Water Problems

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Steve immediately regretted jumping down from that mountain.

As soon as he hit the water, he was swept off his feet. He didn't land on the lake, like the others did. He landed in the river instead, and he lost his footing.

"Ah! Help!" Steve called out.

"There he is!" Brittany pointed.

"Steve, hang on!" Sam said. They started running to the village.

The river suddenly got really deep, and it pulled him under. He tumbled through the blue darkness.


"There's gotta be someone in the village to help us." Daniel said.

"Hey! Anyone! Help!" Sam called as they got closer, but no one appeared.

"I'm starting to get a bad feeling." Brittany said.

"We'll be fine. We just have to-- Oh, Notch!" Sam shouted as a creeper came from behind a tree in front of him. He pulled his sword out and sliced it quickly. They all stopped and looked at the village.

It was crowded with mobs.

"We can't get in. There's no way." Daniel said.

They heard a scream and looked at the river. Steve was bobbing on the surface, but he was being pulled straight into the village, which was on both sides.

"He's going in!" Brittany shouted.

"Sam, what do we do?" Daniel asked him.

He panicked. He never had to call the shots before.


Suddenly, an idea clicked.

"Boats! We need boats. Get to crafting, quickly!"


Steve saw where he was going. He hoped someone from the village would help him, if there was anyone around.

"Help!" He yelled, his mouth filling with water. "Someone, help me!"

His cry was answered with an arrow. It shot into the water next to him. He looked and saw a skeleton standing next to a house.

"Ah!" He yelped as more arrows came from random directions. He forced himself under as he watched arrows shoot through the water. When it stopped, he surfaced again. He saw the mobs that crowded the village. Zombies and skeletons littered the streets. An occasional creeper and spider was seen.

"No..." He said. "We were too late."

Suddenly, a creeper fell and hissed right on top of him.

"Oh, No--"

It exploded, throwing him under the water again. More arrows started hitting the water. He released air as an arrow hit his arm. He forced himself to surface again. He came around a bend. He could see a bridge up ahead.

And to his amazement, he saw a lone man in brown clothes walking on it.

"Hel--" His mouth filled with water. "Help!"

The man saw him in the water. He kneeled down and put his arm over.

"Grab my arm!" He said.

Steve reached with his good arm and grabbed his hand. The man pulled him up out of the water.

"Thank you." Steve said, dripping wet.

"No problem." The man said. Then he noticed the arrow on his arm. "You're injured."

Minecraft(unedited): The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now