Bonus Chapter (Twenty-One)

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Author's Note: I went into a bit of a slump while trying to write this chapter. I lacked some inspiration for a few days, but I can happily say that I found my muse and got this wonderful chapter for you. Please comment and let me know what you think, what I could do to make it better; advice is appreciated. ~ Haddie

Three months, though it seemed like they flew by so quickly, it took forever for this day to come. Leyda had several appointments with her doctor planned, all for the baby. I made plans to have those days off so that I could go with her. Lilia and I had several more snack times during this time. Leyda did not have any more heart pains thank the Lord. God was faithful and answered our constant prayers.

Leyda was visiting her mom one morning, a much needed visit. To let her have the day off, I took Lilia with me to spend the day at the park. She was more careful not to go too far, and she stayed away from the edge of the lake.

"Daddy," she said, sitting down next to me to drink water. "Did God tell you if the baby was a boy or girl yet?"

"I think so," I replied, nodding. "And I think you know already, too."

"Yes, I will have a baby brother. Does Mommy know yet?"

"Not yet, but she will next week. She is going to see a doctor that will take pictures of the baby and show them to us."

Lilia looked into space, thinking.

I chuckled, "Lilia," I said, lying down on my back. "Look at the clouds. What do you see?"

"Fuzzy bunnies," she replied, relaxing next to me. "Do you see their fluffy tails?"

"I do . . . I also see a big dragon coming to eat them!"

I grabbed her and began to tickle her, causing her to squeal in laughter. She tried to get up and escape, but I caught her too quickly.

"Where do you think you are going?" I asked, kissing her cheek. "You cannot escape me!"

Lilia laughed, unable to resist my gentle force.

"Daddy," she asked when I released her. "Someone is looking at us."

"Where?" I asked, looking to where she pointed to a figure across the park lawn. "You're right, he is watching us. But you don't need to worry, no one can hurt us."

"I'm not scared," Lilia replied, shaking her head. "It's just weird that he would be watching us. There are other people in the park."

I nodded; I watched the man curiously. There were many people in the park today. I studied him harder, a spark of recognition crossing my mind. I knew who he was. He saw me looking at him and began to walk forward. He was coming towards us at a normal pace.

"Lilia," I said, pushing myself to my feet. "I'm going to talk to him, okay?"

"Okay," she said, nodding and picking up a sandwich from the snack bag. "I will stay right here."

"That's my girl."

I did not walk too far away from the blanket; he would have to come to me.

"Good to see you, Mike," Brandon said, putting out his hand.

"You too," I said, nodding as I shook it.

"Who's your little friend?" he asked, smiling at Lilia.

"My daughter," I replied; Leyda had made me promise that I would not tell Brandon about Lilia, if I were to run into him anywhere.

"She looks older than a baby should . . . Whatever. I heard you and Leyda tied the knot."

"Yeah, it was shortly before Thanksgiving."

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