Brewing Trouble

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Following behind, he could smell strange aromas as he went down the ladder. When he finally reached the bottom, he was amazed at the intricate objects he could see. There were brewing stands with all kinds of different potions and such. Random items littered the crafting tables and countertops.

"Wow. You've definitely got a thing for potions."

"Naturally." She said. "You'll have to excuse the mess. I've been busy lately."

Busy with what? Steve wanted to ask. The witch led him to two seats with a cauldron between them.

"Sit." She said.

He didn't object. He sat down. He could feel the heat from the fire underneath the cauldron. The surface bubbled, making popping noises. The witch sat in the other chair.

"Why am I here?" He asked.

"To see your future." She said.

"My future?"

"Shhh." She took out a potion and poured it in. Mist started coming out of the cauldron, spilling onto the floor like water and filling the room.

"Your future is about to be played in front of you. Be ready." She said, but the voice seemed hazy, as if she was distant. He watched as shapes formed in the mist, becoming solid objects. The shapes started filling with color, and he could see them. He could see himself leading the group, followed by Sam, Brittany, and Daniel. He watched as they built the house above the tunnel, then sleeping. The scene shifted, and it was night. The three, not including himself, were running through the forest, being chased by monsters.

"Steve, where are you?" Sam shouted through the darkness. An arrow came out of the dark and hit him in the head. He fell over, dead. Daniel and Brittany tripped on his dead body, ramming into mobs. They screamed as more came at them. Steve closed his eyes, but he could still see. Just when he thought he couldn't take it, the scene shifted again.

It was Sam's pig! It had survived the jungle! It was running through the forest, hearing the sound of Sam's cries. It reached him and squealed with fright as it watched the mobs converge on the trio. It ran in, hoping to help them, but a skeleton shot it as well, killing it and leaving raw pork-chops on the ground.

The scene shifted again. It was Steve himself! He was suspended on a ledge over a large pit, in which he was in a cave that led to the pit. He couldn't see past the dim light the torches gave, but heard something terrible in the bowels of the pit. He knew it had death all in it. The real Steve watched as a zombie was creeping up on the Steve in the mist.

"Look out! Run!" The real Steve shouted, but the other seemed to not hear. Before the zombie reached him, the scene shifted once more, but only showed the mist. He could hear a voice in his head, a godly-like male voice.

"Fate be changed, look inside.
Mend the bond torn by pride.
"Find the girl whose veil is blame,
captured by hate and sorrow and shame.
"Reach the End of this horrible game,
the End of his evil and destructive reign.
"All of these decisions that you will make,
will twist and change and decide your fate.
"Please take care, O Warrior of Gold.
Remember your weakness, but always remain bold."

The mist started to clear, and so did his mind. He could see the witch from the other chair, her eyes wide.

"I-I-I-I... I don't believe it..." She stuttered.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora