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They decided to remain at the entrance of the long tunnel they made. During the while, they put their ore to good use, crafting two new sets of pickaxes for each person. Then, everyone crafted swords except for Sam, who insisted his diamond sword was enough. They spread out in the woods, gathering some extra materials.

"And just like that, my pockets are full again." Brittany said.

"Let's build a small shelter out of cobblestone." Sam said.

"Umm... small?" Daniel asked.

"Not really small. More like... functional."

"Ah. Sounds good."

"Ooh. Some normal stone around a few windows." Brittany said.

"Some flowers on the windowsill." Steve said. "This is going to look nice."

"Guys, let's not get off task here." Sam said. "It only needs to be functional, not flashy."

"Come on, Sam. When was the last time you built something fun?" Daniel asked.

"Uhh... never? Let's just get this built and finished."

"Ooh! I hear some sheep! I'll go shear us some wool." Brittany said, following the sounds of the sheep.

"Not too far. It's still dangerous!" Daniel called.

"Since when was it dangerous to shear sheep?" She called back.

"Look, I my point is, it's getting dark soon, and we might run out of time." Sam continued.

"Not if we have a plan." Steve said.

"Fine. Whatever. What's the plan?"

"What if we built around the tunnel? You know, enclose it or something." Daniel offered.

"That's a pretty good idea." Steve said.

"I'm back!" Brittany said, holding some shears and wool. "Free beds for everyone, and even enough for extras."

"Okay. Here's the plan..." Steve said, explaining.

"All that before nightfall? Kind of much, isn't it?" Brittany asked after he told them.

"Told you." Sam said.

"Not if we work together. Come on, let's build!" Steve shouted. The others nodded, pulling out their materials. Sam and Daniel started placing cobble into the shape of their house. Brittany made the beds and laid out a wooden floor, then placed the beds in different parts of the house. Steve mined out the windows and put in the stone and glass. Sam crafted a door and put it in the doorway. Daniel made a small fireplace made of stone with a mantle on top out of stone slabs. Steve picked some flowers and put them under the window, creating color.

They noticed the sun had a little time left before sundown, so Steve came up with a great idea of building a rooftop rampart, which was fairly easy to add. All they had to do was put in a ladder and some fences. They placed torches outside so the mobs wouldn't spawn nearby or get too close. The small house was nicely lit, and the look and atmosphere was welcoming.

"Wow!" Brittany said. "It's beautiful."

"It sure is." Sam said.

They heard some moans from behind them.

"Quick, inside!" Steve said. They bolted through the door just as the mobs started spawning outside.

"Phew." Daniel said. "That was close." He crashed in a bed.

"Bedtime." Brittany said, getting in the bed next to him.

The other two got in their beds. Warmed by the fire, they fell asleep deeply.


Steve woke with a start. He thought he heard a creeper and woke with a fright.

"Psst." He heard again. He realized it wasn't a creeper. Someone was around.

"Who's there?" He said, trying not to wake the others.

"If I reveal myself, please try not to kill me."

"You have my word." Steve replied.

He heard what sounded like a sip, and a witch appeared. She was wearing a purple robe with a black sorcerers hat. She had a bump on her nose. She looked just like a villager except for the outfit and bump.

"A witch?" Steve said questioningly. "How did you do that?"

"Magic." She said. "I need you to follow me."

"What for?"

"You're not like the others. That much I can tell. I was drawn to you."

"Drawn to me?" He asked.

"Shhh! I need you to come with me to my hut. Here, drink this." She handed him a bottle with a strange light-blue elixir.

"What is this?"

"The next part of your journey." She said. She pulled out a bottle the same shade and drank it. She disappeared again. Steve, seeing no other option, drank his. He didn't feel any different until he looked down at his hands. They were invisible.

"Gah!" Steve yelled silently. "What's this for?"

"To help you get through the mobs. It won't last long." She whispered from nowhere. "Here, drink this, too." A bottle of dark blue appeared on the floor. Steve picked it up, looking at it.

"This bottle will give you blindness, but only until I give you the antidote for the potions. I have to keep my hut a secret."

So that's what they were! Steve thought. He knew witches were deceitful and crafty. They were especially good with potions. Steve was smarter than she thought. He held the potion over his mouth and acted as if he was gulping it. Stupid witch! He thought. She had already made him invisible, so she couldn't see him drinking it!

"You can still see around you, but not far. Here." She took his hand.

"How did you know I was here?" He asked.

"Like I said, I was drawn to you." She repeated. "You give off a strong aura that attracts other mobs. But enough of that now. Let's go. Stay with me at all times." She said. He felt a tug at his arm, and he was led out the door. He didn't notice, but when the witch closed the door, she tossed in a small book that she wrote it. "Let's go."

As she pulled him through the woods, he was amazed at how close they were to the mobs, and yet they didn't take notice of him. Of course, whenever they went by, they looked in his direction and followed them with their eyes. The witch said that he gave off an aura that attracted other mobs. That must've been how they could detect him, but they never actually saw him.

"Watch your head." She said. He ducked into a cave through some vines in darkness. "Just to the other side." She said. Then, he heard her gasp, then she cleared her throat, saying "Ignore that."

You just messed up, witch. He thought silently. While they were going down the tunnel, Steve thought up everything he knew about witches. They always had potions on them to use for battle and protection. They couldn't burn in daylight, and they drank fire resistance when near fire or lava. Arrows wouldn't be of much use because they'd be drinking instant health potions to rid them of arrows and damage. The only way to defeat them was by sword or explosions.

"Here we are." The witch said, interrupting his thoughts. Her hideaway was very nice. It was right in the middle of a mountain with a small pond with lily pads in it. Her small hut was right next to the pond, with a little pier. The walls were covered in vines that led to the top.

"Don't waste your time looking around." She spat. "If only you could see the view." She pulled him inside the small wooden hut. "Drink this." She said, putting a bucket in his hand. It was full of white liquid. He drank it, and his body fully appeared. It tasted like milk.

"Ah!" Steve said, faking. "I can see!"

"Good. Follow me." She said. She opened a trap door in the floor next to her bed and went down into the strange room.

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now