Chapter 12

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A clock ticks loudly on the wall as a breeze blows through the open window, pushing the curtains that flow softly on the breeze.
Runa lays in the normal bed on her back with an ice pack on her head. Kuri sits on the floor, laying back against the wall next to Mangey as they sleep having passed out.
Runa takes a subtle gasps as her hair seems to noticeably turn brown.
The angel's eyes open slightly as she looks around.
The hair turns completely brown and she breathes slowly.
Kuri looks up to see her awake, "Onami? Is that you?"
Onami blinks slowly before looking at Kuri slowly. "W-What happened?"
"You passed out on the last mission so we brought you back and laid you down. You started burning up so I put some ice on your head." Kuri explains calmly, "Kid was afraid of Kani getting in the way so he took him to his house."
Mangey looks up and grins, "She is without her looooooveeerrrrr." She coos and Kuri rolls her eyes crossing her arms.
Onami sits up a bit too quickly and holds her head with the ice pack, groaning.
The angel stands up and pushes the werewolf down gently, "You're not ready to sit up yet. I saw the signs you were exposed to the evil eyes of that dark angel for way too long. You need to relax and have some chocolate. That's the best thing you can have right now." She starts towards the door, "I'll go get it."
Onami closes her eyes for a moment. "I feel sick..." she murmurs.
Mangey stands up, "Want me to get the trash can? You gonna hurl?" She asks as their meister walks out and down the stairs.
Onami is about to speak, but her face pales and she swallows, feeling her salivation glands going haywire. She quickly nods.
Mangey walks over and picks up the trash can, handing it over, "Like Stein said to Kid, keep it in the can."
Onami takes it before vomiting into the can, practically hugging it to her chest. Acid is the only thing that seems to come up, as she has not eaten in a while. The spider pops up next to her and does its best to comfort her.
The shapeshifter eyes the spider, "You think that thing used to be a human? Like Kani?"
Onami dry heaves, tears in her her eyes, but she manages to shrug. The spider wraps its legs around her in a hugging embrace.
Mangey puts her hand out to the spider, "Hey, little lady. C'mere. Lemme see you." She puts her upturned hand to the arachnid.
The spider looks at her before letting go of Onami and crawling to Mangey's hand.
The shapeshifter lifts the spider to her face, "You're pretty cute. You seem very sweet too. Kinda like Kani when he was a crab."
Kuri walks in with a bar of chocolate, "Oh wow you /were/ sick. Does the spider need some more moths?"
The spider turns to her and its eyes seem to sparkle at the thought of more moths. Onami sets the can down, panting.
The angel walks over and sits on the end of the bed, "Feel better?"
Onami smiles weakly. "I feel a bit better, but. I still feel a bit... weird." she says.
"Weird how?"
Onami wipes a tear from her eye and looks down. "I don't know. Compelled, I guess."
Mangey turns to Kuri, "Girly, there is something up with this spider. I think it's a human."
The spider waves.
The angel waves back and reaches for her pegasus charm, "You wanna try it?"
Mangey nods but looks to Onami, "What about you? It's your spider."
Onami smiles. "I was gonna name her Honey. But it might be best if she were human. If she's even a human at all."
Kuri pulls off the charm, "Alright. Put it on the floor." She opens her hand and the small golden Pegasus hovers.
Mangey puts the spider on the floor and points at it for the charm which flies down and circles the arachnid.
The spider seems to watch in wonderment and begins to take the shape of a person.
Kuri watches carefully as it grows into the girl known as Madeline, "Hey. You were right, Mangey."
Madeline blinks. She is crouched down on her hands and feet like a crab, but also like a spider. "Woah."
The angel extends a hand to help her up and Madeline takes it and stands up correctly.
Mangey smiles, "Hi I'm Mangey, this is Kuri and this is Onami. What's your name, little lady?"
She smiles back. "Madeline Wolfen."
Kuri smiles, "Sounds almost like Onami's last name. Onami, how old are you?"
Onami looks down. "The last birthday I remember having, I was probably seventeen. So I think I'm eighteen now." she says.
Kuri nods, "What was the year during your last birthday?" She asks Onami, acknowledging the werewolf's lifespan.
Onami's face goes blank. "Um... 1647!" she shouts a random number, automatically regretting it as she flinches.
The angel tilts her head, "Uh... Okay... So." She turns to Madeline, "How old are you?"
Madeline tilts her own head. "Thirteen. But everyone thinks I'm twelve because they all forgot my birthday one year."
Kuri smiles, "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe we can give you twice the presents for your next birthday?"
Madeline smiles brightly. "Heheh. That would be nice, but you don't have to. I'm sure they'll remember next year, right? What could go wrong?"
Kuri pats her on the head, "Well, where do you live?"
"Mukilteo. It's in Washington." Madeline gestures.
"Hon we're in Nevada. You are really far from home."
Madeline looks around. "That explains so much..."
Mangey tilts her head, "Hmm? What do you mean?"
"Well, I live in the woods. This doesn't look much like the woods I live in at all." Madeline explains.
'I told you that this was not your home, werewolf.' Inside tells the girl.
"I know." she says sadly to the phantasm.
Kuri blinks and raises a brow, "Are you talking to someone else?"
Madeline looks up. "Yeah. Inside." she says bluntly.
Mangey exchanges glances with the angel before looking back, "Inside of what?"
Madeline laughs. "Inside the staldow. That's its name."
Onami nods in acknowledgement.
"Hmm." Kuri tilts her head, "Would you like something to eat?"
"Well I've been eating mainly moths and dragonflies while I was a spider. Do you have pancakes? I like pancakes." she sticks her tongue out.
"Pancakes!" Onami shouts weakly.
Kuri smiles, "You two might be related. I'll go start making some. Although I think Kid would be better at making them."
Madeline narrows her eyes. "Wasn't he that guy who tried to have me killed?"
"That was when you were a spider."
"Still though." Madeline looks down. Onami pats her head.
"Well I'm sure he'll like you now. You can stay with us until we get you back home."
Madeline smiles. "Thank you angel lady." she pats Kuri's face.
Kuri smiles, "Buuuuut.... Let's go visit Kid juuuuuust in case...." She grows a bit nervous but smiles and inches towards the door.
Mangey smiles amused, "Mmmmhhhmmmmm~"
Onami smiles smugly before a wave of nausea hits her. "Ugh. Can I have that chocolate?" she groans.
The angel tosses the bar to her, "Sure thing."
Onami smiles gratefully and catches the bar before eating it quietly. Madeline looks at her. "So, what did that guy do to you?" Immediately adding, "Oh. I shouldn't have asked." she looks down, ashamed.
Onami smiles. "It's no big deal. Lemme see if I remember..." Onami tries to remember what he said but her mind is instantly filled with horrific images and a distorted word, causing to shiver. "I can't r-remember... so-something about s-sucking a b-bus?"
Mangey tilts her head, "You sucked a bus? But busses don't have dicks."
Onami looks down. "That probably wasn't it. Wait! Did we get Hane?" Onami gasps.
Mangey nods, "We got his soul right over there. He retracted to emergency soul form but he hasn't turned back to normal yet."
Onami looks over at the soul, an ominous feeling in her chest emerges. She continues eating the chocolate bar.
The shapeshifter smiles, "You took him down so you get to eat him."
Onami smiles. "Runa and I would like that very much. Right Runa?"
No response.
No response.
"Hm." Onami shrugs.
"Who's Runa?" Madeline asks.
"Oh, she's my split personality."
"Oh. I see." Madeline nods.
Onami smiles before she detects a scent in the air. She follows the scent to Madeline and takes a moment to register it as a werewolf's scent. Her eyes widen.
Mangey grins, "Well we should probably go after Kuri before she gets too far off."
Onami looks at her and smiles. "Oh yeah." She makes to stand up.
Mangey helps her walk downstairs to find Kuri standing at the door patiently, "Well you're eager aren't you?" The shapeshifter chuckles.
"Eager for some lovin'." Onami chuckles, a bit weak in the knees.
Kuri rolls her eyes, "Shut up. I don't even like him like that..." She puffs her cheeks.
Onami smiles and derps. "Sure..."
Madeline watches this and smiles. "I kinda wish my friends back at home were like you guys. You all seem to get along so well."
The angel smiles, "Well we're a team. I'm their meister and they're my weapons so of course we get along."
"I've hear very little about meisters and weapons in my town. My friend Cindy was telling me a bit about them a few days before I got turned into a spider." Madeline explains.
Mangey walks over and opens the door to lead them out, "How did you get turned into a spider anyways?"
"Well, you see, I was in the forest having a discussion with Inside, and I found a group of guys that looked kinda like her," she points at Kuri. "but they had black wings. They were doing something to my math teacher. Anyways, apparently I alerted them of my presence and the next thing I knew, this lady came along and did something to me. After that I woke up in the jungle as a spider and tried to find someone to help me out. I found that guy with the striped hair on one side, and he just kept screaming at these two girls to kill me. Then a lady with white hair ran into me. I'm guessing that was Runa?"
Onami nods.
Kuri scratches the back of her head, "Yeah... He's a little... Eh... What's the word?"
"Much?" Madeline and Onami say in unison.
She looks around almost embarrassed and looks back up, "He's not... That bad is he?"
"No." Onami says. "That's just the way he is."
"Yeah." Madeline adds.
Kuri nods, "Yeah..."
Mangey smiles, "Say it."
"Say what."
"Saaaaay what you're thiiiinkiiiiin." The shapeshifter crows.
The angel crosses her arms and puffs her cheeks, "I like him just the way he is. Okay?"
"You liiiiiiike hiiiiim~ oooooooh" Mangey giggles and Kuri glares angrily.
Onami smiles, trying to walk on her own, and stumbles towards Kuri and pats her head. "Iz okay. You're in a safe place. You don't need to be embarrassed."
Madeline giggles.
The angel sighs and keeps walking with Onami, "C'mon."
Onami somewhat leans on her for a bit of support. She slowly gets her strength back but is still a bit weak.
Kuri looks at the werewolf, "You sure you're okay?"
Onami grins. "I'm sure I'll be fine. I gotta be in good shape as your weapon. I-I'm okay." her voice dwindles a bit as walking seems to take much of her energy away.
Kuri sighs, "Why don't you turn into a sword and let me carry you. You need your rest."
Onami smiles softly. "Okay." She becomes a sword.
Madeline observes. "Huh." she says.
Kuri holds the handle gently yet firmly. She looks at Madeline and smiles, "Would you like to try holding her? It's no different from holding a normal sword. Of course if your soul wavelengths don't match up then she could either burn your hands at the touch or be too heavy to hold." The angel explains holding the sword out in front of her.
Madeline gulps before timidly taking Onami in her hands.
Onami seems weightless in the girl's hands. Kuri smiles and pets the young girl's head, "You know how to fight? Have you ever trained in using weapons?"
Madeline shakes her head. "No. My friend Cindy does I believe. I still get beaten up anyways even if I tried to defend with anything." Onami frowns at this, lying down in the sword. It seems a bit darker than she remembers and it's almost as if the darkness is creeping closer to her. Gradually, but surely. She pays it no mind, focusing more on the younger werewolf at hand.
The angel frowns, "I see... What are your parents like?"
Madeline looks away. "I live with my mom and my step dad. They care about me, I know. They're just... oblivious to everything that's happened to me. They just think that there is something wrong with me."
Mangey pulls out her phone, "I'll check to see if they've put out a search team or flyers for you." She searches Madeline, "What was your last name again?"
Kuri pipes up, "Wolfen."
"Oh right." The shapeshifter types in the last name and searches. Nothing pops up, "Know any websites I should check?"
Madeline shakes her head. "When I said oblivious, I really mean oblivious. They never noticed when I went missing for two days because I got on the wrong bus. They wouldn't even notice me gone." Madeline looks at Onami in her hands. Onami stares back.
Kuri sighs, "I'd like to test your parents. Why don't you stay with us for a while and if they don't send the police to search for you then we can assume they're unfit to have you. My parents were like that. Only worse. I was sent to live with my grandparents when I was four years old because my mother didn't care for me and my father was always working. I was barely fed, never changed, I always walked around in the same clothes. I was neglected. Only my father gave me love."
Madeline frowns before walking over and hugging Kuri, careful not to stab her in the face with Onami.
The angel smiles, "It's alright. My mother got better after my father died and I went back to her after my grandma died although she was willing to send me to an asylum. But my afterlife is much better now that I have all of you. It's bliss."
"I went to an asylum once. They did a lobotomy on me. But something went wrong." Madeline stops hugging her and hands Onami back.
Kuri takes the sword and turns to continue walking, "Like what?"
"Well since then, I'd would have these weird dreams and hallucinations. They always seemed to end in blood. Then later, the staldows showed up. Inside is only one of the thirteen I have so far." Madeline looks uncomfortable.
Mangey tilts her head, "What are the others?"
"...Mockery, Fear, Empathy, Superior, Inferior, Hate, Vengeful, Paranoid, Misery, Pity, Grudge, and Guilt." she says.
"Sounds complicated." The blonde says simply.
Kuri looks over, "So what are you going to do?"
Madeline quietly follows. "Not too sure..."
"You could take the offer and stay with us. Although there isn't too much room we could probably fit you in."
"I don't want to be a trouble, though." the rainbow girl says quietly.
"You won't be. I promise." The angel smiles as they approach the symmetrical mansion.
Madeline smiles. "Thank you. I think I'll stay."
"So. What do you think of baby toys?" Mangey asks out of the blue.
Madeline and Onami shiver. "The red circle..." they whisper at the same time.
The two tilt their heads but keep walking.
"You can't ever trust a baby toy. They lull you into a false sense of security, then demand you to find the red circle. The red flippin' circle!" they hiss, before realizing what they said and Madeline looks over at the sword.
Kuri looks surprised, "Hmm... Interesting. You may be related."
Mangey smiles and covers her mouth chuckling.
The angel among them suddenly looks up at the mansion and hands Onami to Mangey, flapping into the air up to the window above the door. She smacks into the glass, startling Kid and Kani inside who sit reading a book. Kuri falls from the bonk into the window and lands on her back in front of the door.
Mangey runs over, "Yo, lady you okay?"
The angel sits up and rubs her head, "I guess I got so excited I forgot there was glass there and tried to fly in."
The blonde laughs as the door opens to reveal Kani who sits on Kid's shoulders, hugging his head, "Oh wow. Bird wings, bird feathers and bird brain!!" She hugs her stomach with her free hand.
"I've done something like that before. Except I didn't have wings. I kinda wish I did though." Madeline giggles.
Kid extends a hand and helps Kuri to her feet, "So is Onami feeling better?"
"More or less. I gave her some chocolate earlier." The angel says smiling, "And how are you, Kani?" She asks looking up at the small red head with a lighter cheery tone.
The small boy throws his arms in the air and smiles, "Hi, mama! I'm good! I'm reading a book with papa! It's a picture book!"
Kid holds up the book and Kuri reads the title on the front aloud, "Symmetrical Paintings of History... I should've guessed..." She grins in amusement.
Madeline's eyes widen at Kuri. "WOAH!... WOAH!... Woah... you have a child?!"
The angel chuckles, "He's not mine by birth. We just found him in the same state you were in. But he was a crab and for much longer." She jabs a thumb out to Kid, "And he and I aren't really together at all. We just got called mama and papa."
Kani points at Madeline, "Who's that?"
The reaper holding him up on the shoulders pulls the boy's hand down, "It's impolite to point, Kani. And that is a good question."
"My name is Madeline. I was the spider you tried to have killed." she says to Kid.
The reaper goes into a guilty silence, "........... Oh...... Uh...... Sorry.... About that..... Eh...." He reaches to scratches the back of his head but ends up scratching Kani's back who leans forward and purrs bliss.
"It's cool. Your screaming probably took away twenty-four percent of my hearing, but it's all good." Madeline smiles before looking up at Kani.
The small boy smiles giddily, "Hehehe! I like your shirt! So colorful!"
Madeline smiles happily. "Arigato!" she says.
"Arigawa?" The red head tilts his head, looking confused.
"That's Japanese for 'thank you,' Kani." Kid explains growing a small smile.
"Yep. Finally someone understands me. Cindy and Chris never knew what I was saying." Madeline sighs with a smile, shaking her head.
Kid opens the doors wider for them to enter, "Come in. How old are you?"
"I'm thirteen." Madeline says, "Everyone thinks I'm twelve though."
"That must be degrading." The reaper says as they walk in, "Onami. Would you like anything to eat?"
Onami smiles from within the sword. "Ice cr-" a wave of nausea hits her again at the thought and she can almost taste the chocolate coming back up for a second round. She swallows. "You gots soup?" She murmurs.
The reaper nods, "I have just about anything except crab legs," he drops his voice to a mumble that only they can hear, "We gave those to the neighbors down the street before Kani came over."
Madeline giggles.
Kid sets Kani down who runs and hugs Kuri, "Try to relax but please don't ruin the symmetry here."
Madeline cocks her head. "Symmetry... reminds me of math. Oh no, he's not a math tutor is he?!" she looks at Kuri worriedly.
The angel chuckles, "No. He's probably old enough to be but he's not. He's a grim reaper."
Madeline sighs. "Oh, okay. That's much less terrifying."
"And if you couldn't tell, I'm kind of an angel. I died a few years ago."
"Yeah. I could tell. You're the first angel I've ever seen. I've seen demons before. I was even possessed by one when I was a bit younger." Madeline scratches the back of her head.
Kuri tilts her head, "Really? What was it like?"
"It wasn't pleasant. It was like I was there, but I wasn't there. I could remember everything, yet I couldn't remember anything. In the end, it left, but my soul is permanently damaged." Madeline looks off to the side. "It's hard to explain."
Mangey frowns helping Onami to the couch, "That's sad. Think you'd wanna be a meister?"
"Madeline smiles shyly. "You know, I don't really know anything about weapons or meisters. I just always assumed it was just predestined stuff. Like with Cindy. She never gave me details on much, but she said that she was a meister and didn't tell me anything else. I always thought it was only certain people who were going to be weapons or meisters. I couldn't possibly be either even if I knew that I was. I'm not strong enough like that like you guys are." Madeline shakes her head dismissively.
Kuri sighs, "Maybe we could teach you. What are you good at?"
"I can play a mean trombone." Madeline smirks. "I'm good at writing skills and art. I'm also pretty good at telling atories."
Kani pipes up, "What about archery?"
Madeline shakes her head.
Kid tilts his head, "Kani, why archery specifically?"
The small boy looks down at his hands, "Weeeell...."
He raises one hand and it becomes a bow, "I never said anything before but I'm kinda a weapon. I kept it secret even back before I was a crab because I didn't want to be seen as a freak..."
"You're not a freak, Kani." Madeline smiles softly. "I'm sure if you find a meister that they'll be lucky to have you as their weapon. I think that's how it works..." Madeline looks down.
The small boy puts his hand to the bow and an arrow made of energy materializes. He pulls it back on the string and aims somewhere in the city. He lets go and the arrow flies far. A shrill scream is heard from town and they all flinch, "Uh... Maybe I should try using targets.."
Madeline chuckles.
Kid closes the doors, "Let's.... not go outside for a while..."
"I no longer know any of you if we get arrested." Madeline says with a smile.
Kuri chuckles, "Heh. Alright whatever."
Mangey puts her hands to her head, "I CAN'T GO BACK TO JAIL!!!"
Onami pats Mangey's shoulders. "I'm not going to bail you out next time."
Kuri looks a little freaked out, "How long is your arrest record?"
The blonde stays silent, "........"
"Hey... You okay?"
"I.... I can't remember!!"
"Let's just say that Mangey is never allowed to visit three states, four countries, and any part of the Dominican Republic." Onami groans.
Kid clears his throat, "Well.... Um..." He nods, "I'll go start on the soup then."
Kuri walks behind him, "I'll help."
Mangey coos, "Oooooooohhhhh you goin for some alooooooone tiiiiiiiime~"
The angel looks back with a glare as she follows the reaper.
Liz walks down the stairs, "Oh hey, I guess you guys are here."
Her sister slides down the stair railing and lands.
Onami laughs before turning her attention to Madeline. "So... trombone, eh?"
"I'd like to hear." Onami smiles.
"Okay! I just need a trombone." Madeline smiles.
"Let's go see if there is one somewhere. You guys wanna come?" She asks Mangey and Kani.
Kani throws his hands up, "Yeah!"
Madeline smiles. "Great! You can tell me a bit more about yourself on the way if you want." She timidly offers Kani. Onami the proceeds to lead the way to find the trombone, but ends up going slower than the others due to her lack of strength. Madeline helps support her.
Mangey lifts the sword's other arm to help and Kani slows to stay with them.
Onami smiles softly. "I gots me some friends." She says in a derpy voice as they make their way. "Maybe Kid would know where it is."
Patty points down the hall, "I know where it is! It's in the music room!"
"Oh! Thanks! Onward Minions!"
They all chuckle and continue walking with her, "This place is huge! You two live here?"
Liz nods, "Uh huh. Being a member of Lord Death's family, Kid is like royalty. Lots of money, he can travel anywhere and he's got a lot of respect. But he still acts down to earth with everyone, so he's not exactly a spoiled brat. Well not all the time. He'll act spoiled sometimes, and sometimes he's downright childish."
Madeline tilts her head. "Wow."
Onami decides to test this. "Are there flying llamas?"
Patty giggles, "I dunno! Maybe!"
"Conspiracy!" Onami declares.
The younger sister cups her face and gasps, "What's the FBI done this time?!"
"Everything!" both Madeline and Onami shout as they all make their way to the music room.
Liz opens the door to reveal many instruments in the room, "Kid knows how to play every single one of them."
"Really?" Mangey's eyes widen.
"He's over two hundred human years old. He's probably an expert at almost anything. He knows how to use every weapon, play every instrument, speak every language and he's like a dictionary."
"Does he know of The Journal?" Madeline questions seriously.
Mangey tilts her head, "What journal?"
"THE Journal. This." Madeline opens her coat and takes a brown leathered book from the inside pocket. It has the word EXIST on the front with strange symbols on the front and a torn cover with a brass binding.
They all look at the book in awe till Patty grabs it and opens it, "I wanna read it!!"
Madeline's eyes suddenly dilate to the size of pinpricks and her teeth transform into fangs. "NO!" she tackles Patty like a football player. She yanks the book back, hissing. "DO YOU WANT YOUR BRAIN TO ROT LIKE MINE?! DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE ME?!" Madeline screams, looking absolutely insane, her eyes suddenly a flaring blue instead of brown. She abruptly calms herself, closing her eyes and humming quietly.
Patty freezes up, "...... Oooohhh."
Liz pulls the girl off of her sister harshly, "Don't. Hurt. My. Sister."
"I apologize. But you cannot read this book. For everyone's safety. In my opinion, it would be much better to be injured in the way she would have been than to read this..." Madeline looks sad.
Liz lightens her glare, "Are you really so sure about that? What could be so bad about a book? Is there like gore or something in it?"
"No. Much worse. You have no idea what this book has done to me." She puts it away again.
Mangey sighs, "Damn. That sucks."
Madeline suddenly smiles. "But I told you guys that I'd play something for you, and that's what I'll do! Where's the trombone?"
Patty points to the trombone in the corner of the room. Madeline walks over to it and picks it up.
The others watch patiently
Madeline tests out the slide and makes sure it slides properly. "Hm. A bit rough." She looks around for slide oil, finds it, and greases the slide until it moves properly. She takes a wipe and cleans the mouthpiece before taking a deep breath and starts off with an even note.
Mangey smiles, "Nice."
Madeline chuckles. "You haven't seen anything yet." She clears her throat and takes a deep breath before beginning to play French Market Buzzards March, managing to play the piece on just the trombone.
They all nod, "Nice.."
Madeline smiles and continues to play, adding her own twist to it.
They clap when she finishes.

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