Chapter26-Love Therapy

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I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in. Buried into Shawns chest. Tears smothering my face. Something was different though.

Last night I was pressedt against Shawns chest and I couldn't feel his heart beat. It was there, but not strong enough for me to hear it.

This morning, I could hear it.

I felt it beating on my cheek. His body was a little warmer. Even he was holding me a little. It reassured me. Reminded me that he's still here, just not talking or interacting with me. I sighed and started moving away from him, but I couldn't.

He held me tight and pulled me back in to him.

I gasped and looked up at him, still sleeping. I rubbed his chest and patted it, trying to awaken him, but he wasn't having it. I was so overjoyed that he had reacted to me trying to get away from him. He's responding! He's recovering.

"Shawn?" I whispered.

"Mmm?" He mumbled. I took a deep breath and exhaled in sobs.

"Mama!" I yelled for my mother and she quickly ran into the room.

"What what what?!"

"H-he's awake. He's sleeping but he's awake." I tried to get out of his grip again but he held tight on to me.

"Bey sto... Holdup.." I looked up at him and he for the first time looked down at me. Mama ran off to get him some water while the two of us just stayed staring at eachother. He had his mouth open as if he had something to say, but nothing was coming out. Sort of like me last night.

He slowly moved his hand to my face while the other one rested on my back. I could do nothing but stare at him with teary eyes.

After communicating with our eyes, exchanging I love yous to each other and being in eachothers grasp, he finally smiled and crashed his lips on to mine.

I shed tears through the most amazing kiss we had ever had. I longed for his lips for so long and finally there he was. Holding me just like I had imagined, kissing me just like I wanted, loving me just like I need him to.

He winced in pain through the kiss as he rolled on top of me, never letting his mouth leave mine.

We were panting as our mouths opened for tongue action. The most loving and emotion filled kiss I had ever had came to an end as he smacked his lips away from mine.

I kept my eyes closed, scared that I would open them and it would all have been a dream. A figment of my imagination and the part of my heart longing for Shawn. Until I heard

"Hey.." He pecked me again. "Open your eyes."

I did so reluctantly, and I was immediately met with Shawns loving gaze piercing me. Tears resumed flowing from my eyes as I saw his bottom lip quiver. I held his face and ran my thumb across his cheek.

"I'm here baby. I'm right here." Hearing his voice only made me more emotionally unstable. He kissed all over my face while whispering "I love you" and "I'm sorry" Into my skin.

I pulled him away and kissed him again.

"I love you so much." He whispered resting his forehead on mine. "I love so much Beyoncé."

I smiled and wiped my tear stains. Have you ever been so overwhelmed with love that you can't even verbalise the words "I love you too"?

My mama walked into the room and cleared her throat with a smile. Shawn rolled off of me and sat up to look at her.

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