Animals Galore

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Steve watched the orb suspiciously. Whenever he turned it, the pupil would face the direction of the stronghold, much like a compass.

"That's creepy." A voice behind him said. He turned and saw his friend Sam behind him, still in his diamond chest plate and sword. His light blue eyes reflected the horizon as they walked through the plains, and his hair was a little lighter than Steve's. Sam had on a light blue t-shirt and lighter blue pants than he. Sam was almost like a replica, except everything was lighter. Steve had on his iron chest plate and helmet, and his diamond sword was on his back, ready for use. He was holding a strange orb that was given by Frank the enderman. Steve didn't like him, but he had to trust him. He had been friendly so far, and has even given them a way of finding the place where the Ender Dragon resides. Why?

The Invasion.

The mobs won't burn in the daylight anymore. Their numbers are multiplying by the thousands, and they're attacking the villages and people of their world. Sam barely managed to warn Steve, and they almost lost to the first Invasion. But still, the Invasion continues. They had to go right to the source.

The once dead, now resurrected, Ender Dragon had to be destroyed, or all would be lost.

"I know." Steve said. "It's like it stares at me. But it's the only way to the stronghold."

"I wonder how far away it is." Sam wondered.

"Probably pretty far. It might take weeks to get there. Months, even."

"I guess it doesn't matter now. We have to get there, now. No stopping."

"Agreed. The fate of the world lies in our hands." Steve said. He wondered, too. Could they defeat such a powerful enemy?

Without paying attention, Steve bumped into something and tripped. He looked and saw a sheep. He stood up and looked across the plains.

There were dozens of sheep.

"What the Notch? Where'd all these come from?" Steve asked.

"Bred, probably." Sam said. "There could be a farm around here."

It wasn't long before they came across a bunch of cows and pigs. Then, they stumbled onto a small, old house, with a couple of trees beside it. Next to it was an even smaller chicken coop.

"Maybe there's someone inside." Sam said. Steve wasn't so sure. This many animals, and no fences? I've got a bad feeling about this, he thought. They walked up to the door to find it still opened. Steve knocked, but the door pushed open. Inside, they could see a cluttered mess. The bed was all messy, books were thrown all over the floor. The table was broken. The smell of rotten flesh filled the stale air.

"Zombies." Sam said. "They attacked the house."

"Yeah. I hope the owners got away."

"Me too."

They walked through the house, hoping to find something useful. There was some food left over in a chest, along with some building materials like wood. They cleaned up the books and put them back. They repaired the table and cleaned up the bed. They left the door open to clear out the smell. After the cleaning was over, they looked around. Overall, it was a simple, but nice, small house. There was a back door, and they went through it. It led to a garden outside that was fenced in to protect the crops from the animals. The wheat and carrots needed to be picked. They harvested and replanted the crops, and stored the rest inside the house.

"We might as well stay the night." Sam said, sitting on the bed. "We've been walking all day, and it's almost evening."

"Yeah. I was thinking that, too." He said, placing his own bed down. "We'll take care of the animals tomorrow."

Steve put the eye on the table and tried to sleep, but he was restless, thinking about the future ahead of him. He pushed the thoughts out of his head and pulled out a book. Using the moonlight through the window, he started reading the book. The title was "Daniel's Journal". He was skeptic at first to read it, but he had to know what happened here. He started reading, but he saw it was at a different time and skipped to the last few pages.

"Daniel. Year: 34. Day: 218.

"The day was alright. The sun shined bright, and hot, as me and Brittany cared for the animals. The animals seemed disturbed, somehow. The cows were acting a little strange, running around every now and then. The chickens didn't lay as many eggs as normal, and the sheep didn't grow their wool back as fast. We decided that is was best to let them roam free(not the chickens) around the house, except for the garden. They seemed to calm down after that."

"Daniel. Year: 34. Day: 219.

"The animals only ended up being more worried. We hoped they would calm down, but it just seemed to get worse. Late at night, we caught some zombies chasing the cows, but nothing more. Could they be related?"

"Daniel. Year: 34. Day: 220.

"Things are definitely getting stranger around here. The mobs are more frequent than normal, and they keep chasing the animals. We were thinking of putting them back in the pens, but won't that just trap them? I don't know what's going on, and neither does Brittany."

"Daniel. Year: 34. Day: 221.

"Nothing is making sense. The mobs... they're not burning in the sunlight. How is this possible? Something is very wrong, but we don't know what. We're not even sure it's safe here, but we can't abandon the animals."

"Daniel. Year: 34. Day: 222

"They're banging on our door. The zombies chased us inside, and now we're trapped. The skeletons have their arrows aimed at our front door. We've packed everything we could, and we're going to try to escape out the back door and hop the fence. There are creepers everywhere outside, so I don't know if--"

And it ended there. He put the book on the table and tried to sleep, hoping they got away.


Everything was hazy as he opened his eyes. He knew he was having another dream. In this one, he was still in the house, but he could walk around. At the moment, though, he didn't want to. He heard zombies banging on the door. He was a girl taking things out of a chest. She had light brown hair and simple clothes. A man was writing in a journal on his bed. He had dirty blond hair and a dark gray shirt with green pants.

"I'm really worried, Daniel." She said.

"Don't worry, Brittany. We should be safe in--"

The door busted in, and zombies started coming in. Brittany ran away from the door out the back door. Daniel and Steve followed. They hopped the fence, avoiding creepers that got close. Steve tried to jump bed the fence, but he tripped and fell. He shouted, "Wait!" But no one heard. The picture started to dissolve, the mobs, the two people, the animals. He watched as it all faded to gray, and he opened his eyes.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu