Sam's point of veiw: iLeave for L.A (part 2)

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Well I'm clean now. That girl Cat still seems very familiar to me. I don't know where from though.
But now I have some where to stay. Cat invited me to live with her. As long as I pay half of the rent. It's only because her aunt Nona moved to Elderly Acres old peoples home.
It took us a while but me and Cat decorated Cat's old room, and now half of it is mine and the other part is hers. And our parts are both decorated differently. But I love it. I have to admit pink and black go really well.

Cat goes to Hollywood Arts, a performing arts school.
OMG. Cat. Carly's ex boyfriends other girl friends best friend.
Okay I mean. When Carly was dating what's his face, he was cheating on her with Tori Vega. And Cat is Tori's friend. Now I know where she's from.

Anyway. I've still gotta find my dad. Don't forget about that Sam. It's important.
I walk over to my bag and I get out a yellow folder. My dads hospital records. I open up the folder and grab the pages. They say:
Name: S.Pucket
Age: 45
Condition: Mild P.A.S
Medication: Type 2 insulin, 3 hydration shots
Place of work: Hollywood Arts. L.A

Oh my god. My dad works at Cats school. I have to go there.

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