The Main Stage

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Today was main stage day and I was absolutely crapping myself. Luckily I had all my friends on stage with me too and even Amber this time so she would help me out. I decided to wear a checkered shirt with a vest top underneath with black skinny jeans (see picture). I love being on the stage though its a great laugh and I love seeing all of my fans. Amber wasn't even a little bit nervous, she was a natural. We turned up backstage and Amber got called on first. Amber grabbed a microphone she was so confident. 'Hello everybody!' She shouted and everyone screamed and I couldn't help but smile they loved her. 'How are you all doing?' she said while waving back to people. 'Now I have a few friends with me I think you all know who they are. Shall we bring out the first one?' Everyone shouted yes. 'Now this person is a makeup expert and she loves a certain little pug. Anyone know who it is yet?' The crowd screamed Zoella and Zoe ran on stage. 'Hello!' she shouted smiling.'

'Next is a very well known vlogger and youtuber. Its Marcus Butler!' Marcus walked out and said his very famous hello. 'Next up we have a very lovely lady it's Miss Tanya Burr.' Tanya walked out. 'We also have everyone's favourite South African Caspar Lee!' Caspar walked out like a little child and everyone laughed. Amber kept announcing people and finally it was just me left. 'Finally, we have someone very special, he is well known for his impressions and Sugg Sunday Specials its the amazing Mr Joe Sugg!' I ran on nervously while vlogging, 'Hello! This is crazy!' everyone was screaming and it was amazing. 'Now we have some tweets to read out' I read out the tweets and Amber began to speak, 'lets see, we have all of the YouTube boyband here, I would really love to hear them sing there song, scream if you agree' everyone screamed, I wanted to kill her but I couldn't help but laugh we started singing and the crowd was going wild it was amazing. We had finished the song and the rest of the YouTubers went off to their meet and greets so it was just me and Amber on the stage.

'Jamber! Jamber!' the crowd chanted and I walked over to Amber and hugged her. The crowd went wild they loved us. Amber got on my back and we ran around the stage until I jump off the stage and high fived some people. 'Because Amber made me sing I say we make her sing too!' Everyone screamed again chanting Amber's name. 'Alright she said' and I put on the track to Use Somebody by Kings of Leon and she was amazing I knew she could sing but this was out of this world! When she had finished I said, 'give it up for the amazing Amber!' and everyone screamed me and Amber got out our cameras and took a picture of us with the crowd behind it. Finally we came off the main stage and it was hilarious. Amber and me didn't have our meet and greet until tomorrow so we were mucking around. I got in a bin and Amber ran while pushing me around and we had a great laugh being stopped for pictures and to sign a few things. I loved my fans so so much!


Everyone loved my singing voice which surprised me I really want to sing a duet with Joe now though. I loved his voice, I saw him climb into a bin so I wheeled him round stopping for the odd photo and to sign something for people. We were like two big kids despite having our own child. I missed me and Joe just mucking around together before we had Lily. But we had responsibilities now and we just had to live with that. I did love her though but I missed going on nights out with friends and all the stuff I used to do with Joe. I told Joe that I was going to get some air and he didn't seem that concerned. I went outside quickly and rushed away from the crowds of fans. 

I got in my car and drove away for a little, I couldn't handle the crowds right now. I got to a side street and parked up, I wasn't crying but I felt sad and I didn't know why. I guess it was just the depression still, I noticed a group of lads following me so I started to walk quicker but they began running to me and I started to get scared. I was running but hit a dead end, 'there's no where to run my sweet' I started to cry. 

They came closer to me and one was pulling my head back with my hair while another started to pull down my bottom half, I felt disgusting. A third one started to try and kiss me but I didn't kiss back obviously and that's when he got angry, he pulled out a knife and put it towards my throat, 'either you kiss back or I kill you! Your choice sweetheart' I thought about letting him kill me but I couldn't leave Lily and Joe so I kissed him back.

 Within about 20 minutes it was all over and they chucked me on the ground. I looked a mess so I ran to my car and drove back to the hotel, I rushed to our room but Joe was there with Zoe looking very worried. He stood up and ran over to me, 'what is it? What's happened?' Joe shouted at me. I noticed my ripped clothes and began sobbing, 'it's nothing alright? Just leave it' I said crying. Of course he wasn't going to leave it just like that, 'tell me now!' He shouted.

'I said just leave it!' I shouted back, I didn't want to hurt him but I couldn't help but snap I felt so upset. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I heard the hotel door slam.


I could tell that something was troubling Amber and I could see that she didn't want to talk about it but Joe kept on pushing her until she snapped and ran to the bathroom. I saw that Joe felt upset but before I could talk to him he stormed off. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door, 'hello Amber' I said quietly, 'I know that you don't want to talk about it but please come out so I can hug you and maybe then you can tell me?' I waited a while before I heard the lock click, I walked over to her and hugged her, 'talk to me' I whispered.

'I-I don't know h-how to' she cried. I felt so sorry for her.

'Just take your time'

'W-well I-I...went to get fresh air but I got crowded by fans so I went for a drive. I pulled up in a side street an-and got out I-I saw these b-boys following me...t-they cornered me and' she stopped talking and cried.'And what?' I asked.

'They-they r-r-raped me' she cried, I couldn't say anything I was in shock. 'Please don't tell Joe' I had to let her tell him when she was ready, 'okay, but please tell him yourself' I replied and we spent and hour or two hugging until Joe walked in, 'I'm sorry Amber' he said and his eyes were all bloodshot and you could tell he had been crying. 'I was a dick and I understand if you're mad at me but I'm always here for you baby, I love you' he started to cry again, I had never really seen Joe crying like this before so he really did feel bad. I decided to leave so that they could talk.

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