It Got Worse

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Steve's first thought when exiting the portal was how hot it was. The dryness and heat combined made him cough.

His second thought occurred when the creeper walked out behind him. Before he could do anything, it exploded, throwing the flint and steel out of his hands. He looked up to see it land in a large lake of lava below. The others helped him up.

"You okay?" Daniel asked.

"I'm fine." Steve said.

"Guys..." Brittany said. "The portal..."

They all looked at it. The purple swirling gateway was gone, with nothing but a frame.

"And our striker is gone..." Steve said and slumped in sadness.

"Notch!" Sam kicked a piece of netherrack. "I didn't come this far to die for nothing!"

They all looked around for the first time since walking through. They were suspended on a ledge above the large lava lake at the bottom. The ledge they were on, however, stretched in different directions. Random spots of fire littered the netherrack. No mobs were in sight. The only sources of light were from the random fires and lava.

"Gee, it's dark in here. No wonder people don't like it here." Daniel said.

"Well, whatever we're looking for, it's not here." Brittany said.

"We'll find it. I'm sure we will." Steve took a glass and chugged it down. "We just have to look deeper."

"Maybe we'll actually find something." Sam said, trying to get Rose's spirits up.

"Then let's go look around." Daniel said.

Steve went first, holding his sword tight. He looked around, but felt unnerved when he didn't see any mobs around them.

"Anyone got that bad feeling?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah." Steve agreed.

"This place gives me the creeps." Brittany said.

"We know almost nothing about it here. It might be better off here than we thought." Sam said, trying to be optimistic.

"All the more reason to be worried." Steve said.

"Lighten up a little bit." Sam said.

"As if I'm not already trying." Steve mumbled, until he stopped abruptly.

"What is it? Do you see one?" Daniel asked.

He shook his head.

"Something else." He said. It was hard to see from a distance, but they saw a large, dark figure appear as they walked closer to it.

"It looks like a structure of some sort." Steve said.

"It's made out of a material I've never seen before." Sam said in awe. "The dark red shade is beautiful."

"Maybe it's a safe haven." Daniel offered.

"Compared to the rest of the place, it better be." Brittany said.

"Whoa, stop. I see something up there." Daniel said.

They all stopped to look closer at the ledge.

"I don't see anything." Sam said.

"Neither do I." Steve said.

"I know I saw something move up there." He said.

"The brick is probably tricking your eyes." Sam said.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now