Chapter24-The Setup

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Beyoncé's speech before she left really knocked some sense into my head. More than anything it made me realise one thing. She really hates me.

Who could blame her? Ever since we got together I have done nothing but fuck her up and let her down. But what can I do now? I will die before I let her go out into the world alone. The police are still on to us, and so are the people at defjam. She is safer with me whether she likes it or not. While I thought about ways to make Beyoncé happy, I pulled up out side a large warehouse, where I would be completing a deal with a big time Italian dealer.

As soon as I walked in, I held a strong grip on my gun for protection in case somebody tried anything. Suddenly the lights turned on, revealing a tall woman with a fake booty, standing by an uncomfortable looking chair.

"Hello Mr Carter." She said in her thick Trinidadian accent.

"Joseline, what in the hell do you want?! I'm meant to be meeting a client soon so you gotta bounce."

"Oh Shawny." She laughed. "There is no client! How else was I suppose to get you here?" She walked up to me and stroked my cheek. I grabbed her hand and pushed it away. I turned around to leave after sucking my teeth, until two big white men stood in my way.

"Joseline, can you tell your friends to move the hell out of the way?" She shook her head. "What do you want from me? I don't have all day, my girl is at home."

Suddenly, I could feel my hand being tied behind a pole and my gun was yanked out of my belt. I rolled my eyes and started undoing the rope. These slow ass niggas obviously don't know how long I have been doing this. Before I could finish, one of the big white men punched me square in the face. Then he did it again. And again. And again, until I could no longer feel my face.

"Alright boys that's enough you can stop now." They walked off and Joseline stepped forward, but this time somebody was following behind her. I paid no attention to Joseline but a lot towards the man behind her. Where had I seen him before? While I thought about it, Joseline stood directly Infront of me. With a knife.

"You know, I gave up a lot for this project. Seducing you, fucking you, then lying to you about your bitch and your kid. I mean I knew you would be mad but, I didn't think you would hit her! How exciting! Adds a little bit of character to the situation."

"You leave her the hell out of this. This is my mess, not hers." It hurt to speak through my broken jaw and see through my black eyes, but I didn't want to give Joseline or that guy the satisfaction of seeing me in pain. "I will ask you again. What do you want?"

"I don't want anything from you baby. My brother however... Well that's a different story."

"Well now that y'all have had your fun imma need you to let me go. Got some business somewhere else in this area that I need to attend to." Joselines brother walked up next to her and sent her to another room, orders she quickly followed.

When she had gone, he walked up to me and stabbed me in the shoulder. The excruciating pain shot up my neck and down my arm, soon covering all of my limbs as I yelled in agony. This type of struggle was not new to me. I have been shot twice, and stabbed too many times to remember.

"Where is your phone?" He asked bluntly.

"I ain't telling you that! The fuck I look I like?" Before I could argue further, the fool right hooked me. He started to search my pockets until he found my phone. He unlocked it and pressed on to the name "BT💍🔫", standing for baby thug, aka Beyoncé.

"I am going to call her, and you are going to tell her you have no interest in seeing her anymore. Tell her you don't want to see her again and not to come through no more." I looked at him as it was calling bey, knowing I had him right where I wanted him. Bey picked up the phone to my surprise and relief. Joselines brother, who's name I still didn't know, held the phone out to me and held the knife that was once in my shoulder, in his other hand.

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