Last Hope

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The deep darkness swirled as he tumbled down into its depths below. Water splashed on his face, making it even harder to see through the near darkness. He hit the wall a couple of times, scraping his back. He thought it was the end. He saw the vision that had warned him, but he was too late. They were going to die.


The Notch...?

He found himself in a deep pool of water. He scrambled to get himself upright and swam to the surface, where he breathed in clean air. It was pitch black, making it impossible to see around him. Then, a dark thought occurred to him.

"Sam! Rose! Are you there?" He shouted over the roaring waterfall.

No answer. His heart pounded.

"Rose! Sam! Anybody!"

"Steve? Steve, is that you?"

Before he could answer, something hit the water next to him, followed by something large landing on his head. He was pushed under, dizzy and losing consciousness. Stars danced in his eyes as he tried to swim back up. He had no air. He was going to drown.

He felt something in the water move, followed by a tug on his shirt. He was pulled up out of the water, taking in a gulp of air and spitting out water.

"Oh, thank Notch. I thought I killed you." Daniel said. Steve couldn't even see his face. "Sorry about that."

"No problem. The others?"

"On dry land. Grab my arm, I'll pull you across."

With some effort, they managed to reach a shoreline. Other hands helped pull Steve out of the water.

"I thought I heard you." Sam said.

"Where are we?" Steve asked.

"Another cave, it seems." Rose said.

"Our torches got wet." Sam said.

"Notch. How are we going to get out of here?"

"I've got an idea." He heard Brittany say. After a few moments, something red dimly lit up the group. "That's a little better."

"What did you do?" Rose asked.

"I made a redstone torch. It's not as bright as a normal torch, but it won't go out when it gets wet.

"Smart." Steve said. "Do you have enough for all of us?"

"Plenty. Just a minute." She said. She handed them all a redstone torch, illuminating only a couple of blocks around them.

"Look for a way out. That cave wouldn't just lead to a dead end." Steve said.

"Wait. There's a hole." Sam said.

They moved to Sam's torch.

"Three blocks tall." Steve said. "Perfect."

"It looks like it was mined out by someone." Rose said.

"You mean someone besides Frank?" Sam asked.

"Maybe he betrayed someone else, like he did us."

"Maybe. We should take it slow." Daniel said.

"Agreed. Stay close together." Steve said. "I'll lead this time."

Slowly, they made their way through the mined-out tunnel. On occasion, they passed a couple of small caves with lava, which would briefly light up the five until they got too far away for the light to reach.

"We're low on food, Steve." Sam said. "I don't have any bread left."

"I've got two." Brittany said. "Here, take one."

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now