Chapter 6

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The mirror at Kuri's desk starts ringing as she sits on her bed drawing in a notebook. She puts it down and walks over to it, the sounds of chatter from Mangey, Onami and Barbara downstairs. She tilts her head and reaches out, tapping the glass. The mirror image ripples from the touch and an image comes through to show Lord death on the other end.
The reaper waves excitedly, "Hiya hiya! Whassup whassup whassup!! How ya doin?" He tilts his head, "Have you and your swords chosen any assignments from the board yet?"
Kuri shakes her head, "There are so many and we just couldn't decide."
"Oh well, Kid will be heading out on a mission tomorrow night. I was thinking maybe you could go with him and help out. These two trouble makers seem to be very dangerous and their speed makes them hard to hit. Extremely hard to hit. He's gone after them a few times but he was never able to get them to hold still long enough to shoot them."
Kuri swallows nervously, the idea of getting eaten whole making her tremble for a moment, "S-sure. I'll see what I can do." She forces a smile.
The reaper clasps his hands, "Oh thank you! I'm sure Kid will be happy to hear of this! He seems to have taken a liking to you and your weapons, you know."
Kuri tilts her head, "Really? He definitely seems nice so that's good to hear. So where are we going?"
"These fiends are in Berlin, Germany. It's pretty far... But I'm sure the distance won't bother you too much since you can fly." The shinigami says tapping his fingers together.
Kuri feels her heart jump and she stares wide eyed, "Germany? Really? That's an awfully long way to go..."
Lord Death shrugs a bit, "It shouldn't be a big deal. You and he can just fly there and fly back. Sound good?" He tilts his head.
Kuri nods nervously, "Yes of course. No problem. We can handle this just fine."

Kuri flies through the night air, hearing the scamper of the pre kishins right on her tail as they both run on rooftops and window sills quickly gaining on her. The angel spins and swipes with her swords for a moment before turning back around and flying straight.
Magney speaks with fear dripping from every word, "This is bad. They're too close."
"Where is the horizontal stripe taco? Is he not supposed to be around here? That was the plan." Onami says.
Kuri flies higher into the air, "I'm sure he's around here. He has my trust."
"But what if he saw something symmetrical and stopped to look at it? Or saw something asymmetrical and collapsed?" Mangey says in the blade.
"Nah. Patty and Liz wouldn't let that happen." The angel starts flying straight up away from the ground as the two evil creatures begin to climb the clock tower right next to her, their blade rimmed claws clanking against the metal in hot pursuit. They lunge at her, knocking the swords out of her hands and cling to her, dragging her down as if they were sinking in water. Kuri's wings flap wildly as the ground grows closer and closer at an alarming rate. One of the creatures bite into the angel's shoulder, razor teeth sinking in as if through butter while the other one sinks its teeth into her leg. The bites force a loud yowl out of the angel that echoes for what seems like miles.
"Kuri!" The swords yell out to her.
"Kid!" Liz exclaims, dragging the male by one arm.
"But Liz!" he protests. "Look at it! Just a minute longer, please?!"
"Kid!" Patty points at the tower casually where the angel is being dragged down to her doom. "I think that's your girlfriend. . ."
"She's not my girlfriend," he mutters, instantly standing up and turning to Liz. "Why didn't you tell me!"
"I /did/, you were too busy looking at the statue." Liz says frustrated.
"Guns, now." the reaper shouts, getting out his beloved board Beelzebub and placing it down. He jumps into to air, his weapons turning into pistols as he catches them, landing onto his board and flying up to the angel.
Liz sighs as she could be seen in the gun, "If anything happens, it's all Kid's fault. Agreed?"
"Agreed!" Patty exclaims.
"Hey! I blame Liz for not being alert." Kid says with a small growl.
"Yeah, right." The older sister huffs.
Kid nears his target and manages to shoot a pre-kishin from where he was, knocking it off of Kuri's leg. He knocks the other with his board, it soon falling off after it's colleague.
Kuri regains a sort of limping flight where one wing flaps faster than the other and slowly makes a shaky landing where she slumps over next to her swords, the bite wounds haunting her heavily with blood.
Kid rushes over as he sees Mangey and Onami kneeling next to her and attempting to lift her up, "Is she alright?" He asks before the two pre-kishins slide over next to them, eying Kuri hungrily.
Onami goes into werewolf mode while Mangey turns into a tiger and they guard their meister protectively, "Don't you fiends dare touch her..." Mangey growls.
Kid aims the gun, "They're holding still!" He says as shoots the evil creatures limbs off with his shots before delivering final blows to their heads, destroying them. He throws the guns in the air which transform to their normal selves.
Patty walks over to Kuri, "Is she gonna be alright? She looks kinda bloody..."
Mangey and Onami turn back into humans, the werewolf holding up Kuri gently, "The poor refrigerator magnet is hurt badly."
"But she can't die so we'll just have to get her fixed up." Mangey sighs.
Kid walks over and kneels to her, pulling the shoulder of her sweater down to view the shoulder wound, "They bit her deep. Do you think Stein will be able to fix her?"
Kuri moves a bit, "Nghh... I... Ow... I'll be alright I can't die remember?..."
"Can you get up? Are you able to fly at all?" Kid asks.
The angel pushes herself up with her good arm and stands trembling, resting all of her weight on her good leg, "K-kinda... I don't know about flying though..."
Mangey shapeshifts into a large gryphon, "I can fly her and Onami back. Don't worry about that."
Kuri smiles a bit, "See? We got this. And even if Mangey couldn't carry us back there's still my necklace charms."
The reaper nods, "Alright. Did you want to take the kishin eggs or should I?"
Mangey gestures towards them, "Nah. You shot them. You guys can take them." She says crouching as Kuri climbs on with help from Onami.
The werewolf climbs on with her and waves to Kid before the gryphon flaps into the air.
Kuri clings tightly to the sword, burying her face into the white feathers around the bald eagle head, wrapping her arms around the neck.
After a few hours Mangey lands in front of the school at the top of the steps, letting off Onami and Kuri, "Get her inside to the nurse's office. I'll go check Patchwork Lab to see if he's there. If not I'll come back and assume he's helping you with her." She says flapping back into the air as Onami carries Kuri inside quickly.
"At least the wounds have stopped bleeding for the most part." Onami says carrying the angel bridal style, "You still awake, burrito child?"
Kuri nods and opens her eyes, "I couldn't sleep if I tried with the amount of pain I'm in..."
Onami sighs, "We'll help you." She says running in through the front doors as Kid lands outside.
He throws the pistols into the air and they land in their human forms, "Do you two want to come with me or go back to Gallows Manor?" He asks.
Patty puts a hand up, "I kinda wanna see what gonna happen to Kuri!"
Liz nods, "We were showing her on her first mission, doesn't that make us all responsible for her?"
Kid turns his head to look at them out of the corner of his eye, "No, that makes /me/ responsible which is why I'm going. You two can come with me if you want."
Patty and Liz exchange glances, "We're coming with you." They say in unison.
Onami runs into the nurse's office and sets her down onto the bed. "We must now preform a lobotomy!" Onami says in a professional voice, pointing to the ceiling.
The angel chuckles, "Don't do anything till Professor Stein gets here."
The sound of footsteps sound up the hall at a brisk walk as Kid, Liz and Patty make their way to the room.
Mangey lands outside with Stein on her back who jumps off and starts walking inside next to the shapeshifter who has turned back into her human form.
Onami turns counterclockwise to face the three. "I have made a diagnosis! We must remove her thumbs!" Onami looks smug in her "diagnosis", closing her eyes, folding her arms and smirking.
Patty giggles while Kid looks unamused, "Please don't do that, you might make it worse." The reaper says blandly, "How is she feeling?"
Kuri lifts her head a bit and opens her eyes with a forced smile, "I feel like screaming. How's your life going?"
"Could be better."
More quick footsteps sound from the hallway as the professor walks towards the room, "Alright. I'm here. Where's Kuri?"
Onami points at Kuri. "She is the flying burrito you are looking for."
Kuri chuckles again, "Heheh. At least you're here for some comedic relief."
Stein walks over to her, looking at her wounds, "You've been badly injured just like Mangey said. You're a sanctified soul aren't you?"
The angel nods.
"Can you retract into your soul form for me?" He asks seriously.
"Y-yeah." Kuri replies as she glows a golden color and she shrinks into a soul of the same color. The soul has cracks in it as Stein picks it up.
"An easy fix. I just have to shoot positive soul wavelengths and that energy will be absorbed and go to healing you." He says lifting it out in front of him, "During attacks, meisters shoot negative waves of energy that does damage. If I reverse that energy and make it positive it'll do what I said it'd do."
Onami's eyes grow huge and dilated. "I wanna poke you..." Onami whispers to Kuri's soul form.
Stein waves her hand away and frowns, "Please don't this is serious." He closes his eyes and concentrates, electricity seeming to come from his hands and into the soul. The cracks disappear as the energy is absorbed and the soul is healed. A gloved finger pokes over his shoulder and pokes the golden soul, spinning it around in a circle like a globe. Stein narrows his eyes to see Onami spinning Kuri's soul form.
"You spin me right around, baby, right around! Like a record pla..." Onami slowly stops spinning the soul to slowly look up at Stein. She smiles awkwardly, "How you doin'?" She chuckles nervously.
Stein narrows his eyes, "Quit it." He puts the soul down on the bed which grows and regains its shape and color as Kuri who's eyes are rolling around and she sways dizzily from the spinning.
"Pretty cherubs. Pretty pretty cherubs." She says as she watches the angel babies from the renaissance painting fly around her head before she falls backwards over the other side of the bed to land on the back of her head derpily.
Mangey and Patty giggle and Kid lets out a sigh.
"You might have spun her too much, Onami." Liz says.
Onami turns to her. "Or did I not spin her enough?" She lingers.
'Wow. They have more patience for you than I could ever imagine!' Runa groans, a mental image of her forms in Onami's head, rolling her eyes.
"Shut it." Onami says, looking off to the side.
Kuri finally sits up, "Thank you, professor. I think we'll be on our way now." She gets up still a little dizzy.
Onami walks over to her side and helps her stand properly.
"Thank you, Onami." The angel smiles and walks towards the door.
Stein nods, "In that case I'll head back home too."
Mangey smiles, "You want me to fly you back?"
"No I'll be alright, I need the exercise." The professor walks out with the others and starts on his way down the school steps to town leaving the group at the top.
Kid looks at Kuri who is now standing on her own, "It's almost five AM. Why don't you come to our place and I'll tell you about where I saw the heaven eyes before."
"Oh yeah we forgot about that. Sure thing. Grandma probably locked the door anyways." The angel smiles, "It'll be fun hanging out."
"Inhale the information!" Onami squeaked.
Kuri opens her hands for her weapons which transform to be the swords in them, "Let's get moving then." She flaps into the air and hovers to watch him use his strange ability to creat his skateboard in a flash of pink energy.
"Beelzebub." He calls on the board before opening his hands and lifting them as his pistols transform and leap into his hand.
"Onward to lands of adventure, excitement, and much inhaling!" Onami declares from the blade.
Mangey smiles and fist pumps in her blade, "Lez go!!"
Kid flies past them on his board and Kuri flies after him as he leads them to his home. They land in front of the large manor and Kuri's eyes widen, "This place is huge!"
The meisters let their weapons return to human form as they walk in.
Kuri shoots glances at her swords, "Don't you dare break anything."
"Please don't, I worked very hard to make this place perfectly symmetrical." Kid says opening both doors at the same time, to let them in.
"Symmetrical?" Onami looks around.
He gasps and turns around to face her, "Don't tell me you don't know the meaning of symmetry!! The source of true beauty!! Look at Kuri!" He points at the angel, "She's the same on the left as on the right! Perfectly symmetrical!! She's gorgeous for it!"
Kuri crosses her arms and blushes, puffing her cheeks as if embarrassed and resisting the compliment, "I'm not pretty..."
Mangey pats her back, "Yes you are. You're very pretty. You do you have to have such a sense of self hatred?"
"I don't like myself at all." the angel growls.
"I don't like Runa, and Runa doesn't like me, so does that mean I hate myself?" Onami tilts her head.
Mangey shrugs, "I guess it means you hate a part of yourself."
Kid tilts his head, "Who's this 'Runa' you keep talking about?" He asks raising a brow.
Kuri scratches the back of her head, "Eh... She's... Onami's other half..."
"She has a split personality and Runa is her literally insane," Mangey says pausing to look at Kuri who allows the use of the term with a wave of her hand knowing about Runa, "other half." The shapeshifter finishes.
Onami looks away, silent.
Kid sighs, "Oh... Well don't let her take over in my home. If she breaks something I hold you all responsible."
Kuri chuckles nervously, "Don't worry I won't let her! Now let's go sit so you can tell us about the heaven eyes!" She says quickly changing the subject.
'They don't think I'm that kind of insane, do they? I'm not sloppy with what I do. I do it at a steady rhythm. Nice and even~' Runa's voice becomes more seductive at the end of her statement, causing Onami to blush and swallow timidly, sinking into her coat.
Kid walks to a group of couches in another room, leading them to sit down. He sits down in between Liz and Patty on one couch and Kuri sits on another that faces it in between her own weapons, "So about the heaven eyes. They weren't exactly like yours. The irises were a black and the pupils were a shade of light purple but they had the same effects."
"What did the user look like?" Kuri asks tilting her head.
"He was an angel no doubt but... His wings were black..." Kid says his golden orbs drifting to the table coffee table in between the sofas.
Kuri, Mangey and Onami's hearts jump and their minds return to the male from the flight academy in Angel's Domain, "B-black wings?" Kuri asks, fear lacing her words.
"Yes. He left me paralyzed to hallucinations which went on for about half an hour. It was awful it was like being blind until they finally went away and the guy was gone..." Kid says returning his gaze to see their shocked faces, "What's wrong?"
"Bro, that guy be kicking doorknobs..." Onami shakes her head. "We made chicken burritos out of him."
Kid tilts his head, "Oh so you defeated a guy with black hair in a ponytail with a dark grey cloak?"
Kuri thinks about the description of the dark angel they faced off with and shakes her head, "No, remember guys? The one we took out had orange hair and a black cloak."
Mangey sighs.
Onami tilts her head so far that a crack is heard. "Well, I'm stupid."
"Aww you're not stupid, puppy girl! You're cool!" Patty says in a cheery voice as her usual.
Kuri smiles, "Yeah you're not stupid. You just didn't hear the guy's description at first so you thought it was the guy we killed."
Onami looks away. "Yeah."
Kid looks to Kuri, "Alright. Down to business. To keep that paralysis from ever happening again, Kuri and I will stay here and she'll use heaven eyes on me until I can get to where they don't bother me. Liz, Patty, take the swords upstairs and give them something to do. Go enjoy the time you have before school."
Liz smiles and she and her sister stand, "Sure thing. C'mon you two, we have some cool board games and stuff in our room, the older sister says walking towards the stairs that lead upstairs.
Mangey gets up and follows them, "Come on, Onami. Lez go."
Onami springs up. "Adventure!" She runs after them.
They all head upstairs and into the sisters' shared room.
Kuri sighs, "Alright. Let's do this." She closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again as the heaven eyes, making Kid freezes up with wide eyes like before, "Alright. First thing's first, speech. Say your name."
"D.... De... eath th...the K.... Kid...." He chokes out.
"You're talking is spotty and strung out. Again." She says in a serious tone.

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