Out of the Frying Pan...

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In all his life, he never would've thought he would have to jump into a large lava lake in the nether just to get away from mobs, hoping he wouldn't  get impaled by arrows or a sword, or even burn to death by a faulty fire resistance potion.

But, hey. Anything was possible.

"Ah!" Steve yelped before swallowing in a gulp of air.

He sunk under, and his eyes were blinded with bright light. He shut them tight and tried swimming, but the lava was so thick, it was like being trapped in gravel. He tried walking while using his arms to pull him up, and it started working, and he went up little by little. Then, he felt the lava from the top of his head recede until he could see. He opened his eyes and looked around for the others. He could hear the mobs above and behind him, shooting arrows and fireballs, but he ignored them.

He spotted them, along with Rose on Sam's head as he tried to swim. Daniel helped him stay afloat to keep his head up above the lava as Rose tried to balance herself on his head. Brittany was already at the netherrack, urging them to hurry. Steve tried to move as fast as he could. He could hear a skeleton burning behind him and turned to see what it was. A normal skeleton burned, but when it disappeared, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Borricks had landed on a single piece of netherrack next to one of the pedestals holding up the nether fortress. He was screaming at them in rage.

"You won't get away with this! When Frank comes back, it'll be your head!"

"It'll be yours first!" He called back to him with harsh words.

Borricks slumped and stopped screaming, realization dawning on him. He had no way to hide or escape when Frank got back. He surely wouldn't take the incident lightly.

"Then I'll find you again! Don't bother sleeping! I'll track you down and find you!"

Steve's smile dissipated, followed by a frantic rush of trying to get out of the lava. Sam and Daniel had already made it, and they reached down to pull him out. When Steve walked onto the netherrack, he felt the heat return.

"Notch, just in time." Daniel said. "I didn't know how long that would work."

"That would've been nice to know before we jumped into a large pit of lava." Sam said.

"It's not like we had a choice, Sam." Steve said.

"Yes, we did." He said. "We could've fought them off just fine."

"Sam, I had to get past all of those mobs to get here. I got my arm and leg burned trying to get away from blazes. The wither skeletons would've picked us off. There was no way."

"Maybe if you hadn't slipped up, we wouldn't be in this mess."

"You know what, Sam? You're right." Daniel spoke out, which surprised the two to silence. "We wouldn't be in this mess. We'd still be in that one up there." He pointed up at the fortress.

"And it wasn't my fault a blaze burned my leg." Steve added.

"At least we all got out alive." Brittany said quietly.

Rose started squealing like mad.

"What is it, Rose?" Sam asked.

She ran and rammed Sam into his diamond chest-plate, which the impact knocked him to the ground.

"What in the Nether was that for?" He asked, angry.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now