An Old Friend

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Brittany couldn't sleep after that spider encounter. She just sat in her bed, waiting for the sun to come up. She watched Daniel write in his journal before he too went to bed. She took notice over the years of his excessive writing and reading. He had once offered advice to her a long time ago after they were married to read more and see what she would be interested in. She took an interest in farming and watching animals, but it just didn't seem interesting enough anymore. She wanted to see something interesting. Something... unique.

She had hours to kill, so she finally took up his offer to read on some random stuff. He brought almost every book with him to read. Bookworm, she thought and smiled. He gave her some before Steve and Sam arrived, and she didn't look at them until now. She pulled them out of her pockets, looking at the different titles. Farming, Herding, Combat, Essentials,... Redstone. Redstone?

She immediately drew an interest. A book all about redstone? She had no idea redstone had use in the world, and was drawn to it. She turned the pages and read the first few lines, which mainly gave a short description of what redstone looked like and where to find it. When she turned the page, she was amazed at all of the craftable items that could be made simply from a few pieces of redstone dust. Pistons, droppers, and even a list of what redstone can interact with. There were dozens of items! It listed traps, secret doors and entrances, different lights, and even some games!

She couldn't tear her eyes from the book. Using the firelight, she read it through until the early morning.


Daniel yawned. He stretched and looked around. The fire had died out, and it was a little chilly. He wanted to remain in his covers, but he remembered Steve talking about moving out as soon as possible. He got up and looked at Brittany. She was in a deep sleep... with a book on her face. One of his books, as he looked closer. He pulled it off of her face and read the title.

"Redstone?" He said out loud.

She gasped and sat up straight.

"Oh. Ah. I guess I finally got some sleep." She said and yawned.

"You actually read one of my books for once?" He asked, holding up the book.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep and decided to read something. It seemed odd at first, but then I read what you could make out of it and couldn't stop reading. I read for about half the night." She said, her eyes twinkling with interest and excitement.

"Learn something?" He asked.

"Lots of things. I bet I could even build some new inventions with redstone, too!"

"Well, aren't you two having a fun party over here?" Sam asked from behind. Daniel jumped.

"Oh, creepers, don't jump me like that." Daniel said.

"Like a creeper?" Sam said and hissed.

"Knock it off." Brittany said playfully. She threw a loaf of bread at him, saying, "Eat your breakfast and let's go."

Sam got Steve up, and they left in short time. Daniel gave Brittany the book back, and she started rereading it again as they walked. Steve looked away from the eye as he was walking and noticed Brittany quietly reading the book.

"You interested in redstone mechanics?" He asked her.

"It's too cool to ignore." She said.

"Ha ha. You're right. It wouldn't hurt to learn a few basic redstone contraptions."

"Bernard had a few basic contraptions when we first found him." Sam mentioned.

"Oh, yeah! A hidden door, some lights, and some pistons with slime on them, strange enough."

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now