Chapter23-the pop off.

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My alarm went off in the morning with J.Coles song 'Runaway', telling me I had to go out to work. my phone just so happened to be on Beyoncé's side of the bed. I reached over her and slid my finger across the screen, stopping the noise. However the noise was quickly replaced with bey screaming. I looked at her covering her face and breathing heavily.

"Bey it's okay you're safe." Her breathing was still uncomfortable and she looked at me in fear. She lifted her body up and crawled off of the bed as if she was running away, but was too weak to use her legs. I walked over and gently picked her up from the ground. By now bey was crying and had given up trying to get away, she just stood in my arms, begging for me to let her go.

"Please..." She cried. "Please just l-let me go.." Her eyes were still closed as she sobbed. I held her gently around the waist and rubbed her head, trying to comfort her, but nothing was working.

Jada rushed into the room with a baseball bat in her hand. She looked at us and dropped the bat with a sigh. Beys eyes finally opened and she ran over to her. Jade(short for Jada btw) held her as she shushed her. I walked over to them but Jada stopped me by holding out her hand, and she mouthed,

"I think you've done enough." She then helped bey by walking her into her bedroom.

When did I stop being her hero?


Once I was ready and loaded, I walked into Jadas room to see bey laying her lap with her eyes shut. I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at her.

"You really messed her up Shawn." I am so tired of Jadas mouth usually, but she has been so good to me and bey recently and she did have a point. It took everything in me not to break down in front of her. I bit my lip and looked away.

"I-I don't know what to do J."

"I don't know what to say to you." We looked at each other and then at bey, who was still sleep. "Maybe you should take her home."

"What do you mean take her home? Like, Brooklyn, home?"

"Let her spend some with her family away from you. Or better yet, take her on a vacation. I don't Know man, you have to earn her trust back." I looked at bey sleeping peacefully and put my hand on hers. She smiled in her sleep and held my finger.

"What if I can't?"

"then you will have to-"

"Jade?" Bey sat up and looked around. She was still holding on to my finger. She looked in her hand and followed my finger up my arm, until she looked at my face. When she realised she was holding my finger, she awkwardly let go and looked down.

"Well, I have to wake up Aaliyah and take her to school so I'll leave y'all.." Jada kissed bey on the head and left the room. It was only when we were together that it hit me. I have to leave now so bey is going to be alone.

"Bey I'll be one second.." I patted her thigh and walked into Aaliyah's room where Jada was trying to wake up our daughter.

I walked up to Liyah and picked her up, carrying her towards her en suite bathroom. I told Jada to turn the shower on to cold. When she did, I put Liyah's foot under and she immediately woke up.

"AHHH COLD!" She screamed.

"C'mon Babygirl. School time." I put her down an set the shower to the right temperature for her.

"Daddy I dont want to! I'm too tired and 1st grade is hard."

"You wanna know what's harder?" She shook her head "recovering from a whooping. Now get down." I tickled her and she laughed, running away from me and into her bedroom. Jada was about to follow her, but I tapped her on the shoulder.

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