Ghastly Ghasts

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Borricks looked up at the tall figure in wonder. His army was behind him, also looking at the figure.

"That isn't real..." He said.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Frank teleported to them.

"It's a trap, you fool! It's a--"

There was a faint hiss. Borricks turned to his army.

"Retreat!" He shouted. Frank teleported to a safe distance away. The army tried moving back, but there was so many, they barely even moved.

The TNT blew, followed by the surrounding TNT. The army wasn't quick enough to get away. The TNT threw each other like projectiles everywhere in the nether. One of them landed right in the middle of his army, killing those within the radius of the blast instantly. With the newly formed hole, the other mobs struggled to get around it with only two blocks of space available. More TNT was thrown, with three landing even farther than the previous hole. They blew, leaving an eleven-block gap in the army's way.

"Halt!" He tried to say, but some of the TNT blocked out his voice. The grounded mobs tried holding back the army behind them, but they were pushed forward, falling into the fiery depths below. The blazes merely floated across with ease.

"I said HALT!"

Finally, the mobs complied. The TNT stopped detonating, leaving behind the broken statue of the wither skeleton.


Frank had watched the scene unfold from a distance and yelled in rage. Within mere moments, Borricks had lost half his army, and was now cut off from escape. He could only guess who made the trap and where they were. He wanted to knock Borricks into the lava and watch him burn, but he knew he couldn't do that. Regardless of Borricks's ignorance, he was still his best fighter. If he was going to stop the others, he needed as much help as he could get.

He teleported to the army.

"Blazes! To the portal!" He ordered.

He teleported away back to the portal.


Both the trio and the ghasts had watched the scene unfold from a distance. Steve smiled a little at Sam's brilliance.

The sound of a ghast squeal brought their attention back to where they were. The middle one opened its mouth wide, and a giant fireball flew out of it, right toward Steve. Steve and Daniel jumped left, while Brittany jumped right. The impact was so big, it knocked them all to the ground. Steve looked up to see an arrow landing right into one of the ghasts. He looked at who had shot it.

"Sam! Rose!"

"Steve, use the bow!" He said. Rose retreated back down the stairs. Steve helped Daniel up, and they aimed their bows at the ghasts. Two more fireballs came at them before they could notch their arrows, and they jumped farther away this time. Every impact made a small group of fires on the netherbrick, making it harder to maneuver. Steve managed to shoot an arrow at the middle one, but it dodged it easily.

"Notch!" He said in anger.

It merely fired another fireball at him, which he dodged.

"We're running out of floor!" Sam said.

Steve barely had time to register what he said when he tried to dodge a fireball. It didn't hit him, but the impact pushed him into the path of another one. He just barely leaped over some fire before the fireball landed in his spot. He saw Brittany and Daniel shooting arrows at them, but they kept dodging and throwing more fireballs at them.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now