Chapter 15

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MadR: . . . *picks up the Kid voodoo doll and whispers* Lock yourself in in the closet for two hours thinking about kittens and if someone asks you if you're alright during that time, tell them that they have rainbows in their noses. *sets doll back down*
SGW: this is what we're starting the chapter with?
MadR: We must. It is our calling, and we must.
SGW: lady, I love you but you've lost your mind.
MadR: *spins around* Woop!
SGW: you wanna start off the chapter?
MadR: Yus. Start it off with weenies.
SGW: I thought you wanted to start it
MadR: Oh! Well I was so used to you starting it, but okay!
MadR: Now is my moment to shine! To be known!//
...Stuff happened. The end.
//SGW: =_=
MadR: lol jk//
Onami stands in the center of her newly decorated room with a collage of random materials and colors. Basically this looks like the room of a kid, or the room of someone with hebephenia. Onami marvels in her work, before Runa pipes up.
'How long is it going to take you to find Hane?' she asks impatiently.
"We're working on it, Runa. I think in a few days we should find him and get you to stop acting so weird." Onami sighs.
'Hmm...' Runa growls.
Onami shakes her head solemnly, but remembers the costume she got for Madeline and quickly runs outside to where Madeline and Kani are.
"CREATURES! I MUST SPEAK WITH YOU!" Onami screams, running with her arms flailing like noodles in the wind.
Kani puts his arms up, "I used to be a sea creature!" He smiles.
Madeline smiles and shouts. "I used to be a creature everyone tried to kill!"
Onami runs up to them. "Have you tried on your costumes yet?"
Madeline shakes her head. "I've seen mine and frankly... it's kinda... odd..."
Onami frowns. "But I made sure you two were a matching pair!"
"Yeah. Kani's is a bit weird too..." Madeline admits.
"MEEEEEEEEHHHHHH!" Onami groans.
Kani smiles, "I still don't know what it looks like."
Madeline looks at him. "It's... it's sorta cute... sorta dark..."
Onami decides. "If you put on your costumes, I'll put on mine. Okie?"
"But don't you think it's a bit... odd that all of them have blood with it?"
Onami nods. "But the cashier seemed pretty trustworthy."
Madeline blinks.
Kani tilts his head, "Blood?"

Kuri knocks on the closet in Kid's room, "Kid are you okay in there? You've been in the closet for an hour." She says concerned.
A low voice comes from it, "You have rainbows in your nose."
Mangey pokes her head in, "Maybe he's jerking off to your picture."
The angel throws a pillow at the shapeshifter, hitting her square in the face, "HE'S ASEXUAL, YOU PERVERT!!"
The blonde catches it, "Yeah but you're symmetrical and he obviously has a little fetish."
Kuri pinches the bridge of her nose, "That's disgusting. He does not have a fetish."
A hand reaches out of the closet and grabs a box of tissues on the table next to the closet, making Kuri's jaw drop as her cheeks turn red, "........ K-Kid?!" The door closes after the box is retrieved.
Mangey laughs but stops when the same hand reaches out and grabs a pencil from the table, pulling it in.
Kuri then gains a weirded out look, "A pencil?"
Mangey smiles, "Hey he's been around for a long time. Maybe he picked up some weird form of masturbating. Wait he has a dick right?"
Kuri sighs, "I dunno, Mangey last I checked he WAS A FREAKING MALE!!!"
"Yeah but he's not human so he might not have a human dick."
The angel points at her, "YOU'RE NOT HUMAN AND YOU HAVE A VAGINA!!"
"How do you know?" Mangey raises a brow.
"I've seen you naked."
"Oh I dunno, maybe that time I found you laying on my bed and you were FREAKING NAKED!! I asked, 'What are you doing?' and you were like, 'I dunno I just feel like being naked.' and I freaking let you! I just walked out!!" Kuri yells, her feathers puffed up.
Mangey laughs, "Hey you were looking!"
"What's not to look at?! Your legs were open and I mean OPEN!!" The brunette snaps.
A low gagging sound comes from inside the closet but it's not heard by them.
The shapeshifter chuckles, "Suuuuure."

Downstairs Kani bounces up and down as he watches Onami getting out their costumes, "Oh boy! I hope they're cool!!"
Onami retrieves the costumes and reveals them to Kani. His is of a some sort of bunny with a nail through its body, while the other has a striped shirt black pants and two odd looking boots that somewhat resemble hooves or cloven steel toes. There is also a bottle of blue hair dye, and both costumes has a small container with blood in it. "These are your's!" Onami smiles.
Kani looks at the bunny costume, "It looks cool!"
Madeline looks at Kani then back at Onami. "So then what's your's?"
Onami smiles derpily. "You'll see when you put your costumes on." she hands them their costumes and goes back to her room to change into hers, mostly in the most difficult way possible because she does not like showing any part of her skin, even in private.
The two change into their costumes. Kani pokes the fake nail head on the front of his costume and waves his arms, "I'm a bunny!! Boing! Boing!" He bounces around.
Madeline reluctantly looks down at her costume. "I'm not even sure who I'm supposed to be." she groans. Onami opens her door and walks out in her costume, but doesn't let anyone see just yet. She runs to Mangey's room.
Mangey now sits on her bed drawing in a sketch book. She looks up to see the werewolf come in, "Sup, girly. Oh hey look at the new porn." She turns the drawing to show Onami, "I swear I ship it so hard."
Onami is still mostly covered up by shadows and blinks. "It reminds me of a fruit salad."
The shapeshifter throws her head back and laughs, "The wings make it hard to draw porn of them but it's possible."
"I feel like you have a collection of those somewhere that you just keep in a book." Onami smiles.
"I'm doing a collage in case they get married and want ideas. It pisses them off now but they'll be grateful someday.... Someday...."
Onami laughs. "I'm sure of that." She suddenly remembers. "Oh! Did you try on your costume?"
Mangey puts the sketch book in one of the nightstand drawers next to her bed, "No."
"Try it on, bagel molester!" Onami demands.
The blonde gets up and walks to the closet, slipping on the costume, "Still not sure who it's of."
"I think it's some sort of mime guy with a pointy nose. Maybe a clown. Not to sure." Onami derps.
The blonde smiles, "This costume seems familiar."
"I figured you'd like it. Its got stripes. I'm gonna go see if I can get everyone else to get into their costumes. You can go see Kani and Madeline's if you want!" Onami waves revealing that her hand is bow white from her costume. She then runs off to find Patty and Liz.
The sisters sit in the living room, Patty playing with toys while Liz paints her nails.
She run into the living room, but hides herself, not yet ready to show herself. "Psst. Hey. Potato children, hear my beckoning!" she whispers.
They look over.
"Oh. Hey it's you." Liz says calmly while Patty giggles.
"Hi!" The younger blonde squeaks.
"Have you tried on your costumes?" Onami asks curiously.
They shake their heads, "We don't know where you put them."
"I put them in a secret place." Onami smiles. "It's a special place. A happy place."
They look at each other and tilt their heads.
Onami blinks. "Under your beds. It's surprisingly comfortable down there." She says creepily.
Liz looks worried, "Why does she remind me of Runa right now?"
Onami derps. "Runa and I do similar yet different things. Hiding under beds is one of them, except I just lie there and hide things, and Runa would steal panties and watch people get dressed.
Liz sighs, "Okay. Yeah that sounds like her."
Onami goes on. "Take Kuri for example. Runa found out that she has blue undies and found that she hugs pillows while she's naked." Onami derps, not even thinking about of what she said.
Patty giggles, "She sounds funny!"
"You have no idea. Anyway, you guys should go put on your costumes. Everyone else has!" Onami grins.
The sisters go upstairs and put on their costumes, Liz's being a low cut body suit of brown velvet with long sleeves, leggings, yellow boots and fluffy yellow cotton like individual cuffs around the wrists. She wears a head band that resembles brown bunny ears that droop down and are covered at the tips by long bunches of surprisingly light yellow cotton. Patty's costume is a similar brown velvet suit but not as low cut and without the yellow cuffs. She wears yellow boots and yellow leggings and what looks like a yellow fluffy bunch of the same cotton in a sort of tutu around her waist. Her headband has the same bunny ears with little cotton tuffs on the tips but one of them is curled up. The two walk downstairs and look at the werewolf.
"Wow this is surprisingly comfortable and soft!" Liz says smiling.
Patty bounces in place, "And super duper light!!"
"I kept them company under the bed." Onami steps out to show her own costume, which is actually kinda startling.
The two stare at her, "What's your costume supposed to be?" Liz asks tilting her head.
Onami looks down at her costume, which is covered with fake blood. It consists of white skin paint, a black wig, a white hoodie, black pants and two red lines, one on each corner of her mouth extending to form an odd smile, and black paint around her eyes. "I think I'm a potato farmer..." Onami says softly.
They blink, "You're going to scare the hell out of Kuri..." The other sister says blandly.
Onami suddenly looks ten times disturbing as she laughs. "I intend to fluffy corn martians."
"So where's Kani and Madeline?" Liz asks.
The small boy in question suddenly hops down the stairs in his outfit, a bit of his curly orange hair puffing up out of the front of his hood, "Herro!!" He looks up to hear tumbling as Madeline had tripped down the stairs.
Madeline lands on her face at the bottom of the stairs, landing in her cheek and a slight warning crack is heard from her neck. "Oww... I'm not used to boots. Remind me never to wear boots when I get older..."
Kani extends a hand to her, "Need help getting up?"
Madeline slowly turns her head to face him and smiles, extending her hand to his. "Thanks, Kani."
Onami smiles. "Yay for tripping!"
The small boy leans back and tries to help Madeline up, scuffling his feet on the floor with great effort for his weak little body.
Madeline virtually helps herself up. She pats his head before looking at Liz and Patty. "You two kinda remind me of something I've seen in a magazine somewhere." Madeline tilts her head, then looks at Onami and jumps. "And you are now my nightmare fuel, Onami."
Onami snickers with her eyes crossed.
Kuri walks downstairs patting Kid on the back while he rubs his head, "Dude you were in there for two hours drawing kittens on tissues. You okay?"
The reaper shakes his head, "I'm not sure what came over me. Also I puked in the closet a little."
The angel tilts her head, "Why? Uh... Oh..." She blushes, "You heard that conversation... Heheh..." She scratches the back of her head nervously as they reach the bottom of the stairs. The two look out at the costumed allies as their faces turn pale. Kuri's eye twitches while Kid simply passes out after seeing the uneven way Patty's costume ears are.
Onami smiles dementedly. "HELLO FRIENDS!" She charges at Kuri in the blood soaked costume, her arms spread.
The angel's feathers fluff up as she lets out a blood curdling scream and falls next to Kid, knocking out cold.
Madeline stares. ". . . I get the wings."
'I do not believe that we are dismembering them, werewolf.' Inside says.
Onami looks down them. "Let's tie 'em to a tree."
Liz sighs, "Great. Now they're asleep."
Onami turns to them and smiles. "HELLO FRIENDS!" she runs towards the group, her arms spread again.
Kani waves his arms, "Yay!" He runs up and jumps up to hug her.
Madeline is taking by surprise, just as Onami virtually plows into all of them. Madeline shields Kani so that he isn't harmed by the impact.
Liz and Patty squeak as they collide with the werewolf, nearly falling over.
Onami clings to all of them. "You smell like happiness." she breaths before glitching.
'They will be the first to suffer.' Runa hisses, but Onami doesn't process it.
Liz pats Onami on the head, "You're too kind really."
Onami squeaks and lets go of them before looking back at the two unconscious meisters.
She jokingly shouts, "Quick, Mangey! Now's your chance!" Onami laughs, thinking Mangey wouldn't actually do anything.
The blonde smiles and walks over, pulling off their clothes and stripping them down to bra and underwear before positioning them to an unconscious cuddle, "Hehehehe... Oh wait." She moves Kid's hand lower on Kuri's hip and grins evilly, "Excellent."
Liz takes her sister by the hand and walks into the dining room, away from the stairs.
Madeline covers Kani's eyes and backs away slowly. Onami blinks, then giggles and sits by the stairs, watching them to freak them out again when they wake up.
After a few minutes they both wake up slowly to realize their position. They look at each other awkwardly, ripping apart and covering themselves as best they can before the sight of Onami pulls them back together in a frightened hug. Kuri screams and covers herself with her wings like a curtain while Kid clings to her trembling and shrieking as well before picking up the angel and dragging her to a different room.
Onami bursts out laughing. "I am so keeping this on." she smiles evilly.

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