick you in the jaw yet, my dear~' Runa's seductive voice echoes in her head. Onami's smile drops and she stares at the floor darkly.
"What are you doing here?..." she murmurs in a frighteningly low voice.
'Just paying a visit to my favorite hostess. You should really take off your jacket. I know you're on the verge of heat exhaustion~' Runa purrs.
"I'm not doing that, Runa. You can't make me."
'We'll see, Onami. We'll see...' Runa remains silent, and Onami snaps out of her trance and looks up again.
Mangey smiles, "Do you have food?" The ferret asks.
"Oh that's right! You must be hungry!" Lord Death says as if he'd forgotten, "Here have a seat at the table!" He says as a table like before drops out of nowhere with some sandwiches, "Kid, Liz, Patty, would you like something to eat? There's room at the table for three more!" He gestures to the table.
Liz smiles, "Yes, please!" She rushes over with the other two and they sit.
Kid pets his rumbling stomach, "Seeing as I coughed up all the food I had eaten today, lunch would be highly appreciated. Thank you."
Kuri walks to the table and sits down, "Thank you. Didn't want to say it but I was starving." She picks up the sandwich without even checking to see what kind. She basically just bites into the mysterious sammich without question.
Mangey sits next to her, "You're not going to check what's in it?"
Kuri shakes her head, "Why? I'm starving and I'm not allergic to anything in the history of ever."
Onami walks over and sniffs the sandwich. "I think you should still check..."
"Dude it's just a sandwich. He's not trying to poison us. He doesn't want to kill anyone just eat the freakin sammich."
Kid had already eaten most of the sandwich, "It really is good. Thank you, father."
"Thanks!" Patty says happily biting into hers.
Liz grins and lifts her sandwich, "Thank you."
The tall reaper smiles and clasps his large hands, "Oh I'm glad you all like it! I wasn't sure what kind of sandwiches you'd want so I got some with everything on it!"
Onami groans.
'Nobody listens, huh?' Runas voice echoes in her head.
"Shut up." Onami growls.
Mangey bites into the sandwich as Kuri is halfway finished with hers, "Mmm! This is great!"
Kuri pets Onami's head and smiles, "It's okay, wolfy. It's totally safe."
Onami gives off a weak smile.
Mangey finishes after Kuri and tilts her head, "So Kuri, we never asked you this but what do you fear? You can't fear death because you're already dead. What's your fear now?"
Lord Death tilts his head, "That's a good question that I know the answer to. But we can let Kuri answer that."
Kuri looks at her hands, "Well I guess what I really fear is being eaten."
Kid raises a brow, "Eaten? What do you mean?"
"Angels are what are known as sanctified souls. Meaning our souls were purified and given energy to take the shape of the body we used to have, including the wings. So basically, I don't have a soul, but I /am/ a soul. Seeing that we're going to be fighting against these things that eat souls, I could end up being eaten and that would be terrifying."
Lord Death puts his hands together, "And that fear will drive you to fight harder and think smarter in order to save your existence. Fear is a good thing to have whether it's fear for yourself or for the safety of others, everyone should have a fear of something."
Onami thinks of her fear of becoming Runa again, wondering if that statement still applies to her.
Kuri shifts and a loud pop sounds from her. She laughs almost in a pained whining without being annoying, "Aaaahahahahahaaaoow my hip popped. Eeaaaahhh. Did you guys hear that? Jeez that hurt."
Mangey snickers, "That's what happens when your joints are stiff. You need to start working on getting more limber. Heh."
Onami isn't paying anyone any attention, lost in her own world.
Kid stares Kuri in the face for several moments before she notices and stares back with a blank look. Almost a minute passes in silence before Kuri raises a brow and tilts her head muttering, "What in the flip.."
Kid sighs, "Now you've ruined it, you were perfectly symmetrical for a moment and then you had to go and mess it up."
Kuri rolls her eyes, "Oh. So that's why you were staring."
Liz sighs, "He's pretty insane."
The angel's feathers fluff up, "Did you just call him insane?" She gains an icy glare as her feather ripple and shift agitatedly, "Don't ever use the term 'insane' around me lightly. If they're not in a straight jacket in an asylum, and if they're not killing someone with a devilish grin, do not," She points a finger, "do NOT use that term around me. It's very offensive and its bothers me..." She says her eyes turning a bright crystal blue like ice as she huffs an aggravated breath.
They all sit and stare at her with wide eyes until Mangey puts a hand on Kuri's shoulder and shakes her gently, "Chill out, girly. Cool it okay? No one meant to piss you off, it's nothing to worry about."
The angel closes her eyes and takes some deep breaths as her feathers lie flat again and shift back into place.
Everyone's voices sound muffled in Onami's head as she thinks. She thinks about Runa and how many people she hurt. She thinks of when she had to have her coat specially crafted to keep Runa from taking over, and how she can never take it off, or Runa will come back. She hears the word "insane" being repeated in the conversation outside of her and wonders. Her eyes slowly look like up and at everyone, wondering what Runa would do. What Runa even is. She resorts to backing away from them.
Kuri looks at Onami, "Are you alright, Onami. You look kinda distant. Sorry I snapped. I'm not scaring you right?"
Mangey tilts her head, "Onami? What's wrong, girl speak to us."
Onami sees them looking at her. She is about to respond when Runa speaks to her.
'You know, when I get out, I'm coming after your two little friends there.'
Onami shudders. "No, you won't!"
Kuri stands, "Onami what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I don't think she can quite hear you." Kid says eying the werewolf.
Liz tilts her head, "She looks frightened of something... You think you scared her?"
'Look at this now, the look of concern on their faces. Isn't that sweet? You must be trying so hard not to hurt them.'
"Shut up! You don't know anything about me!" Onami throws a punch in a random direction.
Kuri catches her fist, "I don't want to use heaven eyes on her although I might have to."
"What are heaven eyes?" Kid asks standing up.
Lord Death stands with them and walks over to the werewolf, grabbing her in his big hands to hold her still with immense strength that isn't directed to squeezing too tightly, "Heaven eyes are a special technique angels can perform. They're a type of stare that takes all fear in a person or animal and turns it into a temporary fear of the angel that paralyzes the victim. But if used for too long the person looking at the heaven eyes will start to hallucinate and end up with night terrors and bad dreams." The reaper explains holding Onami still.
'Now what will you do? All eyes are directed on you, my pet.'
Onami starts to panic.
Lord Death keeps her still and kneels to her, "Are you alright? Do calm down."
Kuri looks at her feet, "Heaven eyes will not only paralyze her but they'll clear her mind as well. It'll bring her back to us."
Mangey nudges the angel, "Do it then."
"Alright. Everyone look away." She says and all but Kid turn their heads to look away. Kuri closes her eyes and breathes in and out before opening her eyes wide, her irises having turned silver while her pupils have turned golden as she gives the hard stare that immobilizes the werewolf.
Runa voice suddenly stops and Onami stares with wide eyes, "...."
Kuri holds the stare for a few moments before dropping it, her eyes returning to normal, "Onami. Are you alright now?"
Onami blinks a few times, she looks away. "Yeah. Thanks."
Mangey sighs and Lord Death lets her go turning his head back, "Everyone's alright now right? Ready to have a good time again?"
Onami nods, but says nothing more.
"Kuri," Kid says narrowing his eyes at his curiosity, "Use the heaven eyes on me..."
The angel looks back at him, "What? Why?"
"I want to see what the effects are."
Kuri shrugs, "You wanna risk nightmares for yourself, sure. Don't say you weren't warned. Everyone look away again."
Onami looks up. "Wait, what?"
"Onami, Look. away." She says as everyone else directs their eyes away from the angel.
Kuri closes her eyes before opening them to show they've changed colors again to the silver and gold hues. Kid freezes up like Onami, staring directly into Kuri's pupils. He looks closely trying to make himself move, but he can only tremble.
Kuri twitches a little, "Should I stop?"
"N.... No...... I've seen.... eyes like this.... B..... Before.... I... I...." Kid chokes out before Kuri drops the glare and closes her eyes, "Why'd you stop? I said keep going." The reaper questions.
"Tell us your story first. Then we can continue." The angel says before the bell rings.
Lord Death sighs, "Oh well, we'll have to see each other tomorrow."
"Kid can tell us the story later then. Let's go." Kuri says walking towards the door. She waves to Lord Death and leads her weapons out.
Onami waves goodbye and quickly follows. She walks up to Kuri and whispers. "I think Runa's getting stronger..."
Kuri looks at her out of the corner of her eye, "You told me about her over the weekend... We'll have to do something about her... Later... For now we have work to do."

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