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"Steve, are you okay?" Sam asked him. Steve groaned with the sunlight in his eyes and tried to sit up. He looked and saw he fell off his bed. The back of his head was sore. He got up and rubbed his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said.

"What were you dreaming about?" Sam asked.

"The people who lived here. They got away."

"They did?"

"Yeah, not too long ago. If we leave now, we can catch up to them."

"What about the animals?"

"They'll be fine. Let's get some of their supplies and take them with us. They might be able to help us."

"Yeah. We need all the help we can get." Sam said.

Some of the plants had grown overnight, so they harvested and planted them again before they left. They made some more bread and checked their water; they had plenty. Sam put some wood in his pockets as extra building material, and Steve grabbed some extra pickaxes. Before going out the door, Steve grabbed the journal and took it with him. They looked out at all the animals.

"They'll be alright." Steve said.

"Sure hope so."

They followed the orb's iris out the back door back into the plains.


It wasn't long before they saw signs of other people.

"Look!" Sam said, pointing. "What's that on the ground?"

Steve ran over and picked it up.

"A stick." He said, looking at it.

"There were some sticks in the chest at that house." Sam said.

"We must be getting close." Steve said. "They wouldn't travel by night."


They froze.

*thump thump*

"What the Notch?" Steve said. He beat his foot on the ground.

*thump thump* Stop *thump*

A reply:

*thump thump* Stop *thump*

Steve pulled out a shovel and pulled a piece of dirt out. There was a hole underneath.

"Ah! Don't eat us!" A girl shouted.

"Brittany, look!" A man said. She looked up and her eyes glowed.

"Thank Notch!" She said. "Can you give us a hand?"

Steve reached down and grabbed her hand, pulling her up. Sam did the same with the other.

"Thanks." The man said. "We didn't know if it was safe to come out. Sweet armor." He was referring to Sam.

"Oh. Thanks."

"You... you're Daniel. And Brittany." Steve said. They seemed surprised.

"How did you know?" Daniel said.

Steve handed him the book.

"My journal!" He said and took it, holding it close. "But... where'd you find it?"

"A house. Yours, I assume." Sam said.

"Oh, no. Is it okay?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah. It's all good. We repaired it and fixed your garden."

"Wow. That's pretty selfless and kind of you two. Thank you so much."

"It was no problem." Steve said. "What happened?"

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now