Chapter22-I ruined everything..

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I laid on the floor holding my face as a tear slid down my face. One thing I learned from the last time this happened is not to soften and just take it. I have to act like Im fine, even though, once again, my love has let me down. I'm just happy Aaliyah isn't here to see it. I don't want her to fear her father the way I do.

Shawn stumbled over to me, grabbed me and shoved me hard into the wall and held me by my neck.

"W-Why would you do that?!" He yelled. I could smell the Hennessy on his breath and see the blood shot tint in his eyes. He was drunk.

"D-do what?" I replied struggling.

"You know exactly what Beyoncé! I know I've done some pretty bad shit but why would you turn my daughter against me!" His grip on my neck tightened and I put my arm on his, in an attempt to pry it off my neck. My feet slowly left the floor and my head started getting light.

"You're going to... K-kill me.."

"Why would you do it Beyoncé answer the fucking question!" Tears started falling from my eyes, as I thought about this being the way I die. Love.

"I didn't, Please... Let-let me..explain" he looked at me in my eyes and suddenly his whole demeanour changed. I watched him go from angry and violent, to sympathetic and guilty. I started getting dizzy and soon things where getting dark. In my head I was yelling for shawn to let me go, but I was to weak for anything to come out of my mouth. My feet still dangled from the floor, when my whole body gave way. Everything went black.


My brain woke up in a traumatic state. I could see and hear everything, but I couldn't seem to move my arms or use any of my other sense organs. Was I asleep? Was I dead? Was I in a coma? I looked over to the corner by the door where there was a big dent in the wall.

That's when everything came back.

I remember what shawn did and immediately wanted to burst into tears-but I couldn't. All of a sudden, I heard a voice. Then another. After studying the words and the faint sobs for a while, I recognised it and Shawn and Jada.

"She will be fine Shawn, I promise. Why can't you tell me what happened to her? I can help.." I couldn't move my head to see where they were, until Jada came and stood in front of me. She put her hands in my hands. I immediately tried to squeeze them, but It was to no avail. I don't think she felt it. I tried again and again and again until finally her eyes widened and she looked up.

"See She's not dead, Shawn. She just squeezed my hands" Shawn rushed over and Jada moved out of the way. He grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes.

I wanted to run, so afraid he just wanted to finish what he started. But he looked so destroyed and depressed. Like the fact that he nearly took his "queens" life actually effected him.

"Baby can you hear me?" I slowly nodded my head, I thought I was just imagining it, but he seemed to react, so I guess I actually was carrying out these actions.

It was a long shot, but I felt like I was going to die. I didn't want to die leaving shawn wondering what my last words would have been.

"Sh-shaawnn" I whimpered as another tear slid down both his and Jadas face.

"I'm here babe, I'm here." I squeezed his hand tighter and used every bit of energy and strength in me to open my eyes.

"I- never talked bad... About you.. To your.. Your... To Aaliyah."

"Don't worry about that right now baby, I'm not worried about that. I need to sit up for me, can you do that?" I didn't want to do anything to make Shawn happy. I don't want him to think I forgive him. Never the less I tried sitting up, but was too weak to do so. Instead shawn carefully picked me up and sat me up on the couch.

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