The Wedding

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Today was the day Amber was getting married to Derek, I was invited so it would be rude not to go I got changed (outfit attached) I did my hair and left, she was getting married in 2 hours time. I didn't really want to go to the wedding, I hated them anyway and because I still loved her I couldn't see her get married to someone else. I wished that she wasn't. At least I got to see Lily again I did miss her. The minute I remembered them both I felt like a right dick I drove them both away. I walked up the stairs to see Caspar ready as well 'shall we go?' I asked.

'Only if you're ready buddy. Today is going to be tough' he replied and I nodded. We got into my car and headed to the venue it was about 15 minutes away. When we got there Derek was there in a black suit with a teal coloured tie. It must have been his colour choice because Amber wanted red for the colour. I knew because when we were engaged she told me. She had a big smile on her face when she told me. We got our seats in the church, also Derek's choice, we were sat near the middle. Before we knew it the music started to play and Zoe, Tanya and Naomi walked down the aisle, Zoe glanced at me with a look of sympathy on her face. I knew what she meant then everyone stood up and Amber started to walk down the aisle she was looking around as though she was trying to find someone. She looked perfect, the perfect bride.

She walked closer to my row and I started to get butterflies she looked around and her eyes caught mine. She stopped walking for a minute to take it in and then I saw a single tear drop fall down her face. She wiped it away and then carried on walking. I saw a sad look in her eyes the minute she got to Derek. They kissed each other and already this was too much for me I got up and walked out to get some air. About 10 minutes into the ceremony I walked back in. I saw Amber look at me and another tear drop fell it was like she wanted me to do something. I sat back down, Caspar asked if I was okay and I nodded but I couldn't take my eyes off her she looked like she didn't want to be there. 'Does anyone know of any lawful pediment why these two should not be joined in matrimony?' I stood up quickly everyone looked at me and she shook her head saying no. I sat back down again and then the dreaded lines came 'I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss your bride' I stood up and this time I couldn't stop myself..

'STOP!' I yelled, everyone was watching me but I didn't care right now. 'I just want to say something before you kiss, it could change your mind it also might not have an effect. I just want to say that I still love you Amber and I wished on the stars to see you again so that I could tell you how I feel well here it goes. Every time that I dropped Lily off at yours I just wanted to grab you and kiss you. I always rushed the conversations so that I didn't cry in front of you but when we got in the car I sobbed for a while. The day that I dropped Lily off and say Derek there my heart sank and shattered into a thousand pieces, I saw you kiss him on the cheek and it killed me. But I saw that you were happy and that he was so much better than me. I sat outside of your house for an hour or two crying because I missed you and I needed you but I was too late. When I saw you upload video's I watched them and cried. When I got home I saw that Lily had left her teddy at mine and when I picked it up it smelled like you so I walked into my room and cried for hours until I fell asleep. I still love you!' I stood there looking at her.

'Joe, for months I wanted to be able to hold you again and to tell you that I forgave you. When Lily brought back your t-shirt by mistake I picked it up and hugged it because I missed you so much it smelt just like you. I took it to my bedroom and hugged it while crying myself to sleep and I realized that it had mascara all over it because of my tears. That day that you cried outside my house I was on my balcony and I saw you and I wanted to run up to you and hug you but you had left. I watched your videos and they made me cry and miss you so much more. I was told by so many people that you had moved on so I did too. But now I'm with Derek and I love him, we never argue, he is really understanding and he is so loving. I'm sorry...' 

'I understand' I said and I walked out of the building crying, I had lost her for good now and now I humiliated myself in front of everyone there. All of my friends. I had my head in my hands when I felt someone grab me from behind, they pull me close and kissed me passionately. I opened my eyes to see Amber there crying. 'I love you too' she said, I kissed her again it felt so good to kiss those lips after not being able to for months. 'True love finds a way' she whispered. We stood there for hours before I picked her up and placed her in my car. I texted Zoe telling her to bring out Lily and a few moments later Zoe came out with Lily. 'Does this mean the weddings off?' she asked. I nodded 'I will let everyone know.' I put Lily in the car and drove them to my apartment. I picked Lily up first and took her in the apartment then I picked up Amber bridal style and took her in there too. I put her down and she noticed the apartment straight away. 'Our apartment!' she said 'I thought you had moved out'

'I couldn't leave it behind if I didn't have you I wanted our memories. She walked upstairs and found some of her clothes in her wardrobe she got dressed and walked downstairs to me. 'Perfect!' I said. 'How come you didn't chuck out my clothes?' She asked.

'I used to hug them as I slept. I made one big mistake and I thought I would never get you back. I used them to comfort me.' I pulled her close and kissed her again, fireworks went off inside my stomach it was a strange but amazing feeling. I took a picture and uploaded it to twitter @Joe_Sugg: Jamber have been reunited! @AlexSmith.

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