Chapter33-Should've done it sooner.

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I was focused and ready to do this. It will be better this way. Somebody was banging on the door, but I didn't care a bit. It was too late.

"SHAWN!! STOP!! DONT DO IT!!" The female voice said, getting nearer and nearer. Now how the hell did they break down that door?

"I'm sorry Bey. I love you." I said as the footsteps came closer and closer rapidly. She was running for me.

"NO!!" I was satisfied with hers being the last voice I heard.




I tried everything I could. I kept thinking maybe if I just ran that little bit faster when he had that gun to his head, maybe things would be different.

He thought I was Beyoncé. He heard my voice and was so fucked up that he thought it was her that broke down the door trying to save him. After all he's been through, losing everything, he wanted her to be the last thing on his mind before he died.

Bey wasn't nowhere to be found. I had called her a million times but she hasn't answered. God, This was all her fault. Jay gave up so much for her. Put himself in so much danger to keep her from getting so much as a scratch on her body.

And she just all of a sudden decided she had had enough of it. Enough of him.

I still didn't know where Aaliyah was. She hardly crossed my mind. And how could she? How could I think about anything else.

When I got into the room, he was about to pull the trigger. I could see it in his eyes it was game over for him. He had nothing to live for. The place stunk horrendously of alcohol, and empty bottles were scattered everywhere.

I wasn't even going to think about the cocaine sprinkled all over the coffee table and the rolled up dollar bill next to it.

I shoved his hand out the way before the bullet could shoot into his head. Any other day he would've shaken it off and moved on. But because of the chemicals in body, when the bullet penetrated into his shoulder instead, he couldn't fight it so well.

Shawn was dead.







Or so I thought.

I kneeled by his body, frantically trying to keep him awake, but it was to no avail. His eyes closed and I thought for sure that was it. Too distraught to even check for a pulse, I tucked myself into the corner and wept, until all liquid from my eyes dampened into my jeans.

Until Beyoncé burst through the empty door way.

I thought Watching my brother die in front of me was the worst thing I would ever see. Nothing could be compared to that. But I was wrong.

I watched my sisters heart break.

It happened Right In Front of my eyes. She stood there for a minute with her mouth open, and then her bottom lip began to shake gently. Her eyes lost all colour and ever so slowly her hand rose to cover her agape mouth.

Slowly approaching him with tears falling down her skin, her eyes fixed to his chest, frantically searching for any movement. When she saw none, she dropped to her knees.

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