Chapter 11

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A rustling sounds through the night as a heap of white shining fur darts through the undergrowth of the forest. The words of Kuri float in Runa's head as her red eyes flicker under the grinning moon's light. She stops, her wolfen ears flicking up and twitching around like radar as she listens and the words ring in her ears again «So we have a deal then. You go to the forest about three hours on foot from Death City to search for the dark angels and possibly find Hane and come back in the morning. Don't get yourself hurt. I can't fly without two swords.» Kuri had said back at the home they lived in. Runa picks up the low sound of voices and her ears immediately flick in that direction. She flashes her canine teeth and starts on her way towards the sound. As it grows louder and louder she begins picking out the words.
"May this sacrifice make our new ally stronger! Place him on the stone and let the demon, Akuma rip out his heart and soul and grow stronger." A male orders as another male, sounding frightened as he squirms, muffled screaming from behind a cloth bandana acting as a gag.
As the werewolf approaches the site of the rising chants, she peers out of the leaves to see a man in his mid thirties, tied down to a flat boulder by ropes. He squirms and screams more, crying now as Runa's red eyes reflect the fire in the pit the men in dark cloaks had set fire to. She sits observing as what looks like a tall shadow with long arms, long backwards bent legs and piercing white eyes rises from the ground and growls demonically. It reaches out a black hand and reaches its long nails into the man's chest, drawing blood as the claws sink in as if into butter. The man's screams seem to intensify as he closes his eyes to the unbearable pain until he quiets and his soul rises from the corpse. The demon, Akuma chuckles darkly and eats the soul whole before growling and looking to one of the men in cloaks. It reaches out and grabs him, lifting him so that he drops the cloak, revealing a dark angel with gray silver hair. Akuma lifts him higher and its jaw seems to unhinge, its mouth opening to great size as his bites into the dark angel's shoulder. He screams as he is forced to retract into his own emergency soul form by instinct, becoming a black soul. Akuma eats the soul whole and growls in delight.
Runa cocks her head. "Someone's got an appetite." She chuckles quietly, before carefully watching the demon, an odd, somewhat nagging feeling in the back of her mind.
The demon chuckles and sinks back into the earth, disappearing.
The dark angels start to break formation as one of the younger of them walks to a taller one, "Sir. Word has it there's an angel near here. She graduated from Amber's flight school and killed, no destroyed one of our dark angels. She saved that cursed Angel's Domain, earned her way to earth and has taken up school at the DWMA. That's all we know of her."
"Interesting. Send someone in. Make him a reputation to live up to there. Do we still have agents in Angel's Domain?" The older male asks.
"He was destroyed, like I said."
"Then send another. Give him charms to make him stronger. Give him spells to make him fly with more skill. More speed and more precision. And a potion to make him normal. We need to find what makes this girl tick. We'll lure her with the idea of romance and love and give her the bait. We'll have her and with her purified soul, she will make our demon more powerful than ever."
Runa smiles evilly, a Cheshire Cat grin spreading on her face, making her fangs more apparent. "This is too rich." She purrs quietly.
As the dark angels disperse, the moon begins to set, the sky starting to grow a gray tone.
Runa sees this and sighs. "Until next time, jerks." She chortles, dashing back off into the trees to tell Kuri the news.

The angel stands in front of her bathroom mirror, her bangs curled and fluffed for the day, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her sweater straightened out to fit her neatly along the shoulders. Kuri finishes drawing the wings on her eyes with liquid eyeliner, walks to the toilet and sits on the closed seat, pulling a soft bristled horse brush from the cabinet and reaching her left wing around, "Time to start preening for the day. Gotta keep these babies in tip top shape." She smiles and begins brushing each feather carefully before switching wings.
After a few minutes of doing so, Runa happens to emerge and peeks into the bathroom with a soda cup, sipping it through the straw slowly.
Kuri looks up at her, "Oh hey. Have any luck? You're not Onami right now so I guess I'd say no." She sighs scanning Runa.
Runa sips the soda quietly. "I did find out something, actually." She continues sipping. Onami shakes her head, wondering why she had to be stuck with Runa like this.
"Yep." Runa smirks. "They plan on turning everyone into floating dildos." she sips the drink.
The angel's eyelids drop unamusedly, "Oh wonderful. Can't you at least tell me what happened?"
Runa rolls her eyes and leans against the door frame. "Oh, you know. The usual. Dark angels summoned a demon, they know who you are, they plan to trick you, really." Runa shrugs, looking away and sipping the near empty drink.
Kuri's feathers fluff up, "That... That is a lot actually..."
Runa nods. "Yep."
"Have you told Kid or Lord Death about this?"
"Nope." her eyes cast off to the side.
"You don't really know how to take the initiative do you?" Kuri sighs and stands, "I'll tell Kid when he gets here. Then we can tell Lord Death during our lunch visit."
"It's not that I didn't take the initiative," she uses quotations on the word. "when I make deals with a person, they are my main priority to alert or satisfy. You were my main priority, so I didn't hesitate to tell anyone else. Now, if you TOLD me to alert them, that would be a much different story." she states, almost insulted.
Kuri nods, "Alright. Sorry. I guess you're right. When do you think Kid'll be here to escort us?"
As if on cue the bell rings and the angel pokes her head around the corner and down the hall, "I'll go-"
"I got it!" Mangey says running down the hall until Kuri puts her arm out for the shapeshifter to run into and fall on her back.
By the time Kuri looks back down the hall, she sees Runa smirking at her by the door and promptly begins to open it. "Too slow, Chicken Cordon Blue." she says smiling.
Kid stands at the door patiently looking around as Kuri stomps over angrily, "No fair, Runa!!"
The reaper eyes them, "Something wrong? Are you all ready for school?" He pauses and looks at Kuri for a long times before finally breathing in deeply and exhaling with a warm smile, "Ah. Symmetry." He sighs.
Kuri crosses her arms, "You always act like you're taking a drug just by looking at me. What are you, high?"
Runa sniffs him. "Nope. He's clean. Trust me, I can smell meth from a mile away, which reminds me." Runa holds out her hand. "Mangey, give it."
The shapeshifter' eyes widen, "...... Bro..... It's my weed you ain't gettin none." She flips the werewolf off.
"Mangey, now." Runa starts walking up to her.
The blonde sticks out her tongue and jumps out the window, running up the street towards the school.
Kuri blinks, "Well that was... Something..."
Runa smirks. "Don't worry. She's still got a stash in the room."
Kid raises a brow, "How has she found the time to use them?"
Runa laughs. "Let's just say it involves the closet, febreeze, early hours in the morning, and a slightly intoxicated Onami. Don't ask."
Kuri sighs, "If we get caught, I'm deaf and you two don't know English."
Runa smirks and puts an arm around Kuri's shoulders. "Who ever said we were gonna get caught, girly~?" Runa purrs, then sips the last of her soda.
"Just as long as you don't flirt with me." She steps outside and Kid starts leading them to the academy, "So did anyone hear how Jet Everstone, top flyer of the recent class, earned his way to earth? That means he's the third one to get permission to leave AD in the history of ever. He must be amazing."
Runa nods slowly. "And I care about this.... why?"
"Just something to talk about. Have you seen how he looks though? He's so strong and smart! And that wingspan! Jeez he's awesome!"
Kid narrows his eyes at her words as they approach Liz and Patty who stand on the curb corner in wait.
That's okay. Runa senses this and smirks silently to herself. "Well, if it isn't you, and if it isn't her." Runa greets them.
The sisters smile, "Hey. You guys just wake up?" Liz asks.
"Nope! I've been up in the wee hours of the night sneakin' around." Runa smiles.
Kuri smiles, "You two look nice today."
"Thanks!" Patti chirps.
Runa blinks. "Alright, formal greetings aside, I believe Kuri would all like for you to be notified. A few hours ago, I saw a group of dark angels making a human sacrifice that summon some demon guy. Apparently they know who Ms. Perky Feathers is over here, and they plan on tricking her with a dark angel in disguise. If they catch her, they're gonna feed her as an appetizer to their demon friend." Runa explains with an almost bored expression.
Kuri smiles and points a finger in the air, "They aren't gonna trick me /that/ easily!"
Runa slowly turns around with an eyebrow raised, but does not say anything. She turns back around and starts walking before bursting into a fit of laughter.
Kid growls under his breath, "Does she really believe this wonderful crystal angel is so stupid?"
Kuri puffs her cheeks, "Quit complimenting me..."
"I never said she was stupid, smartass! She's kinda gullible, though!" Runa says from where she is now.
The angel blushes, "Am not..."
Runa rolls her eyes playfully. "Sure, hon." She walks to the school as the others follow behind quietly in the morning hours.
//MadR: Slow down there, Shakespeare. XD Slight time skip?
SGW: you wanna get poked? And sure.
MadR: I like being poked. :3
MadR: I think you should start. .-.
SGW: Of course. *pokes* think angel cakes and skull boy are cuddling or what?
SGW: alright sure. Lemme eat mah donut. nom nom nom
MadR: *sucks donut into a portable time machine* They might be, btw.
SGW: hmmm..... Well we could make them but I wouldn't do that. Would you? *looks at the voodoo dolls used to control the characters*
MadR: No. I wouldn't force emotions onto a character, but I would do this... *grabs doll of Kid and doll if Kuri and puts Kid on her back like a pony* FLY AWAY! *throws the dolls like a paper airplane*//
Kid hops onto Kuri's back and holds on, "What the hell?!" His eyes widen.
Kuri suddenly flaps into the air and zooms away towards the entrance of the school. She suddenly zooms down and skids on the ground, "Agh!!"
The two get up and dust themselves off as Liz and Patty run over, "Are you two alright? You went a little bonkers." Liz says worriedly as Patty giggles and claps.
Runa laughs out of control at this and falls on her side, tears flooding from her eyes.

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