Cute Family Day out

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I woke up and saw that Amber had left a note on the bed:

Morning baby,

Get dressed into something comfy and meet me outside, be quick love you darling.

Love from,

Amber xxxxxx

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, had a quick shower, got dressed into my white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with my black nike blazers on my feet and then I went to the bathroom and styled my hair. After about 10-15 minutes I was ready to meet Amber outside. I didn't know why but I guess I was about to find out. 

I walked out of the apartment and locked the door behind me, I saw Amber in her car and walked over to get in. 'Where are we going?'

'Its a surprise, buckle up baby' she replied, I loved this side of her. Lily was wearing a Winnie the Pooh play suit and looked absolutely adorable. 'Before we go to the surprise location I just need to nip and get Lily a pram I left it at Zoe's.' We stopped at Mamas & Papas and brought a really cute white Winnie the Pooh pram which matched Lily's outfit. We put it in the boot and started driving again, after sitting in the car for three quarters of an hour we arrived at a park. I went into the boot and got out the pram and set it up while Amber went to grab Lily. She placed her in the pram and started pushing the pram. 'Why this park?' I asked 'why this one when there is so many different ones?'. 

'I used to go here with... with my mum...before she died...' She replied a little bit shaky.

'I'm sorry for bringing it up' I said feeling guilty. 'I used to go here when I was younger too, in fact I had my first kiss here when I was a teenager-'

'So did I, how strange' she cut me off. 'Right on the bridge over there-'

'As the sun set in the background' I finished her sentence.

'OMG! It was you! I had my first kiss with you? I can't believe it' she laughed.

'You're Ambs?' I asked still in shock

'Yea, It was a nickname, short for Amber.' I couldn't believe it and I don't think that she could either. 'I know, lets recreate that moment.' We walked to the bridge and took a picture as we kissed. 'But there's something missing' She said a little sad.

'Don't worry, I can Photoshop the sunset in' I said and she smiled. We walked around the lake as Lily got a lot of Awws. We took a lot of pictures before we had a picnic under a tree and me and Amber talked about our teenage years. 'You were my first love' I said smiling.

'And you were mine, I hated it when I had to leave and move back to Canada' she said a sad look on her face.

'I did too, I didn't leave my room for weeks.' I said which made her smile a little.

'When I moved back to Bath, I searched for you for weeks but I never found you' she said sadly.

'I didn't know you were back..' I said returning the sadness.

'I guess true love finds a way back because look at where we are now' she said smiling

'Oh I do love you Amber Kerry Smith!'

'I love you most' she replied. After eating food we took a family photo. Our very first family photo and I was so happy with my little family. I wanted to vlog for a little bit so Amber let me borrow hers because she takes hers everywhere just in case she decides to vlog and I had forgotten mine. 'Hello everybody, now today Amber has decided to surprise me and take me to a park that we both used to go to as kids, turns out we were both each other's first kiss but none of us knew until today. Now I know what you're all thinking, show us Lily and here she is everybody. We have just walked around this entire lake and Lily got lots of attention from passers by and we have just had the nicest picnic courtesy of this lady here. Thanks for all of you're support guys you have been absolutely amazing, please don't forget to follow Amber if you aren't already link to her channel will be in the description. Bye!' I waved at the camera and gave it back to Amber. 

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