Riddles, Riddles, and More Riddles

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"I still can't accept the fact that Rose is actually a person." Daniel said as they walked along.

"No kidding!" Sam exclaimed. "I had a feeling Rose was different than the other pigs, but this... I had no idea, Rose."

Rose snorted.

"At least we found her." Brittany said.

"More like she found us." Steve said. "Twice. Once before, she stumbled upon my valley, and Sam took her in."

"What happened after that?" Daniel asked.

"When we had to leave the valley, a few days later, we came across a jungle, and we saw one of the wild pigs get killed by a trap. We had to let her go after that."

"And she darted straight into the jungle." Sam said. "Reckless little pig, it seemed, but she's here now."

"And what about Frank?" Daniel asked.

"What about him?" Sam asked.

"Didn't he seem a little... suspicious to you? I mean, I know he wasn't lying, but... he wasn't telling the whole truth, either."

"I told you." Steve said to Sam.

"Whoa whoa, hold up." Sam said. They all stopped. The pig shrank behind a shadow, sensing the tension.

"What? Did I say something?" Daniel asked.

"You shouldn't judge someone like that, especially if something like that happened to them."

"I'm not judging." Daniel said.

"He's right, Sam." Steve said. "He knows more than he's letting on. I sensed it the first time he found us."

"You're a jerk, okay?" Sam spat at him.

"Hey, knock it off, Sam!" Brittany shouted. "I could feel it, too. He's hiding something from us."

"I don't believe you." Sam said.

"Sam, look around you. All of us could feel it when he showed up, even Rose."

The pig came out from her hiding spot and nodded her head.

"So why are you the only one who can't?" Steve asked him.

"Okay! So, maybe, he knows something from his past. Maybe he remembered something that happened to him."

"That remains to be seen whether or not that's true." Brittany said.

"Well, I'm not going to ask him."

"Then don't. Just stay on your guard when we're around him. Act passive, but if he does anything that doesn't seem right, you tell me. All of you. Alright?" Steve ordered. The group nodded, even Sam. They continued traveling.

Sam thought silently to himself. He had no idea how that happened. He just... blew up. Yeah, he felt it, too, but he didn't want to admit it. Frank seemed like a pretty nice guy. He gave them armor, weapons, advice, and even a way to get to the stronghold. If someone was really that evil, why would they go through all the trouble helping them?

Meanwhile, Steve was thinking about his prophecy. He had to find a girl, mend a bond, and beat Ender. But who was the girl? And mend what bond? The prophecy was just confusing him.

"Well," Daniel broke the silence. "First thing's first: we need to find a way to turn Rose back into a person. But how are we gonna do that?"

"I don't know." Steve replied. "But I'm sure we'll find out. Somehow."

As they continued walking, a small group of zombies came out from behind some trees and started coming after them.

"Should we run?" Sam asked.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now