I feel more alone than ever...

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After Joe brought up my parents I couldn't get it off my mind, it wasn't his fault. He wasn't to know.. To cheer myself up I decided to watch one of his latest YouTube videos, 'Hello everyone today I am joined with my amazing girlfriend Sam!' I slammed my laptop screen down in anger. Kim had left for a couple of months to visit her family in Canada and Joe was living the dream with Sam. I don't know why they made me feel so angry but it was like they knew that they made me angry so they deliberately were in my face all the time. Perhaps it was just me being paranoid but I wasn't sure. I opened up my laptop again and went to Facebook but the first thing that popped up was a picture of Sam and Joe looking very happy together.. I started to sob, I felt so alone, I couldn't talk to my mum or dad and I couldn't even talk to Kim about anything. Why was this happening now?! I did the only thing I could think of doing at the time. I rushed into the kitchen using my crutches and grabbed a knife to slash at my wrists. I knew it was wrong but I didn't know what else to do I sank to the floor with blood pouring from my wrist and just carried on sobbing until there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Joe standing there I completely forgot that we were going to film a video together today, he could tell immediately that I had been crying and then he caught sight of the blood. 'What did you do?!' he screamed at me.

'Nothing.. I fell over and cut my wrist on the corner of the cupboard!' I shouted back.

'Do you really think I'm that stupid?!' he screamed. By this point I began getting angry.

'Well maybe if you weren't rubbing it in how happy you were then I wouldn't feel the need to-'

'Oh so now you're jealous?! But you were the one who just wanted to be friends. You know what I'm just going to go.' and with that he left. I grabbed hold of my crutch and began smashing vases with it before going to my room and crying. I was not jealous. I just think that he was being selfish! After crying for an hour I decided to text Joe we needed to talk:

Me: Joe, I'm sorry. I just feel so alone it's not your fault please text me back we need to sort this out :( 

Joe: What so you can shout at me again? I don't think so.

Me: I'm sorry! Look just get over here :( 

Joe: Fine.

A few minutes later I heard a knock at the door and I shouted 'Come in!' because my legs were too sore to walk to the door on my crutches. Joe reached my room and sat down on my bed. 'Joe, I'm so sorry. I wish I didn't feel this way..' 

'Look its my fault I didn't think about your feelings. I was just hurt that you hurt yourself because you are worth so much more than that an-'

I couldn't hold it in any longer I grabbed him and kissed him tenderly. He kissed back and we were kissing for a while until he got a text from Sam. I had completely forgotten about her! Oh no what had I done. 'Look Joe I'm sorry-' Before I had time to finish he grabbed me to kiss me again without replying to Sam. 'I love you.' he said, 'I have loved you since the trip, I thought dating Sam would make me forget out loving you but it didn't it just made me miss you more. Please don't hate me but I really love you!' I started crying happy tears, I didn't want to admit it but I've loved him for so long. I was just scared. 'You know what' Joe said, 'We are going to watch a Disney movie and order a takeaway.'

'That sounds perfect' I replied 'but what about Sam?'

'I am going to break up with her now' 

'Over text?' I asked.

'Yea, she has gone to Glasgow so I have to do it over text' 

'Alright' I said. I felt like this was my happy place right now, I loved this dorky guy! 

'You have to let me take you on a proper date!' he said excitedly.

'I will' I smirked. We put on The Little Mermaid and I ended up falling asleep on Joe as we cuddled.


I looked to see if Amber was alright but she was asleep on my lap. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to her bedroom, she was already in her pajamas's so I placed her in her bed and lay next to her playing with her hair until I fell asleep too. I woke up to screaming an hour later, 'Whoa, its alright I'm here whats wrong baby?' 

'It was just a stupid nightmare, I always get the same one about Mike' she replied.

'Its okay, he won't hurt you anymore I'm here. Go back to sleep beautiful.' It took her about 10 minutes to get back to sleep. As soon as she fell asleep I wrote her a note and went out to get a few items to surprise her. My first stop was a dress shop, all of the dresses were perfect but one caught my eye. It was perfect (see inserted image) next stop was the jewelers where I brought her some love heart earrings and a silver bracelet with a heart on and finally a necklace with a J on it. Next stop was a florist where I brought some red roses then went to Tesco to buy some chocolates and booked a table at a romantic Italian restaurant. It was now 4pm and the table was booked for 7pm so I went back to Amber and woke her up. 'Hey gorgeous I have some gifts for you.' she woke up hugged me and opened her presents she loved every single one. 'What are these gifts in aid of its not my birthday for a while' she joked. 

'No, we have reservations for a restaurant at 7 get yourself sorted it's time I took you on a first date' She went into the bathroom had a shower and put on her dress and jewelry she curled her hair and when she come out of the bathroom at 6:30 she looked perfect I couldn't help but kiss her. We left the house and I drove us to the restaurant. 'Oh my how romantic' she said. 

'Only the best for you my lovely'  

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