Chapter25-tear stains.

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No no no. Not again. Not when our relationship is in such a state. I had never in my life, seen a person looking so defeated. Looking at his battered face and weak body made me forget every problem we were currently having. All I could think about is how to save his ass right now.

"Shawn? Shawn, baby cmon-" I rubbed my hands on his cheeks and started to get nervous. I felt tears building a wall in my eyes as shawn sat the helplessly. I quickly blinked them away as shawn opened his eyes again. He looked at me and chuckled.

"I'm not dead's gonna take more than that to kill me.." He brought he hand in front of him and placed them on the floor, setting them firmly there so that he could push himself up. But I knew he wasn't doing it alone.

I helped him to his feet and held up his body weight on my shoulder as I dragged him to my car. I had hospital kit in there that would patch him up temporarily.

I sat him up in the passenger seat and put a bandage on all his stab wounds. He had lost so much blood and he looked like he was going to fall out of if any moment. He kept closing his eyes but I could see him trying his best to keep them open. Even at this point he was fighting the pain and pushing through it to keep up his manly front.

I strapped him in and climbed in the drivers seat, before stepping on the gas and driving towards the main road again.

"Shawn? C-can you hear me?" He groaned and nodded. I Rubbed my hand along his thigh as I tried to keep blinking away the liquid in my eyes so I could still use the sense of sight.


"Yeah baby?"

"Are you still my Princess?" He asked in a low whisper, through his bruised and broken jaw. Hearing his weak voice made it so hard for me to respond. I didn't want To admit to admit it, but a part of me suspected these would be my last moments with him.

"I'll always be baby."

"Am...I still your knight in shining armour?" I could see him tearing up from the corner of my eye and I started to breathe heavily, taking my emotions out on the gas pedal. I sped down the road and charged towards my destination. I nodded and held Shawns broken hand.

"You're still my knight in shining armour, babe." He sniffed and sighed. He turned to look at me but I kept my vision on the road. After all of this I don't want a car crash to be the way we die.

"Bey I'm so sorry for putting my hands on you." The louder he spoke, the more pain he was in. A tear slid down his face and he dropped his head. "I ruined you and now I can't take if back. I'm sorry bey.. "

"Shawn this isn't about me, okay? Just stop worrying and breathe in and out. I..I need you to get through this.." He pushed through the pain and brought my hand to his lips.

"I'm sleepy.."

"No no no! Shawn do not fall asleep! Whatever you do, do not fall asleep baby, you can do this! Please, oh my god.." I sobbed violently as I watched his eyes close further and further, but his grip still remained tight and protective, just like where we first started.

Look at where we are now.



I was resting peacefully on the couch of my Philadelphian home, awaiting Beyoncé's arrival when there was loud banging on the door. It started me at first but whoever was at the door seemed desperate. I walked to the door and opened it, to see Beyoncé.

I'm not going to lie, she looked a mess. Her hair was messy and she had blood stains all over her. Not to mention the most important factor. What I could only describe as a dead body, lying in her arms. She was in hysterics, crying and sobbing as she held the man I hated so much.

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