Chapter 14

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(( The added picture is of Scar))

The third day of the fourth month

Strange chakra waves were coming from sector 4B-18. Anbu 16 and 2 went to investigate.

They have not returned.


The 24 day of the 8th month

Three bodies were discovered in sector 4B-18. After DNA testing two of the bodies were determined to be Anbu 16 and 2. The third was the body of a small boy. His skin was still warm and our medics were able to revive him.

The boy has no memory at all. His hair is white with gray eyes. He wore dirty white pants. There is a scar down his back shaped exactly like an X.


The 10th day of the 9th month

The boy has taken the name Scar. His DNA was not found in any of the ninja villages. There have been more chakra waves and a large amount of venomous snakes were found in sector 4B-18. Anbu 1 and 3 were sent to farther investigate.

They have not returned.


As he rubbed at his eyes Ryo shut the sector 4B-18 records and turned in his chair facing the huge window that looked out over the busy main road of his village. Trying to calm his spinning mind his eyes tailed over the body's moving to and fro, taking care to go over each familiar face's name.

He saw the city librarian walking down the street a huge stack of books in her hands.

He saw Woura walking briskly down the street. As he neared the librarian he went to raise his hand in greeting but she just kept walking and he slumped his shoulder and glared at the man behind the fruit cart who had witnessed everything and was laughing.

His eyes were then drawn to the bright white hair of 512 as she walked beside Riku who was carrying a pair of apples. Ryo chuckled lightly watching Riku try to explain something while eating one of the apples, 512 was slowly eating her own apple which lead Ryo to deduce that the third apple was suppose to be for Hazu who walked a considerable distance in front of the other two.

"Aki-chan?" Ryo said brightly as he pushed the buzzer, his cheery tone concealing the dark thoughts concerning the folder. Her serious reply was almost instant.

"Yes Ryo-sama?"

"Is my meeting with 512 today?"

"Yes also the allies from the Hidden Leaf are coming in today."

"I see. Thank you!" He let go of the buzzer and folded his hands frowning watching 512 again and the group entered the building. His gaze fell over the records and he thought of Scar. The similarities of their hair was uncanny but the third girl, Kayla, had darker hair. None of them had any matching eyes, though Kayla's facial structure was similar to Scar's, 512 had more of a narrow face with sharper cheekbones. Kayla and Scar's faces were more rounded, though not to say the apparent lack of food hadn't given Kayla a sharp jawline as well. How were they all connected?

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