Waking up

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(A few days later)


Derek had been over and collected Lily from Tanya and Jim's he agreed to look after her for me. He was so great. I walked back in to Joe's room and he moved his arm, Zoe went to get a doctor, when she had gone he opened his eyes. I ran up to him and hugged him, 'Get off me! Who the fuck are you?' he shouted. 'Y-you don't r-remember me?' I began to cry. 

'You're a crazy fan-girl now go before I call someone!' he replied. At that moment Zoe walked in and saw that I was crying, 'What's the matter Amber?' I just ran out crying. This was the worst feeling ever. What if he didn't remember Lily? What was I going to do? I walked back towards his room and overheard him and Zoe talking. 'Lily can wait to see you!' Zoe said happily.

'Whose Lily?' Joe asked

'Erm... Amber's daughter-'

'Whose Amber?' I began crying.

'Lily is you're daughter' Zoe said. Joe seemed so confused.

(A few days later)

Zoe texted me telling me that he still didn't know who I was or worst of all he didn't remember Lily. I decided that I couldn't take it me, Derek and Lily were going to be moving to Canada permanently. We sold the house and put the stuff in the car and drove towards the ferry. 'Before we go can we go to the hospital? I want Lily to say goodbye even if he doesn't remember us' Derek agreed and dropped me off at the hospital. I walked into Joe's room where Zoe was sat there looking at me. 'Look Joe, I know you don't remember me but this is your daughter I thought we should come and say goodbye.'

'Goodbye?' Joe said.

'Yes, we are moving to Canada. It would be easier for us all.'

'Canada?' Zoe cried.

'I'm sorry Zoe can we talk outside, could you look after Lily for a minute Joe?' he nodded. I walked outside the room with Zoe. 'Look I know it's far away but I can't bare it, he doesn't remember us and it's killing me' Zoe didn't say anything. I walked back in the room grabbed Lily and walked out of the room, I turned to look at Joe one last time and tears started falling.' I walked to the car put Lily in and told Derek to go. He held my hand as we drove to the port. Several hours later we pulled up at a port in Canada and Derek drove us to our new house. I still felt sad, I didn't say a word after the hospital visit. I still couldn't believe Joe had forgotten about me and Lily. I would never get to tell him I loved him and now I would never see him again. Thinking about the words 'never see him again' made me break down. Derek helped to move us into the house and we had settled down.

(A few months later)

I logged onto YouTube to see how Zoe was doing and saw 'ThatcherJoe' had uploaded. I watched the video and he looked like normal him, doing a dare video with Caspar laughing in the background. A tear fell from my eye. I hadn't seen him in months and it killed me to watch the video. I logged into twitter which I hadn't done in a while. I saw that I had loads of tweets. One was a picture of me and Joe with the caption: @Joe_Sugg and @AlexSmith what happened to #Jamber?! 

It was my favourite picture of us both I read the comments and one caught my eye @Joe_Sugg: I let her slip between my fingers. I looked at the time that the comment was posted and it was the same time that I saw him crying outside my house I couldn't believe it. I started to cry, I saw another it was the same picture but the caption was slightly different Joe had commented on this picture too @Joe_Sugg: I do miss her I won't lie there. I looked at when that comment was posted, one day ago. That must be wrong, he didn't remember me it couldn't have been him it was probably a troll account. I clicked his name and it took me to his twitter. I rubbed my eyes and couldn't believe it, it was really him! I started to cry and Derek walked in, 'Missing home?' he asked. He then walked over to me and sat on the bed next to me. 'No, I'm fine. How about you go and get us something nice in for tea?' I gave him the money and he went to find a takeaway place. I walked to Lily's room where she was asleep I took a picture of her. I then went into the bathroom and locked myself in, I sent Joe a text saying:

Amber: Hey Joe, not sure if you remember me but this is you're daughter and its her birthday tomorrow. She will be one and I thought you should know.

I waited a little bit hoping for a reply, a few minutes later I got one:

Joe: Hey, give her a birthday kiss from her daddy and of course I remember you Ambs.

Amber: What did you just call me?

Joe: Ambs? Your nickname?

Amber: Look, I don't know how you know so much about me but its obvious that you're not Joe Sugg because he has forgotten about me. Funny prank.

Joe: Amber, it's me look

I looked at the photo and I was him pulling a funny face.

Amber: I can't believe it's you..

Joe: Why did you move away?

Do I tell him? 

Amber: I fancied a change of scenery. I missed my Grandparents too much.

I started to type the real reason but I deleted it and lied instead. I did still hurt from him cheating on me..

Joe: Will you ever come back?

Amber: I'm unsure yet. Maybe I will get married there.

Yes me and Derek were getting married he popped the question in such a romantic way, I walked in and saw petals on the floor, I followed them they led to the bedroom where he was there at the end of the petals down on one knee.

Joe: you're getting married. Congrats.

He didn't seem bothered.

Amber: gtg bye!

I typed I love you but then deleted it. I loved Derek now! I sat down with Derek and we watched a film. 'Baby, I was thinking how about we get married in London, where we met?'

'Of course!' we were getting married in two weeks time and all we needed was a venue and now we had one. I called Zoe and asked her, Tanya and Naomi to be bridesmaids they all said yes. I asked Jim to give me away because he was my closest guy friend. I sent the invitations to everyone, I wrote Joe one and sent it. I didn't think he would come but just in case, he was invited.

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