It Could Be Worse

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"How in the Nether are we supposed to get another diamond? It could take forever to find one." Daniel said.

"Well, we already have two. We just need one more." Sam said. "I'm trying to find more, but I haven't gotten very far. And my pockets are full of cobblestone again."

Sam placed down a chest and started filling it with cobblestone. The others jumped onto the obsidian, joining him and Rose.

"Found any ore yet?" Brittany asked.

"Not yet."

"Here, place some chests down, guys." Steve said. "We're gonna be here for a while, so we might as well set up camp here."

"Then, if you don't mind, I'm going to make a room in the stone and sleep." Daniel said.

"Good idea. We should all get some rest. We've got a lot of mining ahead of us." Steve said.

After putting down all their chests, they mined out a small room in the stone and placed their beds down. When everyone else went to sleep, Daniel picked up his journal and started writing.


Naturally, when Daniel went to sleep, he ended up being the first to wake. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room, lit by a single torch. Everyone else was still asleep. Quietly, he walked out the door of the room and looked around. The cave was pretty small; it didn't lead to anywhere. He decided to start working. Using a crafting table next to the line of chests on the wall, he crafted more furnaces and placed them down. He split up his coal into the different furnaces and started mining.

"Getting to work early, I see." Steve said behind him.

"Yeah. The sooner we can find that diamond, the better." He replied.

"Yup." He said, taking out his pickax.

Daniel mined a stone block that opened to a hole.

"Hey, look." Daniel said. "Another cave. Wanna go exploring?"

"Let's leave a note behind so they know where we are." Steve said. "Where's the witch's book?"

"In that chest." Daniel pointed to one.

Steve took out the book and quill and wrote in it, then set the book on the ground in front of the hole.

"Let's go, but not too far." Steve cautioned. Daniel nodded and started walking.

"So..." Daniel started to say.


"I'd like to know a little more about yourself. You don't talk much about your past. Where did you live before this?"

"A small valley. I had a really nice house with a garden. I had a river running next to it. It had everything, even a small forest."

"I remember you mentioning something about a valley. I bet it was really nice."

"It was. I lived there for a long time."

"What about before that?"

"I was lost. Ran from mobs for as long as I could remember. It wasn't until I was older that I found the ravine."

"You... didn't have parents?"

He shook his head.

"Notch. I'm sorry."

"Then Sam found me, and we prepared for the Invasion, but it didn't last long. We had to escape. Then, we crossed a desert and a jungle until we found another person, Bernard. He was a Forester, and showed us the way to his village. We were barely able to save the village, but we succeeded. Now, we're out to get the Ender Dragon. What about you and Brittany?"

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now