The Golden Truth

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"Steve, what happened back there?" Sam asked.

Steve had his back against the door, breathing heavy.

"Daniel. Your journal... Was there anything about a Warrior of Gold?"

"Warrior of Gold?" Daniel asked. "I don't think it's in the journal, but... That's a legend that's been passed down in my family for generations."

"What did it say?"

"I don't know exactly, but I specifically remember my grandad telling me about The Warrior of Gold. He said only someone with a heart of gold could hope to defeat the Ender Dragon. Why he said that, I don't know, but his eyes were misty, as if he wasn't telling me. When he told me, I asked what he meant, and he said 'About what?'."

"The dragon was already dead." Sam said. "How did he know that the dragon would come back?"

"I don't know. I'm as confused as you are, Steve."

Steve sighed. He walked over to his bed and sat down.

"What happened out there?" Brittany asked. "Where were you?"

"There was a witch. She led me to her hut. She took me into this room. I saw... I saw you guys get killed. I saw the pig get killed. If I hadn't gotten to you in time... You'd all be dead."

"But you saved our lives." Sam said.

"And you got us out of there alive." Brittany said. "That was amazing."

"That must've been a splash potion of swiftness you hit us with." Daniel said. "That's how we got out of there so fast."

"You know potions?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. All of the recipes are in my journal, along with another recipe journal." He said. "Oh, my journal!" He grabbed it and started writing. "Go on. Explain everything you saw."

"There were potions and brewing stands and... a cauldron. She sat me on one side and put some kind of elixir  into it. The room started getting filled with mist, and she said I was going to see my future. That's when I saw you guys in it. San got shot, you two were mobbed by zombies and spiders. The pig was killed by a skeleton, I was about to get knocked into this huge pit by a zombie, but then I heard something strange.

"Strange?" Sam asked.


"Fate be changed, look inside.
Mend the bond torn by pride.
"Find the girl whose veil is blame,
captured by hate and sorrow and shame.
"Reach the End of this horrible game,
the End of his evil and destructive reign.
"All of these decisions that you will make,
will twist and change and decide your fate.
"Please take care, O Warrior of Gold.
Remember your weakness, but always remain bold."

When he was through, they all just stared at him. The fire crackled in the fireplace, and the pig was curled up next to it, sleeping soundly.

"The Warrior of Gold..." Daniel started to say, "is you?"

"That's what it said." He replied. "I don't know what it means."

"That sounds like some kind of prophecy." Brittany said. "Girl of blame, End of this game, Fate be changed? What does it all mean?"

"I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are." Steve said. "Why'd you start coming after me?"

"We found this note." Daniel said, pulling it out. It was a book, but had writing in it. Steve read it out loud.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now