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We were about to start landing and Joe was asleep with his head on my shoulder so I put his seat-belt on and we were starting to land. When we finally landed I woke Joe up and we headed to get our luggage, when we had landed I saw Zoe and ran up to her and gave her a hug as we were now super close. We were really hyper so I gave Joe my camera to vlog us and I lifted Zoe on my back and ran around while Zoe sang I need a hero. Joe was in stitches and couldn't breathe, I put Zoe down and ran over to Joe he lifted me up like the dirty dancing lift and Zoe took a quick picture and uploaded it to twitter @ZozeeBo: At the airport waiting for luggage and this just happened #Jamber @AlexSmith and @Joe_Sugg cuties! 

The luggage finally got here and I really didn't want to get a taxi everywhere because I love to drive so I hired a car and drove some of us to the hotel we all had rooms next to each other which was so cool. When we had settled in I drove to Sainsburys and brought lots of alcohol because we had all decided to have a party later in mine and Joe's hotel room. I vlogged the trip to Sainsburys and when I got to mine and Joe's hotel room Zalfie were there. We were all going to play YouTuber Whispers for Joe's channel and it was hilarious. 'It is now 2pm and we are all going to head to the pool' I said to my camera. 'Joe?' I walked around the corner where Joe jumped out on me doing a cat sort of noise, he was vlogging to. 'OMG! You dick!' I laughed and he was in stitches I was sure that he was about to pee himself. When we got to the pool I vlogged a little bit and then Joe pulled me under a rock decoration in the pool and kissed me tenderly. Little did we know that Zoe was vlogging and caught us on the vlog. Oops. 

We spent the day at the pool and it was so much better than VidCon because of what happened. 'It is now 5pm and we have spent the whole day in the pool and look everyone, Joe has sunburn on his head' I laughed

'Its bloody stupid' Joe joked.

'We are now setting up for the party and Zoe is here too with Alfie'

'Hi!' Zoe said enthusiastically. After about 2 hours were were all ready for the party, Joe was wearing a black t-shirt with blue skinny jeans and his black nike blazers and of course he was wearing his brown belt. He looked stunning. I was wearing a black skater skirt and a rainbow coloured t-shirt tucked in with some black vans. I had put my hair in a ponytail and I applied my usual makeup. 'You look absolutely perfect' Joe said grabbing me by the waist for a kiss. The door knocked and one by one our friends turned up. I grabbed a lager from the mini fridge and Joe had a beer in his hand. The music was playing and we were all having a great time. I got out my camera and vlogged the party, we were all on a hype and it was brilliant. I loved my daughter don't get me wrong but it felt good to let your hair down for a little. I wondered how she was so I messaged Graham on Twitter, it was probably the early hours of the morning for him but he would reply when he saw it. To my surprise he replied really fast and said that she was okay, he sent me a picture of her asleep and it made my heart melt, she was so cute! Joe was very drunk all ready and it was funny to see him dancing. I had seen him on his vlogs before but he never seemed fully drunk when at a party so now I was seeing a new side of him and it made me laugh. He started jokingly getting angry because Tyler didn't kiss him and I said, 'Joe you've just got to Let It Go!' then I put on Let It Go and he pretended to cry into his vlogging camera and vlogged him doing that. It was hilarious, after that had finished I put on The Youtube Boyband and all of the boys were laughing embarrassed. I bet they regret allowing me to DJ. All of the girls took the mick out of the boys and the boys all pretended to cry. After that we were all a little tipsy (apart from Zoe) so I put on a sexy sort of song and all of the girls pretended to lap dance their partners and Louise was asleep on the sofa. Joe loved this part! Zoe decided that we should do a boys vs girls dance off so the next song was Avicii - Wake me up and we all had a dance off. I'm sure we won but the boys wouldn't have it! 

The party was finally dying down at 3am and we all sat up and had a big conversation. Everyone had finally left at 3:30 and I took Joe to bed. 

(The next day)

Playlist didn't start fully until tomorrow so we all decided to go to a waterpark/theme park because it had a bit of everything there. Joe was dreading the rides but said he would go on the water ones with me. What he didn't know yet is that I was dragging him on everything! I vlogged a little before driving a few of us to the place. As soon as we got there fans were running over to us excitedly because Joe had tweeted where we were going. We took selfies and signed a few things then finally got into the park. First up was a massive water-slide where you could go on a double dingy so I dragged Joe with me and he vlogged the ride while screaming a little. I was laughing, 'I will cut the screaming out' he laughed and this had me in stitches. Joe went on everything with me and screamed the entire time which was so funny.

We all went to a lovely restaurant for dinner and Joe vlogged a little, I had a lovely pasta dish while Joe ordered a pizza. When we had finished we all went to our hotel rooms because we had to prepare for tomorrow. Joe ran a bath for himself while I edited my video from yesterday and uploaded it. I thought he was finished so I went in the bathroom but he wasn't finished. 'OMG, I'm sorry' I laughed. He looked at me cheekily and said quietly, 'Join me?' I couldn't refuse his puppy dog eyes. I took off my clothes and got in. We were splashing each other and having a right good old laugh. Finally it was bed time. I fell asleep in Joe's arms as soon as my head touched the pillow. 

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